
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Asi soy...

The race of life continues even after the mission. And it even picks up speed. This is my first post back from the mission and the first one that I have made in over two years. The transition back to real life has been one that has left a lasting effect on me. I have tried to deny it but the transition has been incredibly hard. I have felt and continue to feel like an alien, like I don't belong in my own world. I find myself longing to go back to Costa Rica and to be doing the things I once did. It's an uncomfortable feeling to feel like a foreigner in your own country, state, house and hometown. The night that I was released from my full time service as a missionary was one that I will never forget. I was merely asked to speak on my mission and I was in tears. My mission really became sacred to me, something that I kept so close to my heart. I made those 2 years the most important and most special, I made them everything. To see the close of that chapter has been the hardest thing I have ever had to experience thus far. I literally felt that mantle being lifted from my shoulders. I felt the burden just a little bit lighter, and I have felt useless ever since. The time spent in missionary service is the ONLY time a person gets to devote him or herself to full 100% service on the Lord's behalf. It's the greatest time ever spent, its the most amazing investment ever made. Even though I can't take it back, it is something I long for each and every day...I know that service in the Lord's vineyard is still possible, but it never will be the same as it was while I carried his name next to my heart. As for here, everything has changed. The world is more high tech and fancy now. People are becoming more and more desensitized when it comes to sacred and special things. The world is telling everyone that it is okay to be this way, it is all right to have those habits and it is just normal to be that way. I heard once someone say "don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way to get into heaven"...does that mean I dont have to have a specific GPA to get into Harvard? I don't have to have the right credentials to get my dream career? I don't think so. The Lord has set his standards. Period. No one can change that, no habit can break that, and no inborn tendency can change the fact that he is the creator of this game of life. He has set the rules and it is up to us to follow them or not receive the blessings that come to the finishers of this race. If we finish with dignity, the reward is unfathomable. I'm in between equality and being fair. It is only fair that the true followers of the rules to the race really win. But does God really choose between which of His children he loves the most? Absolutely not, one of the very few things I do know is that God is very aware of all our circumstances and aware of each of us as his beloved children, He doesn't love anyone more than the other, he loves the gay, the straight, the bi, the black, the asian, and the white all in the most exclusively divine way. But he has raised the bar, and HE expects us to reach it. I may offend many with my own opinion but that doesn't stop me from sharing it. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth..." (Romans 1:16) I am not ashamed to be a mormon, and I will shout it from whatever rooftop to get my point made. I won't shove my opinion down your throat, as long as you don't shove yours down mine...I am proud to be a mormon as well as a BYU Cougar...these past few weeks I've seen and heard some stuff that make my jaw drop. Some true aggie colors have come out upon finding out that I have chosen to go to BYU, wow...really? Haha, it's a school, its a place of higher secondary education where I have chosen to study, are we really gonna pull out the pitchforks and run me out of town? Haha...I am completely sure that God loves the aggie as much as he loves the cougar. I don't understand the relevance that all this has in the lives of those reading, but eyy...asi soy. Adios.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My dear family, This will be the last letter that I write to you before I see you in person. Many months ago Hermana Barquero in San Fransisco asked me to put my mission into one word and I couldnt find just one to describe it, I woke up in the middle of the night the other day and couldnt sleep. I began to think about what my mission has meant for me and one word came to my mind. Grateful. I am so deeply grateful for this experience, first off to my Heavenly Father, I am grateful he has tried and tested me during these 2 years and he has allowed me to change. I am grateful for the man that I have become and look forward to more changes that he will make in me. I am grateful to my wonderful family and friends, for sacrificing two years to let me have this amazing experience. I thank you more than anything mom because we all know for you and I it was especially difficult, but I am thankful for the opportunity to have had this experience, I am especially grateful to a certain Sister missionary, who was a missionary long before she put the tag on and saved my life. I am not trying to make a grammy speech or anything, but I guess all I can say is that I am so thankful to every single person I have met, for every single experience that I have had, for every single Bishop, Stake President, companion, and mission President who have made this experience possible. It was a WONDERFUL week here in Guanacaste and Elder Jones and I really saw the fruits of our labors and I couldnt be more pleased. I couldnt think of a better way to end my full time service as a missionary. I am so thankful. This week Lauriano was baptized along with Antonio, I was able to baptize Antonio and Elder Jones baptized Lauriano, the future Elder Picado. I have prayed long and hard for these 2 years to baptized someone who would be a future missionary, and it was my last baptism in the field, Lauriano has made goals to serve as a full time missionary, and I couldnt be prouder. He received the Priesthood and was able to confer it to Antonio. The Lord works in mysterious ways but he always listens and he always answers prayers. It has been the most amazing week and I couldnt feel more pleased about finishing my mission. I had my final interview with President Wilkinson and will be sad to say goodbye to that amazing man, but I know that Costa Rica is in for a TON of blessings ahead under his service as President. I was able to see many miracles this week and to feel the surety that I am a Child of God, I am loved and blessed in all that I do as I am faithful. I KNOW that this church is true! IT HAS TO BE! There is no denying it now and there is no turning back. God lives. Jesus Christ lives and this is his church. I am so grateful for all of you and I cannot wait to see you. I pray that all will be all right until then. Right now we are going to San Jose, tomorrow we have changes, wednesday we are going to the temple and thursday we board our plane. I will see you soon, until then, remember I love you! Thank you! Elder Falor

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

final countdown...

Hello family, It has been a great week this week in Guanacaste. It was a bit of a scare when I got sick and was in bed for 3 days, but the work of the Lord doesnt quit. I got bit by a bug that I thought caused my fever on Thursday night, but it ended up turning into a really bad cold. I can feel my body getting older because now a flu or a cold just knocks me out. But dont worry, that didnt stop me. The people in the street just have to get used to my snotty voice for the next week haha. But I am doing good now and was able to participate in our zone activity. We all got together and played basketball, football and soccer in the chapel, it was quite the experience, it was a lot of fun though. Between all of us we spent $60 on pizza and drinks but it was a nice experience, and they did it in celebration of the ones of us who are finishing the mission real soon. Unfortunately this week Lauriano wasnt able to be baptized, he had his interview on Monday but then smoked that very night, so we postponed the baptism to give him more of an opportunity to repent and be fully prepared for baptism. We will re do the interview tomorrow and prepare him and Antonio for the 19. Today we are going over to finalize everything with Antonio to get it all settled and ready. They both came to church on Sunday and participated a lot in our class of Gospel Principles. I love teaching that class and love helping people understand the gospel, especially when the investigators are anxiously engaged in learning about the gospel. Other than that it was a pretty normal week. I have really enjoyed my time here in San Roque and really enjoyed being a trainer for the last time. I hope I leave a lasting mark on Elder Jones so that he can keep going forward and doing amazing work in the mission. I am so thankful for you all and for your support. I will write you on monday because changes are not until Tuesday. Sorry my letter is so short. I love you all and I cant wait to see you again! Elder Falor

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1. Elder Jones and I at Playas del Coco (Coco Beach)
3. Elder Kemp and I in Tamarindo fighting like horses...
2. You were all with me on my birthday :)


Hello my amazing family, It was great to hear about your weeks, I hope you all enjoyed conference as I sure did. We brought Lauriano to 3 sessions of conference and he loved it. He left the chapel everytime with a big smile on his face, and he said "That Monson man has got a great spirit", He has committed to being baptized on the 12 of October. He always reminds us of it and he is so excited to take this step. At first he was afraid because of what his family was going to say to him because he was baptized as a child. It took some explaining to do, but the idea of receiving a full remission of his sins made an impact on him. He has made the decision to give up smoking and to give up everything else that is holding him back. We are also working on getting another investigator baptized on Friday, his name is Antonio, but we have to go and see him tonight to see his final decision. I loved conference, as always. What a blessing it is to be guided today by a living Prophet. President Monson is an excellent example of the Savior and the Savior´s church. I love his stories of how he goes out in search of the one. Even though the church has more than 14 million members, the church, the prophet, God and Jesus Christ are concerned for the one. Everyone of us matters, every single one. I love the church and feel such pride in being a member. I know I am not perfect, nor near that, but I know that the church was made and restored to be a way for us to be perfect little by little. I know that in our journey to be perfect, if we put into action the perfect atonement, we can be made perfect. I loved all the talks and especially the talk by Jeffrey R. Holland about Jesus´ question to Peter of if he loved him. I have often testified to my investigators and to the members that I feel God will make us the same question. He will ask us if we really do love him and then he will ask to see our works. What have we done with this precious time that he has given us here on earth. I was also really excited for the change on the age limits to be a missionary. I know and have seen Satans attack on the youth of the church. I believe it is because he knows that if he can destroy the youth he knows they will be the future of the church. But the truth will always stand and God will always come out victorious. Satans attack on youth has been growing so much stronger in the past 2 years as I have seen the youth here in Costa Rica and heard about the fall of many of them in the states. I know that this idea to change the mission age is inspired by God to help the youth become more converted to the Lord at an earlier age to be ready to fight when satan attacks. I hope that all young men and women will heed the prophet´s call to be a missionary and to serve God with all their heart might mind and strength. I dont know how I could ever live a normal life without experiencing my mission. I just hope the youth take full advantage of this opportunity to serve the Lord, there is only one opportunity to do it like this in this way in this time and we must take advantage. I am so happy for the time I have had on the mission to become a better person. I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me to change. I am thankful for every afflicion and heartache that I have had to feel, not because they are easy but because they have taught me to Love. I can honestly say that I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I love my mission and I love His church. I have made my decision and I refuse to ever turn my back on the Lord, especially after having been on the receiving end of so many of God´s most amazing blessings. There is no turning back now. I love you all so very much and know that there is such little time until I will see you again, I cant wait for that day, until then, stay strong and remember I love you. Elder Falor

