
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ejerza la fe y provoque milagros...

Hello my dear family and friends, This week was amazing in the mission. I am the 2nd counselor in the Branch Presidency and I am also the teacher for the Temple Preparation Class so I am super busy on Sundays but I love being busy and more than anything I love teaching this gospel. FINALLY we had a family come to church on Sunday and despite a bit of the disorder in church they enjoyed their time and made a commitment to come back next week. They are an amazing family, with amazing challenges in their lives, but they have nothing too big or too strong that the gospel cannot solve. We have had amazing experiences getting them to church. They live in a far away town called Darizara, its about 1/2 hour in bus and we dont have time to get on the earliest bus in the morning on Sunday to go and get them and be back in time to prepare the sacrament and do all our Sunday duties, so we had faith that they would make the bus in time to get to church. Turns out they didnt make the bus, as they all crossed the street to go back home out of no where their neighbor (who they had never talked to before) offered them his car. He said "I dont know where you are going or what you are going to do but I felt the need to let you borrow my car, take it and bring it back in 2 hours"...they were shocked as they got to the chapel and they told me "Elder Falor, God wants us to be here"...God answers prayers in a MAGNIFICENT way, the prayers of that family and my prayers were answered that day, just because one person decided to act upon the promptings of the spirit. Yesterday we came back at about 11:30 pm from a long and hopefuly last 6 hour bus ride from San Jose. But every trip to San Jose is worth it, especially this one. We went to Zone Counsel for the last time with President Galvez. WOW! Seriously, I need everyone to meet this man, he is incredible. He bore STRONG witness of the power of the Book of Mormon, and as he gave testimony of the Savior, I saw the Saviors face. I know that in these past 3 years President Galvez has given his LIFE to this work, he has truly understood the law of consecration and he has followed through 100%,what a blessing it was to know him and to have this last zone counsel with him. We had the opportunity to ask him any question we wanted! That was incredible, he is an amazing man who has done so much for the work here. He taught us about how he wants to see us again in 20 years. He testified that 2 important things in life are obedience and ability. He said that one cannot exist without the other. With only obedience, we would starve to death he said, but with them both, we will receive life´s richest blessings. The subject line in my email (ejerza la fe y provoque milagros) means "exercise the faith and provoke miracles"...that was something that caught my attention that President Galvez said. If we only have faith, we can literally provoke miracles and I have seen these tiny miracles being brought to pass every day of my mission. What a blessing it is to be on the Lord´s service. I am forever and ever humbled by this great experience that has taught me so much. These past 20 months have been a time of trial and learning. Its been falling and rising again. Its been happy and its been sad. But these have been the best 20 months for my life...I know that what I am doing is true. Of that there is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT...I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I love living it and participating in the blessings my Heavenly Father has in store for me. I love you all, hasta pronto, Elder Falor Pura Vida!

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