
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

final countdown...

Hello family, It has been a great week this week in Guanacaste. It was a bit of a scare when I got sick and was in bed for 3 days, but the work of the Lord doesnt quit. I got bit by a bug that I thought caused my fever on Thursday night, but it ended up turning into a really bad cold. I can feel my body getting older because now a flu or a cold just knocks me out. But dont worry, that didnt stop me. The people in the street just have to get used to my snotty voice for the next week haha. But I am doing good now and was able to participate in our zone activity. We all got together and played basketball, football and soccer in the chapel, it was quite the experience, it was a lot of fun though. Between all of us we spent $60 on pizza and drinks but it was a nice experience, and they did it in celebration of the ones of us who are finishing the mission real soon. Unfortunately this week Lauriano wasnt able to be baptized, he had his interview on Monday but then smoked that very night, so we postponed the baptism to give him more of an opportunity to repent and be fully prepared for baptism. We will re do the interview tomorrow and prepare him and Antonio for the 19. Today we are going over to finalize everything with Antonio to get it all settled and ready. They both came to church on Sunday and participated a lot in our class of Gospel Principles. I love teaching that class and love helping people understand the gospel, especially when the investigators are anxiously engaged in learning about the gospel. Other than that it was a pretty normal week. I have really enjoyed my time here in San Roque and really enjoyed being a trainer for the last time. I hope I leave a lasting mark on Elder Jones so that he can keep going forward and doing amazing work in the mission. I am so thankful for you all and for your support. I will write you on monday because changes are not until Tuesday. Sorry my letter is so short. I love you all and I cant wait to see you again! Elder Falor

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