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hello my amazing family, It was great to hear about your weeks and I am happy to know all is well. All is well here in Liberia (San Roque) starting off October. I cant believe in this month 2 years ago I saw all your beautiful faces and that soon we will be reunited. Dont worry, I am not trunky and I am still working hard. It was a rough week but it was amazing just like all the others. The biggest lesson I learned this week was that sometimes the fact that people have their agency is FRUSTRATING! Sometimes you want to shake the people and just make them believe. Obviously that is not part of God´s plan. Our agency is so important, its important that we have it, but more important that we USE it and use it to follow the savior. The scriptures teach us that there really only is 2 roads, only 2 ways that are offered to us in this mortal life. We can CHOOSE to follow Jesus or Satan. If we dont follow Satan we automatically follow Jesus, if we follow Satan we automatically reject Jesus. We cannot serve two masters. I feel like in the mission we share with the people during hte week and we have super powerful moments where we are filled with the spirit, and sunday is game time. This sunday we had amazing plans, like all of the sundays, to have investigators in church. On saturday EVERYONE of them gave us the yes answer and they were all waiting for us to go get them and go with them. Sunday morning comes around and they all called me and told me they werent going to go. I got so frustrated, because mainly I knew that they were missing the greatest thing of their lives. I am not here in the mission to prove that I am right or to fight about the truth of the Gospel. I am here to fight for what I believe in and for sharing it with the people I meet. I have found the best of the best in the gospel and its the thing that has made me better, its what I want and what the Lord wants for the rest of his children. Sadly, many of them use their agency to not follow Jesus Christ and prefer to stay on their own path. It is hard, and its taken me 23 and a half months to try and get over it. I still havent. Its just because I know that they are missing the GREATEST thing that can happen to them. Its the only way out and the only way up! But the hardest lesson I have had to learn and continue learning is that at the end of the day, everyone has their agency, and as missionaries it is our job to teach them to use their agency to choose the best. Thanks for your birthday wishes this week. I had a great birthday. It was a strange feeling, I felt it was my day, I woke up feeling like YES my day. But something came over me that told me this was just a regular day, I was serving the Lord and even though it was a great day, it was His day. I felt good knowing that I Used my special day in the service of the Lord. I felt that he had blessed me to get through and to have a great day even though it was hard. Even though my umbrella broke and I had to walk under the rain on my birthday, I felt so SO unbelievably happy knowing that I was doing this on the Lords errand. Like Hermana Wilkinson always says and when we are on the Lord´s errand, we are never alone. I know I am not alone. 3000 miles away from my only comfort zone, my only source of support and comfort, I know that the Lord is watching and protecting me. I know he is aware of me and my circumstances, I know that He KNOWS me, He doesnt merely know who I am but he Knows me on a personal basis. He knows where I have been he has walked with me and seen what I have seen. I love Him and I am happy to serve him. I love all of you and I am so thankful for all your support! Thanks for your birthday wishes and I wish you all the best this week. Elder Falor

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

23 months!

Print all In new window FW: 23 months! Inbox x cyndi falor Sep 24 (2 days ago) to Amy, Courtney, Riley, Lisa, tonia, me Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:45:41 -0600 Subject: 23 months! From: kolby.falor@myldsmail.net To: cyndif@eprivacylink.com; cynlyn59@hotmail.com; chipdude@hotmail.com; cs5long@q.com; mscheny@hotmail.com; tcm856@hotmail.com; eightallens@hotmail.com; maddison.allen@myldsmail.net; smdurrant@cachemeadow.com; buggsy28@comcast.net; kgttns@gmail.com; korygittins@gmail.com; gaussjcr@hotmail.com; pierceallen21@gmail.com Hello Family, This week was a really great week! We have had many little successes that make the work go by a little smoother. We have been preparing Derling and Dora for baptism on the 29 and they agreed, I talked to the Lawyer and planned the wedding for Saturday at 4 pm. Up until yesterday in the morning, everything was "pura vida" but then I got a call from Derling and he told me that Dora´s father didnt want her to get baptized. And because she is 17 years old he had to sign the paper for her. My companion and I were disappointed to say the least, but we knew that it was just satan. He finds any way to attack missionaries, members, investigators and any other person out there. He plays dirty and takes no mercy...but we were determined to not let him win. We found a great investigator this week, his name is Lauriano. He has 24 years and is a great guy. 7 years ago he got in a motorcycle accident that was going to leave him crippled, mentally handicapped, and breathing through a tube. But somehow some way he turned out just fine, he lives a (fairly) normal life this day and has made the decision to change his life. He saw us and said he could recognize something different and that something was something he wanted. We shared with him the restoration and invited him to read the book of Mormon. He agreed to do all of that. On Saturday the Elders in my district in Liberia were going to have a baptism. We invited him to the baptism, he said yes and we placed a return appointment to pass by at 5:15 to go with him. While we left our cita at 4:50 to go and get him, we got caught up in a hurracane like storm. It was absolutely incredible, we were walking in almost knee deep water in the streets. We arrived, soaked at Lauriano´s house, to find him brushing his teeth waiting to go. The Costa Ricans when they normally see rain they head into their houses and hibernate, they dont leave and they dont like to leave either. But he was ready and willing to go with us. Just to be safe we waited out the storm and it stopped. We left, got about 30 meters from the house and it began to pour again. We didnt want to turn back because we saw the faith that Lauriano had in his eyes. He didnt even know where he was going or what he was going to see, he just knew it felt right. I admire him walking with us through the rain, something, that for us was an everyday spectacle, just to see a baptism. The baptism went GREAT, it was a family from our area, but for different circumstances had to get baptized in the other branch. The son, Sebastian, was able to baptize his mom and little sister. As they bore their testimonies, you could feel the spirit in the room. We asked Lauriano how he felt, he didnt even answer and he asked us if he could come to church tomorrow. We said yes and put the time with him to pass by. He went to church and left the building smiling the entire day. We had a really great time with him in the church. The 2nd counselor called me at 11 am on sunday and asked me to give a talk on what recent converts need to stay active in the church. (our church starts at 1 pm now) I was nervous just before but said a prayer and asked the Lord to put in my mouth the words he wanted said. I had no idea what I was going to say beforehand, but my talk came out great. I have developed such a love for talking and sharing the gospel, who would have thought that right? But it was a great day yesterday. They are going to assign Luis as a temporary Ward Mission Leader until he gets the Melquisedec Priesthood. We were excited. They gave Sylvia a calling and a responsibility to be in charge of all the food activities in the chapel, she was excited and ready to work hard. Missionary work is alive in Liberia! And all is well! I hope you all know how much I love you! I hope you all enjoy my travel itinerary and that it doesnt make you all "trunky" either! Have ag reat week! Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Earthquakes, miracles, baptism, changes, and 3 apostles...

