
Monday, June 4, 2012

Goodbye ¨chepe¨ hello Neily! (May 7, 2012)

Hello Family, To break news I will start off by telling you that I am doing just fine in my new area. I have been changed from Puntarenas to Ciudad Neily in the South Zone (Zona Sur)...My area is the last area or city, you will pass before getting to Panama it is called Cuidad Neily or Neily City. Its 6.5 hours out of San Jose, and unbelievably hot, but UNBELIEVABLY beautiful. I feel like the movie The Other Side of Heaven. It may not be THAT beautiful here, but I feel the same love for the people and the area as Elder Groeburg did in that movie. I also feel that way with the work that there is to be done here. I am the Secretary for the Corredores Branch here in Neily so there is lots to learn and lots to take in to help in the growth of our Heavenly Father´s kingdom. This week has been full of amazing blessings! I can´t believe all the great things I have experienced that I would love to share with you all. Our 2 day zone conference in San Jose was excellent as usual! President Galvez and Sister Galvez are AMAZING people. I know that revelation is true and that the LORD called them to serve in this country and at this time. I am so blessed to be around them. On tuesday morning they woke us all up at 4 in the morning to go running a 4K at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro, that was a blast! Me and my companion (Elder Montoya from Mexico City) ran together and it was a good chance to get to know each other. At the end President turned it into a spiritual experience and really taught me alot, he taught about using our strengths and using them wisely, about never slowing down, and never giving up, finishing even when it gets hard and even when you feel like turning back. On Tuesday we headed back to Neily on bus and got home at about 10:30. My zone consists of 6 areas (Ciudad Neily, Rio Claro, Golfito, San Vito, Perez Zeledon, and San Isidro) we have 12 missionaries in our zone, I have yet to meet the new ones seeings how today was changes in San Jose. We didnt go to changes because it costs about 13,000 colones just to go there and back, and also 13 hours, haha. So we stayed here and went to Paso Canoas, and I got to be in Panama and Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun and really weird to see the use of Dollars once again. I bought a subway sandwich and paid with it in dollars...weird to not use colones. My companion is super awesome! He is in his last change in the mission and will finish with me. We have high goals and lots of excitement and faith to complete our goals as missionaries. He is an excellent missionary and is already teaching me so many things. One experience we had this week was with our new idea as a mission called ¨Questions of Impact¨ (Preguntas de Impacto) they are questions that take people off their feet, that make them question deep down in their soul and find a need for the restored gospel. We received a reference from a woman this week and decided to try out this new idea. When we showed up to the house and touched the door, my companion immediately made a really strong impact question he asked ¨what happens to the families after death?¨ there was a long silence and tears began to fall down the cheeks of a woman and 2 children who 2 days earlier had lost their mother to a terminal kidney disease. With tears in her eyes the woman looked at us and said ¨I don´t know, but I would like to know...¨ we felt truly humbled and happy to know that the message we were going to share would be one of hope and happiness in the life of this family who felt at a crossroads in life. They felt alone and discouraged, at the end of a long road without answers. I was happy to be the bearer of this good news for these people. As we testified of the power of the restored gospel my heart was full of happiness. How grateful I am to be a part of this church...to know and testify that Jesus is the Christ, that God is our Loving Heavenly Father with a plan to once again reunite all the families that for one time or another were seperated during this mortal journey on earth. The gospel is true. :) Family, how happy and excited I am to be able to hear your voices for the last time until I will hear them in person! I am so thankful for your love and support and pray and hope that all is well with you! With all the love I could possibly give you! Elder Falor PS...I will be expecting the call on the 13 at 6 pm (Costa Rica time...)

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