
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Hello my amazing family, It was great to hear about your weeks, I hope you all enjoyed conference as I sure did. We brought Lauriano to 3 sessions of conference and he loved it. He left the chapel everytime with a big smile on his face, and he said "That Monson man has got a great spirit", He has committed to being baptized on the 12 of October. He always reminds us of it and he is so excited to take this step. At first he was afraid because of what his family was going to say to him because he was baptized as a child. It took some explaining to do, but the idea of receiving a full remission of his sins made an impact on him. He has made the decision to give up smoking and to give up everything else that is holding him back. We are also working on getting another investigator baptized on Friday, his name is Antonio, but we have to go and see him tonight to see his final decision. I loved conference, as always. What a blessing it is to be guided today by a living Prophet. President Monson is an excellent example of the Savior and the Savior´s church. I love his stories of how he goes out in search of the one. Even though the church has more than 14 million members, the church, the prophet, God and Jesus Christ are concerned for the one. Everyone of us matters, every single one. I love the church and feel such pride in being a member. I know I am not perfect, nor near that, but I know that the church was made and restored to be a way for us to be perfect little by little. I know that in our journey to be perfect, if we put into action the perfect atonement, we can be made perfect. I loved all the talks and especially the talk by Jeffrey R. Holland about Jesus´ question to Peter of if he loved him. I have often testified to my investigators and to the members that I feel God will make us the same question. He will ask us if we really do love him and then he will ask to see our works. What have we done with this precious time that he has given us here on earth. I was also really excited for the change on the age limits to be a missionary. I know and have seen Satans attack on the youth of the church. I believe it is because he knows that if he can destroy the youth he knows they will be the future of the church. But the truth will always stand and God will always come out victorious. Satans attack on youth has been growing so much stronger in the past 2 years as I have seen the youth here in Costa Rica and heard about the fall of many of them in the states. I know that this idea to change the mission age is inspired by God to help the youth become more converted to the Lord at an earlier age to be ready to fight when satan attacks. I hope that all young men and women will heed the prophet´s call to be a missionary and to serve God with all their heart might mind and strength. I dont know how I could ever live a normal life without experiencing my mission. I just hope the youth take full advantage of this opportunity to serve the Lord, there is only one opportunity to do it like this in this way in this time and we must take advantage. I am so happy for the time I have had on the mission to become a better person. I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me to change. I am thankful for every afflicion and heartache that I have had to feel, not because they are easy but because they have taught me to Love. I can honestly say that I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I love my mission and I love His church. I have made my decision and I refuse to ever turn my back on the Lord, especially after having been on the receiving end of so many of God´s most amazing blessings. There is no turning back now. I love you all so very much and know that there is such little time until I will see you again, I cant wait for that day, until then, stay strong and remember I love you. Elder Falor

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