Hello my dear family, This has to have been the most action filled week of my life. I am sorry I wont be writing back to all of you personally just because I want to write you all and fill you in on what has happened this week. The most famous news that seems to pop out in my letters is the earthquake. Dont worry, everything is fine. Costa Rica is an INCREDIBLY blessed country and luckily, even with the bad construction, everything is anti-seismic (I dont know if that is a word in english), there was very limited damage in the country and only 2 people died but just because of panic and not because of damage. The earthquake was located just outside of Nicoya, Guanacaste. The earthquake shook up the entire country but mostly in Guancaste and Puntarenas. I get chills when I think about it, because I realized how in control God was. This week we had planned the welcoming of Elder Duncan to take a mission tour. President Wilkinson wanted to do it split throughout the mission so that it could be more personal. He couldnt decide what day to have what zones, but the Lord inspired him to have both Zona Guanacaste and Zona Puntarenas together in San Jose the day of the Earthquake. I will have to say it was a funny experience. We were in a leadership meeting with Elder Duncan when we felt the ground shake and the earth sounded like it was groaning. It was an eerie experience. You would think that missionaries were a bit wiser and that in time of natural disaster we would have left the building in which we were in to find safer ground. No. All of us went completely silent and we heard the church make the titanic sinking noises and I heard the glass from the baptismal font behind me make weird noises. We all sat there moving around in our seats like we were on a rollercoaster or amusement park ride, when finally I said "I think we should do something" just as we got out of our seats the earthquake stopped. Even though we were more than 200 kilometers from the epicenter, we felt it strong, it was a weird feeling, but cool to experience. They informed us that it was in Guanacaste and I felt so comforted. I knew the Lord protects his missionaries, 1, because he loves us, but 2, because his work must go forth, and we are the vessels that carry this work along. I felt blessed knowing that the Lord loved me enough to plan this special day for us. The conference went on as planned, we were a bit frantic thinking about Nicoya and Liberia and the entire zone especially because the phone company immediately cut off signal in and out of Guanacaste, I tried calling the cook, the BP and all the members I could think of but nothing went through. In Nicoya and Santa Cruz the chapels were damaged a bit, but nothing serious, in Liberia just the wall of a school fell down and luckily no one was inside. We lost a lot of time this week to be in our area because for 3 days we stayed in San Jose, the day after the earthquake I went with my companion to the US Embassy (In Pavas) and ran into a member that I had formed a real strong relationship with, I hung my head out of the bus and yelled "JUANCA!" (short for Juan Carlos) and he smiled and screamed at me "KOLBY!" It was a funny experience how he had gotten to know my name, but thats a story for another day. Anyway, we headed back to Liberia on Thursday night and met with the members and everyone and they said that the earthquake was felt extremely strong but that luckily everyone was okay. Since then, there has been over 560 replicas (or baby earthquakes) shaking up Guanacaste, 4 of which I have felt since Wednesday. But no worries. We are safe and happy and healthy and all is well. The Lord is in control and that is the most comforting thing we can know. The earthquake was a great experience for me. I remember seeing the chapel walls shaking and thinking "we are on the bottom floor, if this chapel falls, thats it, I´m a goner..." I never doubted that the Lord would protect us but the thought came into my mind as what if....I felt unbelievably small. I felt smaller than anything else in the world. I recognized my amazingly great dependence on the Lord and his protection. I gave everything to him in those 45 seconds during the earthquake. I literally put it all in his hands, but deep down trusted that everything would be all right. It put things into perspective just how small we are, just how fragile life is, and just how easily it can be taken away from us. It put the gospel into perspective, because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way that families can be prepared for the day when the Lord calls them from their earthly home into his presence. Its the only way out, its the only way up...I can guarantee that, I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I felt the weird need to be like Samuel the Lamanite and get on the chapel roof and call the people to repentance, but I didnt :) I just felt the strongest desire to let everyone know what we have and why it is SO important for them... Despite the events of the week, the earthquake didnt shake Luis´ faith to be baptized. He was baptized on Saturday the 8th at 7pm. (Which by the way while filling up the font we felt another small quake, they predict that another big one is going to come soon, but we will see what happens) It was so amazing to see Luis change his life. He is 69 years old and goes to show that it is never too late to change. We are never too far gone, we are never too far away for the Atonement to reach us and clean us. I walked into the bathroom after his baptism to find him humming a hymn and he told me "I´m clean. I feel my conscience so clean..." I loved that phrase and repeated it in my head the rest of the night. He had felt the cleansing power of the atonement, and he had felt the power of real repentence in his life. Then on Sunday he received the gift of the Holy Ghost, in which me and my companion took part. He just stood in front of the congregation just smiling and turned to us and said in his weezy voice "Thank you..." It is moments like that that make everything worth it. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. And not even an earthquake can stop the work from going forth. It is URGENT that this message touches every soul upon the earth. So yesterday we made our way back to San Jose for changes meeting. My companion and I didnt have changes but we went because President Wilkinson had told us to all prepare ourselves spiritually for what was happening after the changes. It was a weird experience knowing it was my last time in changes meeting. I will be there one more time but for my own farewell from the mission, the next time I am there, I will be bearing my final testimony as a Representative of Jesus Christ. An overwhelming feeling came over me, of saddness and excitement for what lies ahead. I felt that the Lord had been proud of my work. I felt that I still had so much more to give, and that is why the Lord has given me 6 more weeks to give all I have. So in Changes meeting President announced that not 1, or 2, but 3 apostles were coming on their way in a plane to visit our mission. He talked and said, I dont know why they are coming, I have heard of 1 apostle coming to a country but never 3, this is history. He then told us it wasnt only 3 apostles, but one of which was the 1st counselor in the First Presidency of the Church. After changes meeting we awaited the arrival of President Henry B. Eyring, Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder D. Todd Christofferson. We made our way in 3 giant buses to a chapel in Alajuela and got something to eat and waited patiently for their arrival. What a wonderful experience! I have been so blessed to have been able to see in person so many apostles and general authorities. I have seen 7 of the 15 apostles in my entire mission, and over 20 other general authorities. It was such a blessing, but like President Eyring said "We are not celebrities, we are servants of the Lord" It made me think, to us they are celebrities, but they regard themselves as servants of the Master. Thats what makes them so special, they give us a living breathing example of Righteous men and their willingness to follow the Lord all of their lives. There was a light in the chapel when the 3 of them entered, and even though they didnt share strange and unusual doctrine or anything of the sort, they shared their testimonies of the Book of Mormon, the Restoration and the need for us as members of the church to be happy because of what we have. Their talks and testimonies inspired me to be better and to do better each and every day. What a blessing it is for us to have this gospel. I am happy. Truly truly happy and happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I have the truth, I carry that truth to the people of Costa Rica, and I feel so blessed and so humbled by this great opportunity. It has seriously been a week that I will never forget and remember for the rest of my life. I am so happy for this experience, I am so happy I got to feel God´s power manifest through nature and through his called servants. I am eternally grateful to all who helped me get to where I am. Who have had patience with me and who have given me this amazing opportunity to do what I am doing. I love it. I love you all and I will see you soon. until then, enjoy the pictures of Sylvia´s and Luis´ baptisms.... (as well there is a picture of the 2nd generation of my "mission family", my 2 sons and my grandson, haha, enjoy!) LOVE YOU

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello Family, It was great to hear from all of you! I cant believe its already September, the time is going by so fast, I sound like a broken record, but each week I am astounded that I am here sitting on the computer again writting to you all. Yesterday we were at our dinner appointment (which is very rare by the way) and the Sister asked me when I go home, I told her in October, and she said "OH! You go home next month"...Even though its true, it weirded me out to think that next month I will be home. But until then, there is a lot of work to do here in San Roque. I am doing great here in Guanacaste. This week was a crazy one, but it was one of those where our planning really comes in handy. We have to make sure we plan and have a good activity planned for every hour of the day, and even up to plan b and c so that we are never just walking around doing nothing. Its quite funny, in my companions training process, this week was about making specific plans, and this week, all our plans fell on us, and we had to find things to do to stay busy and to be effective. I felt like it was a test and I felt like we learned that we must always be prepared. Thats what I love about the mission, I always tell my companion that nothing is for sure in the mission, each day is new, and each day brings with it different experiences that can change, even 3 minutes before. This week we saw some great progress with Luis. He accepted a date to be baptized and will be baptized on Saturday at 7. He has a strong testimony and we have been able to see some great progress in him. He is an example of God´s prepared sons and daughters. I have such faith that the Lord is really preparing people to receive the Gospel. One day while Luis was living in Santa Cruz, he had the impression that he needed to come to live in Liberia (San Roque) he didnt know why but he faithfully followed that spiritual prompting. Here in Liberia we found him and shared with him the news of the restored gospel. It was love at first sight. He heard the news of God calling a modern'day prophet and he fell in love with the Gospel. He has made amazing progress and has shown great spiritual conversion. Before finding the church he was a devout Jehovahs Witness. For those of you that dont know, the JW´s are THE hardest to convert. They are some of the strongest religious groups here in CR, not for their numbers but for their INCREDIBLE faith. To find a JW who is willing to listen to the gospel is nearly impossible. But when Christ knocks on the door and we answer, that door opens to amazing new experiences and things to find and unfold in life. I am happy to have known him, he reminds me a lot of Grandpa Long because he never can sit down, he is always working, always finding something to do and something to keep himself busy. I will keep you all informed on his baptism next week. Sylvia is doing great, she has shown great improvement as well. We found a new family Derling (23) and Dora (17) they are a really young couple but have a child together and have decided to listen to the gospel. They came to church on sunday and really liked it. I was so happy to see that the new plan we have made with the Branch Presidency has worked. On suday we had 9 investigatores in church, 1 of which WE personally brought, that means the members are sharing the gospel, and they are bringing people to church. With the help of members, the Lords work continues without limits, amazing things can be done, if members awaken their missionary potential. We have been working side by side with the BP and the new Sr. missionary couple (Elder and Hermana Clark from Lehi) to bring up the results for district Liberia. The idea is to have a stake by March 2013. I know it is possible if things continue the way they are going now. I love it, its a new plan of rescue made by us and the BP it keeps us all busy, and busy in the Lord´s work, which leaves us time to recieve many blessings in other areas of our lives. I have learned a true lesson of the law of consecration. When we give our time and talents to the building of the church, the Lord makes up for that in other areas of our lives, we are blessed and we are able to give all we can to the church, and everything else that requires our attention. The gospel really is amazing. It requires everything we have, but mostly a willing heart. I love to see that as we really make the effort and are willing to serve the Lord will do miracles in our lives and in the lives of those around us. I know this gospel is true. I know it with every fiber of my being. I have no doubts. I will never turn my back on Christ after having these amazing experiences and after seeing Gods hand in this work. I know our story is different, but I know its true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that the authority was restored upon his head, and then conferred from him in an unbroken chain until our day with our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is my sword and shield, it is the most important tool I have in my missionary tool box. I love this work and I love the Lord. I love you all as well! I hope this week is a great one for you! Until next time, Elder Falor

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Real Quick!

