
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Emergency Changes

Hello Family, You are going to have to forgive me for not writing you all personally. Its 7 am here in Puntarenas, and as you can see by the subject there was a surprise this week. Because of this month being President Galvezs last full month on the mission, he is making some crazy changes. After only 5 short weeks here in Puntarenas, I have changes. We were only supposed to go to San Jose today for a Zone Counsel meeting, but on Saturday night at 945 they told me to pack my bags, say goodbye to everyone and be in San Jose at 11 to receive my new companion and new area. We dont have much time to write because we have to write President and head to the bus stop running. Every zone in the mission has changes early, and thats not all, in one week the mission will have its regular 6 week transfers meeting, there will be some crazy changes. As for right now I have no idea where I am headed, but I know and trust that the Lord put me here in Puntarenas to teach me a lesson. I feel I learned my lesson and I feel that the Lord knows that, and that is why he has called me to another area. Its hard to keep packing up and leaving from every area, but its part of the experience, and I cant help but continue saying in my head that I'll go where you want me to go. Wherever I go, I know the Lord has people that he has prepared to hear the Gospel from me, I am ready and willing to go forward and see what these next 6 months have in store. Yesterday I said goodbye to the people here in Puntarenas, it was crazy to see how many relationships could be formed in only 5 short weeks. I love the people here in Puntarenas, I am sad to not be able to work among them any more, but I feel that I have fulfilled my purpose here in Puntarenas. This week was great for us in Puntarenas, we found 5 new families, and big families. It was nice to see some of them put their faith in the Lord and attend church on Sunday. They made up the most of the Sacrament Meeting. This week as we were teaching all these families, we had 5 opportunities to teach the message of the Restoration, and every time I bore my testimony I felt it deeper and deeper inside of me that this message is true. Its more than just a story we tell, its true! It happened and the true church of Christ has been restored to the earth through a living Prophet. I never get sick of testifying the same thing to these people, and I love watching their faces light up when they hear that the Heavens are not sealed, and that God speaks and guides his people this day. Unfortunately the Zone of Puntarenas didnt complete the goal but we have some great plans and great missionaries to make it happen here. We as missionaries must learn to walk on water, to think and do what seems to be impossible and the Lord will make great things happen, he always does. Family, I am so sorry that I couldnt write to you personally, but know how much your letters meant to me! I am thinking of you always and praying for your always, I love you with all my heart. Take care, con amor, Elder Falor

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