Hey fam, Real quick I dont have much time. I am doing excellent here in Costa Rica, I really cant complain because I am in paradise. I love this country that has become my home. I love this work that has taken my whole life with it. I love my Savior, whom I am able to represent every single day, and what a blessing that is. I am so thankful for my companion Elder Jones, he is such a strong missionary, and he has taught me so much. I must have done something right to deserve such a great companion at the end of my mission. This week was WONDERFUL, especially because we saw the baptism of Sylvia, and my companion got to do it (pictures coming soon!!) it was a great experience, and I loved seeing Sylvia bear her testimony on sunday and I saw that she was really converted to the gospel, which is usually what happens after facing a lot of trials, that is when we most feel that the Savior is carrying us on this journey. She has had quite the experience with the atonement, and I hope and pray that that experience will stick with her for life. This morning at 1 we woke up to get on a bus to travel to San Jose to have my companions one month check up. We ate some amazing food and best of all we got to get inspiration from our wonderful President of the mision. He is incredible. Its so amazing to know that people like him still exist in this world, and that he is willing to do so much for us as missionaries. I dont have much time because we have to get on a bus to get back to Guanacaste before it gets too late. But I hope you all know of the gratitude I feel in my hearts towards each and every one of you. I cant express the love I have to all of you who have so lovingly dedicated your time to reading my emails and writing me. I hope you know I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I know this gospel is true. Everything points to it. God´s hand is in this work, and not just because we are teaching "the word" but because this is his work, and him and his son keep it going. I KNOW that as strange as it sounds that Joseph Smith REALLY saw our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I know they spoke to him like a man speaks to his friend, I know that through him the church was restored, just as the prophets and apostles of old have prophesied. What a blessing it is to be a member, and a missionary for this one and only life changing, soul savin´ work. I love you all, have a great week! Elder Falor

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hola de Guanacaste! (Aug. 6, 2012)

Hello family and friends, Another week has passed and here we are again! I can´t believe it but here we are again. This first week in Guanacaste has been quite the adventure. We are lucky to have bikes because the area is REALLY REALLY big. Its hot, haha, its not hotter than Zona Sur, but its a different heat that makes me feel like I am melting. We have been able to meet the members and they have taken us around and really given us a great warm welcome. I am so blessed to be called to this area to finish my mission, because there is a lot of work. There is no time to slow down even though I am on the "final stretch" as President Wilkinson said. There is so much work and so much things to repair. So on Tuesday I received my companion, his name is Elder Jones from Springville Utah. He is a great kid. I say kid because now that I am going to complete 22 years, someone with 19 makes me feel old, haha. He is really nice and has a lot of animo to serve the Lord. We are really excited to work together and I am really excited to help him on these first three months of his mission. I am his first comp and he is my last, haha. But we get along really well, there still is a language barrier because my english is not as good as it used to be. But either way we are always working hard and trying to find things to improve on daily. I have really seen the Lords hand with us here in San Roque. It can be a bit intimidating to be thrown into a new area and you have no idea where you are, left looks like right and down looks like up, but I have seen the Lord open up my mind and my eyes to really help me learn this area. Its a big area, and if I would have been with another missionary who knew the area I would have taken 2 or 3 weeks to really feel comfortable in the area, and the Lord has done that with me in only 2 or 3 days, what a blessing. I have seen many tender mercies from the Lord as well and I feel that is an answer to my prayers and for those of you who are praying for us daily, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a great week this week, we have been able to find some of the families the other elders left us. Some not so good and some are super chosen. If there was something better than gold a family here would be that. There names are Jimmy and Rina. In the first lesson with them they began to bear their testimonies to us. They told us they had no doubt that this church was true and they are so excited to be baptized. There are a few legal issues with them that we still have to work out but their marriage and baptism should be planned for the 24 of August. They are truly and inspiration to all of us here. We have another sister who is excited for her baptism this week on the 11. She has had a rough life and spilled the beans to us the fisrt day we passed by, we felt the impression to invite her to be baptized and she was so happy and she smiled and told us "thats all i want to do, is get baptized." I said it once and I will say it again, its such a blessing to be here in Guanacaste, I can feel that the Lord really has people here prepared to hear the gospel and that gives us the extra push we need to continue doing his work. I love my mission. These past 21 months have changed me into a better man. They have made me a better person and a better disciple of Jesus Christ. I feel so priveleged to represent my Savior, and at times find that the calling seems too great. But the Lord takes my sacrifice and my humble offering and magnifies it. I am so happy to have served this mission thus far in this amazing country that has become my second home. I am so happy to teach the gospel, that which I have no doubt is true. Its more than just the word of God, its the very life-changing doctrine that God has for the eternal salvation of his children. What a wonderful work this is. :) I love you all with all my heart. Until next week! Con amor, Elder Falor

...otra semana...

Hello family and friends, This week was another great week! I am so happy to be here in Guanacaste doing what I am doing. We have been so blessed to see many small miracles come our way this week. One thing that surprised me but at the same time it didnt happened on Tuesday. I am never ceased to be amazed at how much our Heavenly Father hears us, and he is generally concerned for our welfare. He blesses us in even the littlest things to let us know he is there an he is aware. On tuesday night we got stuck at about 8:30 at night with nothing to do. It was raining and everyone had locked themselves in their houses, and because of the tin roofs here in costa rica, the rain makes it almost impossible for anyone to hear if we knock their doors. No one was in the street and we didnt want to go home and waste some of the most important minutes of the day. We were walking down the street and my mind went blank, I had no idea where to go or what to do. My companion said to me, "hey, lets pray and ask Heavenly Father what to do..." Happy with the idea we both went off to the side of the deserted road and he began to offer the prayer. It was the simplest spanish prayer, but it made its way to heaven. When we both said amen, we heard no noises until we opened our eyes and we saw a motorcycle pulling up next to us, a member had saw us and asked us if we needed help. We both looked at each other and couldnt stop smiling. I know that that was a tender mercy from the Lord, I know because the Lord put us on that path at that moment and inspired my companion to say a prayer. I was so happy to meet that member and to visit him. He showed us where some less active members lived and where him and his family lived as well. We put a cita to visit them the following day as well. I felt so overwhelmed and so grateful to have a loving heavenly father who is constantly aware of our situations. I was thankful as well for the gift of the holy ghost and my companions willingness to follow the promptings he received. It reminded me of a saying I heard in Conference: "When God speaks and man obeys, that man will always be right." This week we were able to find 3 new families who were willing to hear our message. Unfortunately none of them were commited to come to church on Sunday, nonetheless we had 6 investigators in church this sunday and are hoping for more next sunday. I love the branch here and the willingness of the members. They are so willing to sacrifice for the Lord and thats what the church needs here in Guanacaste and in Costa Rica, it needs more pioneers. People who are willing to leave all, if it were necessary, for the Lord´s cause. I Love the mission and I love the opportunity I have to be here in this country working with these amazing people. These past 21 months have been absolutely amazing, and I wouldnt trade them for anything in the whole world. I am excited for the 3 months that lie ahead as well. I hope you all know that I know that this is the true church. It is the only living church out there. The only organization that with its ordinances can save the human family. Only through the temple ordinances can the families be sealed for all time and eternity. I am so humbled and so excited to be part of this wonderful, life changing work. I love you all and hope you know how thankful i am for each and everyone of you. By the way, this week (the 15) is mothers day in Costa Rica. I hope all you mothers out there (especially my own mother) all know how important you are to me and to those around you. Have a happy Costa Rican Mothers Day! Love, Elder Falor

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another week...

Hello my wonderful family, Thanks as always for the wonderful letters, it sounds like a lot is going on at home, and the same is going on here in Costa Rica. This week was great, it was spent getting ready for a big BBQ that we had in Neily for the members and it was a big success on Saturday we had so much food and it was a big hit. We then started preparing for changes, I was told that I had changes, so I spent time saying goodbye to all those I loved in the beautiful Zona Sur. It was a bittersweet goodbye, I was happy and sad to leave at the same time. I know and feel that I did my part in the Zona Sur, I feel so close and connected to the people down there, it is one of my favorite places in the country and I sure enjoyed my time there... Today changes meeting was great. I love and know that President Wilkinson is inspired. You can see it in his face and it makes me feel priveledged to be able to be in his presence and take part in the revelation that the Lord sends to him for us. I have been changed and sent to a completely different zone in a completely different area in the northern end of the country. I am sure making my way around this country. Normally with changes one missionary stays behind to show the new elder the ropes, but when the president takes them both out, we call that a white wash. I am entering in a white wash. I am going in blind as we could say. I have no Idea how my area will be or who the members are, but I am not a lone, for the next 24 Elder Prince (Canada) will be showing me the ropes until I go back to San Jose and get my companion tomorrow. My companion is still in the MTC and I do not know who he is yet. My area is called San Roque in Guanacaste, in this Province, that will mark all 7 provinces that I have set foot in. I have sure gotten to love this country and a love for the work here. I am excited for what lies ahead in these next 2 changes, I feel like everything I have learned must be put in practice these next three months. Everything I have learned it is now time to put it in practice and push until the very end. And then put in practice what I learn here in these 3 months for the rest of my life. I am excited for whats a head and ready for any challenge placed before me. This week I realized, I may not have seen many fruits with my time in Neily, and it would be easy for me to feel that my work has been in vain. Many amazing things happened this weekend that proved to me that there is a God, a very aware God. He knows and blesses his children. After having countless sundays without families in church and countless saturdays with an empty baptismal font, we were able to be blessed with a family in church on Sunday. In the first contact at the BBQ they accepted the invitation to be baptized the 12 of August. Even though I wont be here to see it, I know that is a fruit of my labor, I know that the Lord blessed me for my efforts I put in Neily. When President Vela wrote me in my journal he said something that made it easier for me to leave Neily when he said "tu trabajo aquí se valió la pena" (your work was worth it here) I felt at ease leaving Neily knowing that I had made a mark on someones life, and I had helped at least one soul come back to Christ. This week I also have thought alot about a phrase we use as missionaries. "Families can be together forever"...to some that may seem just like a phrase that is used in families or in the church, or something just casual without meaning. But until someone has faced death, or had a loved one pass on, it doesnt become more than just a phrase. I know that families can be together forever. I know that death does not part us. I know that as I testify in the street that families are meant to be together forever. It only makes sense. Being a part of teaching the temple prep class has put such emphasis on the importance of family for me. I am set that "heaven" wouldnt be "heaven" without my family, those I love so dearly. I love you all so much. I cant wait for the day when I will see you again and be able to share this amazing experience with you all. Until then, take care and I will write you next week. Elder Falor

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another week...

Hello Family, Thanks so much for your letters and for your prayers. I really can feel your prayers and I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. This week was great. We were able to meet President Wilkinson and his family. Can I just tell you that I love those people. They are so amazing and have made so many sacrifices to come to this country and serve the Lord. Sister Wilkinson doesnt speak a word of Spanish, but she is so determined and knows that if she puts in the work and does her best the spanish will come. President Wilkinson is an amazing teacher, and has an amazing spirit about him. I was so happy to be able to meet him and so grateful for the experience to have 2 mission presidents. At first I was a bit hesitant but my doubts went away when we got to meet them. They are truly great people with a big desire to serve the Lord. On Thursday I went to Golfito with one of the APs and we visited the only family that could be a possibility for this month, they agreed to a date on the 28th but then decided having wedding rings was more important than repentance and baptism. It has been a tough 3 weeks in Neily, but we are not giving up. A lot of doors have been slammed, people have hid from us, but we know of our purpose as missionaries. Its to share the gospel with all those who will hear. We are here to find those chosen sons and daughters of God. Those who willingly without fight leave their nets to follow the Lord. We have to accept sometimes that the investigators we have are not chosen and we must give them the opportunity to repent if they dont want to take it, we must continue the search for those who will follow. It has been a great week, it has been full of life lessons learned. I learned that a positive attitude is worth everything. Things may be dark and scary in the mission or we may feel down on our "animo" but we must not lose a positive attitude. Thats what gets us up in the morning. Thanks for all your help and support. I love you all very much and I hope you have a great week. I will see you soon. Elder Falor

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Me in the crazy Neily rainstorm
This would be a "Costa Rican rice belly"...thanks to Rice and Beans
Elder Montoya (the first one from Mexico) and I with our shirts. Those shirts say what is Costa Rican "pachuco" or slang that the ticos use
2. This is my mission family. In the mission when someone trains another missionary that is their son. So here is my family. "My Son", Elder Ramirez (Honduras, I trained him), Me, "my dad" Elder Bertrand (Honduras, he trained me), and Elder Roberts, "my brother" (Independence Missouri, my dad trained him)
3. Elder Montoya 2 (Honduras) and I in Panama on the border.


Hello Family and friends, I hope everyone back at home is doing fine. I am doing great on the mission. It never ceases to be an uphill climb and it never stops being hard, but I enjoy every minute of it. This week I completed 2 years of having received my mission call. I remember that day so clearly and I cannot believe that 2 years have snuck up on me. Time is flying by and its going at an incredible rate. This week we have been working hard to find new families to teach and we have had some success. We always find the families but the big test is always on Sunday. There is nothing worse than being in church without investigators, we were planning on every family attending with us on when we verified on Friday we were planning on over 12 people in church. Sunday was approaching and one by one they started falling. We were lucky to have Luis and Maria in church, this was their 8th or 9th time in church, but with family problems in the house they dont want to get married, but have a firm testimony that this is true and that they need to get baptized. My companion and I are focused on finding their question of the soul to help them choose to go forth with faith admidst the many problems they have and will have in the future. Keep them in your prayers! We had 2 great activities that were a success here in Neily, one on thursday the 12 and saturday the 14, we had a tipical foods activity and lots of people brought foods and we the missionaries made some fun activities. On saturday we had an activity for the youth in the district (a district is like a stake but its smaller and belongs to the mission) we had the youth come from Neily, San Vito, Golfito, Rio Claro and Puerto Jimenez, we played volleyball and played soccer. Me and my companion were in charge of the food, after a long hard thought process I thought about "moms sandwiches", the sandwich isnt somethign really popular here but it was a great hit. We made tipical Cyndi Falor sandwiches with potato chips and fresco, it was a hit, I thought it was funny and thought you would like to hear about how I had made the family sandwich. The only thing missing was the chipdip :)...Well I will write more next week. Love you lots... Elder Falor

Otra semana.. July 9,2012

Hello Family, This week was a great one here on the mission. I am loving the Zona Sur and Neily every single day. I dont know why but there is something so special about it here, I am dreading the day that I will have to leave this area and go to another. It was such a great week because we had the opportunity to go out with our Branch President. In all of my mission I have never done visits with a Bishop or Branch President, so that is kind of a miracle. Also because our President, Presidente Vela, has 70 years. He is such an inspiration to us all, he is going through so many problems in his house, yet he takes time out of his day to go out with us. I love the spirit he brings with him because he is one of the few members here that truly understands the missionary work. He has no fear in sharing the gospel. The only thing he knows is that every person needs to hear the gospel. I loved going with him and knocking doors of his friends, or acquantances, he doesnt have fear of getting shut down, he just understands the concept of giving people the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel. Thanks to him we were able to find a bunch of new families and new people who are willing to listen to the gospel. In Neily we are working with 2 really great families, they have both gone to church and we think they have both received a witness that the church is true. They both have the same challenge, they live together and do not want to get married. My companion and I have thought so hard as to what it is that they need and we both felt the impression to read with them "The Family a Proclamation to the World"...I love, love, love that proclamation. We read it with them and made the necessary stops where we felt the need to testify and to help them understand. It is such a powerful document that lets us know what God has in store for us as families. I am so grateful for a family, to be born of goodly parents and to be able to learn and grown together as families and have experience that can only be experienced in family life. If these people only knew what they were missing only by making the decision to get married they would do it in a heartbeat. Its such great news to know that God speaks to Prophets in our days and they are there to guide us and help us "go to the sun" as one of our investigators says, "so we can live with God"... Things are going all right in the Zona Sur, we are a bit worried about how we are going to complete the goal we have put with the Lord, but we know that if we are obedient and willing to sacrifice and consecrate our lives to the Lord he will do all he can to help us bring to pass this his great work. Today we are in Golfito as a district, we are gonna go and sit on the beach and eat lunch, haha thats the only thing we can basically do at the beach even though you all know me I would rather be swimming haha. But I am sorry this letter is so short we dont have much time, remember I love you and miss you lots! Have a great week and I am always praying for you! Elder Falor

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Goodbye President Galvez, Hello President Wilkinson

Hello my wonderful family, Because I wont get to say it on Wednesday HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I hope you all enjoy your day back home and I expect all of those who go to grandma and grandpas house to drink lots of root beer for me! I will be thinking of you all that day and wishing you the best. This week in Neily was great, we had the blessing of having another family in church on sunday! We were fasting and I love the power of fast. I have never fasted in the mission without seeing a miracle. The Lord answers even the tiniest prayers. When we started our fast on Saturday after lunch. I remember feeling the heat so strong as I said the prayer that literally I left a ring of sweat on the floor where I was kneeling. We ended the prayer and I remember feeling the strongest sense of trust. I felt completely and 100 percent sure that Heavenly Father was in control. I knew, that whatever happened as a consequence of my work would be the will of the Lord and I knew I would be capable of accepting that. As a result of our work the Lord blessed us with a family in church. Our plan was 3 but hey, we have to be proud with what we were able to accomplish. It was a great sunday. We are teaching a family named Jonathan and Doris, they are so wonderful they have two kids named Milek and Sharilyne. They have won my heart! We went and had an amazing lesson with them yesterday and Jonathan said to us "you two just keep on convincing me that this is Gods church, I have no doubt." Our only problem with them is that they have yet to decide to be married. Jonathan spent so much of his childhood and youth in the street addicted to drugs that he has a strong addiction to tobacco, we are hoping to help him give up his addictions and be ready to be baptized this month. Keep him in your prayers! This week Costa Rica said goodbye to some of the most amazing people I have ever met. The San Jose Costa Rica mission said goodbye to President Galvez and welcomed in President and Sister Wilkinson on Friday. It will be a change but I know it will be great. I have all the faith and confidence that President Wilkinson will make great strides in the missionary work here in Costa Rica. I will miss President and Sister Galvez but know that if I work hard here in this life I will be able to see them again one day. They changed my life and helped me to become a better person. Sister Galvez sent us a letter this week and this is what she said: "Love the Lord above all other things, He is our King, He is our Redeemer and also our Best Friend, Thanks to him we will be able to see each other again and also one day he will bring us back to remember our Father that one day saw us part with the hope of seeing us again" The gospel is what gives us hope. Its what helps us understand the purpose of life and know and have confidence in a loving Heavenly Father who always has the reigns and will never let us go astray. I love the gospel and I love my mission. I love you all and cant wait to see you again. Have a great week. Con Amor, Elder Falor

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ejerza la fe y provoque milagros...

Hello my dear family and friends, This week was amazing in the mission. I am the 2nd counselor in the Branch Presidency and I am also the teacher for the Temple Preparation Class so I am super busy on Sundays but I love being busy and more than anything I love teaching this gospel. FINALLY we had a family come to church on Sunday and despite a bit of the disorder in church they enjoyed their time and made a commitment to come back next week. They are an amazing family, with amazing challenges in their lives, but they have nothing too big or too strong that the gospel cannot solve. We have had amazing experiences getting them to church. They live in a far away town called Darizara, its about 1/2 hour in bus and we dont have time to get on the earliest bus in the morning on Sunday to go and get them and be back in time to prepare the sacrament and do all our Sunday duties, so we had faith that they would make the bus in time to get to church. Turns out they didnt make the bus, as they all crossed the street to go back home out of no where their neighbor (who they had never talked to before) offered them his car. He said "I dont know where you are going or what you are going to do but I felt the need to let you borrow my car, take it and bring it back in 2 hours"...they were shocked as they got to the chapel and they told me "Elder Falor, God wants us to be here"...God answers prayers in a MAGNIFICENT way, the prayers of that family and my prayers were answered that day, just because one person decided to act upon the promptings of the spirit. Yesterday we came back at about 11:30 pm from a long and hopefuly last 6 hour bus ride from San Jose. But every trip to San Jose is worth it, especially this one. We went to Zone Counsel for the last time with President Galvez. WOW! Seriously, I need everyone to meet this man, he is incredible. He bore STRONG witness of the power of the Book of Mormon, and as he gave testimony of the Savior, I saw the Saviors face. I know that in these past 3 years President Galvez has given his LIFE to this work, he has truly understood the law of consecration and he has followed through 100%,what a blessing it was to know him and to have this last zone counsel with him. We had the opportunity to ask him any question we wanted! That was incredible, he is an amazing man who has done so much for the work here. He taught us about how he wants to see us again in 20 years. He testified that 2 important things in life are obedience and ability. He said that one cannot exist without the other. With only obedience, we would starve to death he said, but with them both, we will receive life´s richest blessings. The subject line in my email (ejerza la fe y provoque milagros) means "exercise the faith and provoke miracles"...that was something that caught my attention that President Galvez said. If we only have faith, we can literally provoke miracles and I have seen these tiny miracles being brought to pass every day of my mission. What a blessing it is to be on the Lord´s service. I am forever and ever humbled by this great experience that has taught me so much. These past 20 months have been a time of trial and learning. Its been falling and rising again. Its been happy and its been sad. But these have been the best 20 months for my life...I know that what I am doing is true. Of that there is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT...I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I love living it and participating in the blessings my Heavenly Father has in store for me. I love you all, hasta pronto, Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Todo valdrà la pena... (June 19, 2012)

Hello Family and friends, From your letters it sounds like quite the week back hom in Utah, I also had quite the week in Costa Rica. It was filled with 2 trips to San Jose, 1 trip to Perez Zeledon, 1 farewell of President and Sister Galvez, 1 General Authority, 1 New companion, and 2 GIANT rainstorms in Neily. Ha it was quite the week here but it was a great one. After I wrote you all last week we had a conference with Elder Maynes of the 70 of the Area Central America, it was a great meeting, it was short but sweet and jam packed with things we need to learn and know as missionaries, I really admire them and their determination to communicate with us in Spanish, I know and relate well with them and know how they feel haha. This week we were hardly in Ciudad Neily, after San Jose we went straight to Perez and stayed the night to do a baptismal interview. I did the interview and I love doing them, the investigators sometimes teach us more as missionaries, and thats what this investigator did in Perez. Then we made the LOOOONG trip back to Neily only to get up and do it all over again. We basically only had Saturday to get things ready for our area on Sunday, unfortunately no one came to church despite our hardest efforts. We both talked in Sacrament meeting and the members said they felt the spirit, which is something hard to feel in Neily but I think we touched their hearts and it inspired a change in them, I guess we will see this week. On Sunday night we headed to San Jose for changes meeting. It was sad to see Elder Montoya go, but he was happy knowing he had served faithfully for 24 months, he had completed what the Lord had asked and now he was to go forth. We had the most amazing changes meeting ever! It was a changes meeting but also a sort of farewell for President and Hermana Galvez. It was really emotional, the leaving missionaries formed a group with 3 of my companions, bore their testimonies. It was one of the strongest groups in the mission but it was good to see them after all this time knowing they had done their part. On top of their testimonies we got to hear from the Galvez family, their son, working at the Provo MTC bore his testimony through skype, how powerful! And then we got to hear from President and Sister Galvez, who bore some of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard! I can´t believe how much these people inspire me. President and SIster Galvez are GREAT examples of the Law of Consecration! They have given up so much to serve the Lord, trusting in the fact that He will make up the difference and that "todo valdrà la pena" (all will be worth it) I feel that that was the theme of the changes meeting, despite all we go through as missionaries we must be willing to consecrate our lives to the Lord and His gospel, trusting only in Him and his infinite power to make everything worth it in the end. Despite some of life´s hardest challenges, we can have the surety that one day we will receive our reward and that one day, everything will be worth it. We watched a video that we as missionaries put together, everyone showing their creativity in saying goodbye to President and Sister Galvez. We got the chance to personally say goodbye and thank them for their efforts. My words do not express enough of the gratitude that I have for them and their service. I know the Lord is pleased with them and the AMAZING difference they have made in the church here in Costa Rica. I also received a new companion with the same name as my last one. His name is Elder Montoya, he is from Honduras, we have the same time in the mission and so we are leaving together. We are excited to work and to get going here in Neily. Oh yeah, and the 2 giant rainstorms, that was normal, it was just fun to see the streets turn into rivers in less than 10 minutes. haha. Family and friends, I hope you know how much I love you. I hope you know that if you find yourself amongst problems and challenges that one day, if we hold out strong, it will all be worth it. Thats what the gospel of Jesus Christ is for, its for giving us something to hold on to. Many times we just hear, hold on a little longer, what do we hold on to? The gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the life jacket, the safe boat and the helicoper that brings us safely to shore...I know that is true with 100% of my heart. I love you all with all that I am. Con amor, Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hello my beloved family and friends, I am writting you from San Jose today, we woke up at 230 after a nice "nap" to get on the bus at 4, we arrived here about 30 minutes ago. We have a conference with Elder Amado from the area 70 and then a meeting and conference with the Vice President of Costa Rica. He is interested in the church and has found a desire to get to know the missionaries and understand why we do what we do. The Gospel will touch EVERY ear and EVERY heart until it has spread the world! The gospel can even touch some of the highest people in Society. The gospel is great and can make the change in any who let it. This week I saw, once again, real opposition against the church. I felt the same way I did when they did witchcraft of us in Pavas, but thats a story for another day. This week I went with an Assistant to San Vito, a BEAUTIFUL area in our zone, the only area that is not only chilly, but COLD! Its so beautiful, if you have ever seen Twilight you will feel at home in Forks, because San Vito is just like it. We visited a family that we were hoping would progress. At first everything went perfectly, they accepted the invitation to hear the gospel and we began sharing the message of the restoration. We passed Jesus Christ establishing His church and got to Prophets. I began to share my testimony that God, after having stopped the flow of revelation during the apostasty, lovingly opened his arms out to his children by calling a prophet today. The wife´s expression TOTALLY changed. She said "you mean to tell me that today there is a prophet" "yes I said, if God is the same yesterday, today and forever, he would have to call a Prophet." I said, "And WHO is this "prophet"?" She asked me. I pulled out my insert from the Liahona and proudly showed her the picture of our beloved Prophet. I felt strong in my testimony as I bore witness that he is a living breathing witness of God in our day, when I saw her expression change again. She bowed her head....and began to laugh at me. She was laughing so hard. At first I thought, did I say something wrong in Spanish? Or is it the whole prophet thing? She raised her head and basically told me how stupid we were for believing in Prophets. She said she knew President Monson personally and knew that his "fruits" were nothing short of diabolic. I sat with my jaw to the floor. I felt a rage inside of me and thought "how does she have the nerve to say this about a man who has only lived his entire life in the service of God and others? how can she judge him when she doesnt even know him." At that moment, the spirit totally left. And for the first time I felt out of words....I quietly bowed my head and looked at the other 3 missionaries, we didnt know what to do. I started to bear testimony again and saw her smile grow bigger and bigger. I honestly felt the nerve to throw my backpack in her face, but I controlled myself. Haha. We all took turns bearing the strongest testimony we could muster, but it just wasnt enough. I left the lesson feeling sad. I wanted to bury my head in my hands and cry, but instead I heard the scipture "Alza tu cabeza y sè de buen animo" (lift up your head and be of good cheer) I felt comforted and strong in my testimony that God has called a prophet. And just because I KNOW that, doesnt change that people can deny it. Satan can stray other people off the path, but he cannot stray me. I know that there is opposition as a part of Gods plan, but there is so much opposition against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because why would Satan want the true church to prosper when he too knows its true. His only goal is to destroy the kingdom of God, but he cannot do that as long as there are missionaries willing to bear their testimonies in the midst of so much opposition, laughter, spitting, yelling, and things being hauled at you. Its all part of the experience. Its helped me to grow so much in my testimony. The church is true. IT HAS TO BE. I love you all with all my heart. Thanks for being with me on this journey. Stay strong and remember I love you. Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week of miracles... (May 29, 2012)

Hello my beloved family, It is such a pleasure to read your letters and feel of your love and support. I am so thankful for people like you in my life who inspire me and bless me. This letter may be a surprise to you because I didnt write yesterday, you will have to accept an apology I was in San Jose for a Zone Coucil meeting with President Galvez and we had no time to do internet because we took the bus at 630 and got home at 1230 am, it was a great training meeting and I cant believe that after all this time President Galvez continues to inspire me beyond belief. He is an excelent man and an excelent example of someone who lives the gospel, someone who has sacrificed much but received much as well. He taught us the importance of obedience, and it is so true. We have no promise of blessings unlsess we are obedient. Its often times something people dont realize. They stop living the gospel and expect their lives to improve. Its something I have seen first hand here in the mission, that the SECOND that we stop living the gospel, honestly, our lives suck. We find ourselves on dead end roads and with questions without answers. The gospel is the ONLY way to eternal happiness, and an understanding of some of life´s most asked questions. We must be obedient with exactness, or the Lord has no promise of blessings for us. Especially as missionaries. This week was a week of miracles, it was a lot of running around, one day I was in Rio Claro, the next I was in Golfito, but we learned of the Lords power in the conversion of his children. We visited a family in Golfito with the sisters to try and help them realize the power of the atonement and the blessings of the gospel. When we got there we lost a little bit of our hope to find they werent showing any interest. We found that if we follow the spirit he will do all the work and he will make himself manifest through us. He did. The family in Golfito got baptized in Friday the 25. While we were seeing miracles unfold in Golfito we also saw one in Neily. Our investigator Victor has had a hard time accepting the word of wisdom with coffee. When he finally gave up coffee for corn coffee, he still didnt have any desire to take the necessary steps to follow the savior. He had doubts and was worried about the future. We felt at the end of our rope but decided to teach once again the pure doctrine of Christ. The pure doctrine touched his heart and made a change in him that was incredible, something that everyone could see. He was also baptized on the 25 and confirmed on the 27. The gospel TRULY is TRUE. Ha. It has to be true to make these changes in people. To make them give up their nets like the apostles in Christ´s day and make the effort to follow the savior. As missionaries we are here to find those who are willing to leave their nets behind, to leave the things that hold them back from following the savior. I am so grateful to be a part of this work. A missionary on the DVDs that we watch as missionaries said this:"There´s a point in everyones life where you have to have God because you have nothing else, and our job as missionaries is to make sure that when that point comes, that they know that God is right there. There was no one who could go with (us) to where (we) went, and there is no one who fully knows what (we) went through, but God. Life is not easy, but if you have God it´s possible. And its not just possible, its fulfilling." I love being a part of this great work. I love sharing the gospel and seeing it work miracles in the lives of all those I meet. I am so thankful for amazing people like yourselves. Remember I love you with all my heart... Elder Falor Pura Vida! Here is a photo of Victors baptism!

Las familias pueden ser eternas...(May 21, 2012)

Hello My amazing family, Thanks, as always, for your letters of support and strength. I am so grateful for all you do. It sounds like this week back home was great just like my week here in Costa Rica. It has been a crazy week, but one that will FOREVER be engraven on my mind. It started off with my last interview with President Galvez before he heads back to his normal life in Guatemala. It was a sad interview, knowing that never again would I get to share moments like this with such a wonderful person. I made sure I took the time to thank him for his service and for giving all of us missionaries hope for our lives. Then, almost 2 years ago my companion baptized a family in Cartago and they had fought for a long time to be able to be sealed this saturday in the temple in Heredia. And I, being his companion, got to attend the sealing ceremony with my companion and the family. Our trip to San Jose started on Friday the 18, we headed on a bus at 10:30 am and sat for 5 and a half hours to go to an area in our Zone, Pèrez Zeledòn, we worked with the missionaries there to get to know their families and help in the missionary work where we could. We then woke up the next day at 3 am to get on the bus at 5 and headed for 3 hours up a hill called "Cerro de la muerte" or in english "Hill of Death" I am not even kidding that is a hill of death...it is more twists and turns than necessary, which made it difficult to sleep but our destination was worth every single turn and feeling of nausea on the bus. We finally made it to San Jose and then finally to Heredia and were outside the temple, arriving just too late to go to the endowment session. When 11 o clock rolled around we were dressed in white and sitting in the sealing room. I can´t quite put into words the feeling that is found in the temple, those who have entered know exactly how it is, its a power that helps you leave everything behind. You forget about the worries of the world, and you get lost in the amazing spirit that is found there. I felt overwhelmed and felt a sense of love that our Heavenly Father has for us, enough to construct temples. Before we knew it the family entered in and I cant quite explain either the feeling I felt when my companions converts saw the person that helped them change their lives. I felt so humbled being a part of this experience to help bring to pass God´s mighty purposes. As the session started I felt even more overwhelmed, it was a simple session but with powerful words and powerful promises. It put our entire purpose as missionaries in perspective, our goal is to invite families to come unto Christ with a goal of bringing them to the temple. That makes everything worth it. That we as missionaries have a chance to take part in the bringing to pass the INMORTALITY and ETERNAL LIFE of man is a truly humbling experience with big responsibilities. As I saw this family kneeled around the altar I thought of God´s purposes for us, why would he send us here in families, if it all ended at death? His purpose is for us to WORK for eternal life in his presence as families. But that is why he has given us the Gospel. The gospel must reach EVERY ear, it must be heard and felt in EVERY heart and it must CHANGE EVERY life so that we can fulfill God´s purposes for us. I left the temple on Saturday with my eyes opened even wider. What a blessing it was to go to the temple. I love the gospel and I love the temple. I love you all, I hope this week brings many blessings. guarden la fe, y pierdan el temor Elder Falor

Goodbye ¨chepe¨ hello Neily! (May 7, 2012)

Hello Family, To break news I will start off by telling you that I am doing just fine in my new area. I have been changed from Puntarenas to Ciudad Neily in the South Zone (Zona Sur)...My area is the last area or city, you will pass before getting to Panama it is called Cuidad Neily or Neily City. Its 6.5 hours out of San Jose, and unbelievably hot, but UNBELIEVABLY beautiful. I feel like the movie The Other Side of Heaven. It may not be THAT beautiful here, but I feel the same love for the people and the area as Elder Groeburg did in that movie. I also feel that way with the work that there is to be done here. I am the Secretary for the Corredores Branch here in Neily so there is lots to learn and lots to take in to help in the growth of our Heavenly Father´s kingdom. This week has been full of amazing blessings! I can´t believe all the great things I have experienced that I would love to share with you all. Our 2 day zone conference in San Jose was excellent as usual! President Galvez and Sister Galvez are AMAZING people. I know that revelation is true and that the LORD called them to serve in this country and at this time. I am so blessed to be around them. On tuesday morning they woke us all up at 4 in the morning to go running a 4K at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro, that was a blast! Me and my companion (Elder Montoya from Mexico City) ran together and it was a good chance to get to know each other. At the end President turned it into a spiritual experience and really taught me alot, he taught about using our strengths and using them wisely, about never slowing down, and never giving up, finishing even when it gets hard and even when you feel like turning back. On Tuesday we headed back to Neily on bus and got home at about 10:30. My zone consists of 6 areas (Ciudad Neily, Rio Claro, Golfito, San Vito, Perez Zeledon, and San Isidro) we have 12 missionaries in our zone, I have yet to meet the new ones seeings how today was changes in San Jose. We didnt go to changes because it costs about 13,000 colones just to go there and back, and also 13 hours, haha. So we stayed here and went to Paso Canoas, and I got to be in Panama and Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun and really weird to see the use of Dollars once again. I bought a subway sandwich and paid with it in dollars...weird to not use colones. My companion is super awesome! He is in his last change in the mission and will finish with me. We have high goals and lots of excitement and faith to complete our goals as missionaries. He is an excellent missionary and is already teaching me so many things. One experience we had this week was with our new idea as a mission called ¨Questions of Impact¨ (Preguntas de Impacto) they are questions that take people off their feet, that make them question deep down in their soul and find a need for the restored gospel. We received a reference from a woman this week and decided to try out this new idea. When we showed up to the house and touched the door, my companion immediately made a really strong impact question he asked ¨what happens to the families after death?¨ there was a long silence and tears began to fall down the cheeks of a woman and 2 children who 2 days earlier had lost their mother to a terminal kidney disease. With tears in her eyes the woman looked at us and said ¨I don´t know, but I would like to know...¨ we felt truly humbled and happy to know that the message we were going to share would be one of hope and happiness in the life of this family who felt at a crossroads in life. They felt alone and discouraged, at the end of a long road without answers. I was happy to be the bearer of this good news for these people. As we testified of the power of the restored gospel my heart was full of happiness. How grateful I am to be a part of this church...to know and testify that Jesus is the Christ, that God is our Loving Heavenly Father with a plan to once again reunite all the families that for one time or another were seperated during this mortal journey on earth. The gospel is true. :) Family, how happy and excited I am to be able to hear your voices for the last time until I will hear them in person! I am so thankful for your love and support and pray and hope that all is well with you! With all the love I could possibly give you! Elder Falor PS...I will be expecting the call on the 13 at 6 pm (Costa Rica time...)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Emergency Changes

Hello Family, You are going to have to forgive me for not writing you all personally. Its 7 am here in Puntarenas, and as you can see by the subject there was a surprise this week. Because of this month being President Galvezs last full month on the mission, he is making some crazy changes. After only 5 short weeks here in Puntarenas, I have changes. We were only supposed to go to San Jose today for a Zone Counsel meeting, but on Saturday night at 945 they told me to pack my bags, say goodbye to everyone and be in San Jose at 11 to receive my new companion and new area. We dont have much time to write because we have to write President and head to the bus stop running. Every zone in the mission has changes early, and thats not all, in one week the mission will have its regular 6 week transfers meeting, there will be some crazy changes. As for right now I have no idea where I am headed, but I know and trust that the Lord put me here in Puntarenas to teach me a lesson. I feel I learned my lesson and I feel that the Lord knows that, and that is why he has called me to another area. Its hard to keep packing up and leaving from every area, but its part of the experience, and I cant help but continue saying in my head that I'll go where you want me to go. Wherever I go, I know the Lord has people that he has prepared to hear the Gospel from me, I am ready and willing to go forward and see what these next 6 months have in store. Yesterday I said goodbye to the people here in Puntarenas, it was crazy to see how many relationships could be formed in only 5 short weeks. I love the people here in Puntarenas, I am sad to not be able to work among them any more, but I feel that I have fulfilled my purpose here in Puntarenas. This week was great for us in Puntarenas, we found 5 new families, and big families. It was nice to see some of them put their faith in the Lord and attend church on Sunday. They made up the most of the Sacrament Meeting. This week as we were teaching all these families, we had 5 opportunities to teach the message of the Restoration, and every time I bore my testimony I felt it deeper and deeper inside of me that this message is true. Its more than just a story we tell, its true! It happened and the true church of Christ has been restored to the earth through a living Prophet. I never get sick of testifying the same thing to these people, and I love watching their faces light up when they hear that the Heavens are not sealed, and that God speaks and guides his people this day. Unfortunately the Zone of Puntarenas didnt complete the goal but we have some great plans and great missionaries to make it happen here. We as missionaries must learn to walk on water, to think and do what seems to be impossible and the Lord will make great things happen, he always does. Family, I am so sorry that I couldnt write to you personally, but know how much your letters meant to me! I am thinking of you always and praying for your always, I love you with all my heart. Take care, con amor, Elder Falor

iPura Vida!

Hello my amazing family and friends, I am doing great here in Costa Rica. Everyday is full of new lessons to be learned and new people to meet. We had a great week here and managed to find some new families to teach. Unfortunately we came to the conclusion that Mario and Yirlany were not ready yet to be baptized and we decided to move on. They didnt show much interest in baptism as much as they did with marriage, it was hard to do but we have to understand the concept that the Lord is preparing people for us to teach and baptize, we just have to have the faith to move forward and be diligent in finding them. He will put them on our paths. Unfortunately the zone Puntarenas hasnt completed the goal but we have a lot of faith for next month and are hoping to complete it from now on. We have learned from the things we did wrong and are looking forward to correcting them and going forward. The rainy season has started in Costa Rica, but not in Puntarenas, I dont know why when I am in the hot climates it never rains, we will se what happens in May. I am sure that once the rain comes I will wish it was gone. On Wednesday we headed to San Jose to have a multi zone conference with other zones in the mission. It was great to receive extra revelation and to feel the great spirit that President Galvez brings, he has so many great ideas and things to help the mission improve, I can really sense it that he is concerned about what we can accomplish but more concerned about who we become. He reminds me alot of Bill Betz only in latino form, haha. He is concerned about the success we have in baptisms and retention, but he is more concerned about what we learn to make us better people and better disciples of Christ. That is what I love so much about him, he is a wonderful President. I was asked to direct the meeting with all the zones, I felt a bit nervous, but like always the Lord helped me and I felt like even that was a tiny trial to help me build my confidence and faith in the Lord. This week I completed 18 months in the mission, its a big milestone and I woke up on Friday with gratitude in my heart, thankful for all that has passed in these past 18 months, and excitement for what lies ahead. I am so excited to be of good health and strength to continue my missionary service, I wouldnt trade this time for anything. This experience has been one of eternal significance. I will treasure every day, every second that I have left. I love you all with all my heart. Stay strong! Con amor, Elder Falor

a cachelte lleno

Dear family and friends, I hope, as always that this letter finds you well. This week was a great one here in Puntarenas, its going to get even hotter than it already is! But I am getting accustomed and getting to love the weather here, but I will be honest I am dreading the rain. They say that when it rains here, EVERYTHING floods, we will see how that goes. So far it hasnt rained, but like I said earlier this week its going to go waaaaaay past 100 degrees. This week was a lot of fun, thats what I love so much about missionary work, you can serve the Lord and be diligent but have fun doing it. This week the assistants came to Puntarenas and me and Elder Bertrand worked in our area, it was so great to be together again, but weird to think the last time we were together I had 2 months and he had 6, now I have almost 18 and he has 22. Time flies, and it doesnt stop. We must make every moment count, because the time is flying by every second. This week Mario and Yirlany didnt get baptized in our area because it is a difficult situation there, but we are always going forward and always looking for new families who are willing to drop their nets and follow the Savior. Elder Bertrand and I found an example of that. We found a family and shared with them the Restoration, it was such a strong moment when the mans face lit up as he pondered the idea of a living Prophet. He loved the fact that CHRIST had restored his church and had called Prophets to lead us and guide us. He told us he was willing to drop whatever net that was holding him back and follow the savior. it was a truly humbling and amazing experience. This week I had the chance to be in contact with some of my converts from Pavas, as I heard of their successes and their difficulties, I hung up the phone feeling so different. i questioned myself, how cuold I have grown to love these people so much. Its to the point where I hurt when they hurt. I wish they knew what they have when they have the gospel in their hands. If they only knew that the gospel is the answer to all of lifes questions they would never part from the path. I really got to see the change in my when I felt preocupied about their challenges and happy about their successes. I feel as though I could once again see through Gods eyes, how happy he is when we choose the right, and how much it hurts him when we turn our backs and walk the other way. The mission is so amazing, only the Atonement of Jesus Christ could have made this change in my life, and only through this mission experience could I have grown so much in my testimony and my relationship with my older brother and Savior, Jesus Christ. Its so amazing. Well fam, all is well here, I am constantly learning and growing and changing to become a better person than when I left, and to leave the mission better than when I found it. I appreciate your prayers and your love, thanks for everything you do. Love, Elder Falor

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello Family, I hope this letter finds you all very well! I am doing great here in Puntarenas. This week was Holy Week in Costa Rica, its a tradition throughout central america where they celebrate the death of Jesus Christ. It was a great experience going around and sharing about how Christ lives. He died and that is something we cant, deny, but maybe the most joyful part of the Atonement of Christ is His glorious resurrection. We know that because of this great act, we will all be resurrected beings one day too. It was a great experience and for us to remember the atonement of Christ all week long. This week the Asistants came to Puntarenas to get to know the family we are teaching, their names are Mario and Yirlany, they had plans to get married on the 8th, but werent able to but we put the date for the 14 and are looking forward to that. I really like them, they are really nice and you can see the change they have made in their lives, they were big changes but thats what the gospel is for. Its to take our rough edges and smooth them down and make us better. I can see now that Puntarenas will require a lot of work, I am ready to work and to make a difference in the branch here. The Branch President is going to call us 3 as the young mens presidency (My comp, President and I) to help the young men prepare for missions and to be more serious in the Gospel. This area requires a lot of work, but I know that nothing great was achieved without hard work, I know we can do it and I know the Lord has a purpose for sending me here, I hope I dont let Him down. So last year, I got a taste of Costa Rica rain, in San Jose...I never imagined it would be different in Puntarenas, yep it is. The rain here is INSANE! Every time it rains its an absolute torrential downpour! The roads literally turn in to LAKES and it makes it so difficult to work but the work always must continue. The rainy season is starting up, it will be a good chance to get back into the hang of swimming, hah. I am learning a lot in my short time here in Puntarenas. I know that the Lord wants me to learn something to become better and more refined in His service. He has a purpose for me and expects me to complete it, but like the Prophet Thomas S. Monson says "Who the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies"...I know that is true, I know the Lord wants me to learn patience and humility, something like I told dad, that I really need to improve on. Well fam, I was planning on sending pictures of all the amazing experiences I have had here so far, mostly with the food (for those of you who know me, I was never big into eating fish, well now was the time to get over that......) but with many other amazing things, but I left the camera at home. I hope you know I love you and I will be sending pictures home soon! Have a great week and I am always praying for you and your safety. I love you with all that I am. Elder Falor--Pura Vida!