
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a cachelte lleno

Dear family and friends, I hope, as always that this letter finds you well. This week was a great one here in Puntarenas, its going to get even hotter than it already is! But I am getting accustomed and getting to love the weather here, but I will be honest I am dreading the rain. They say that when it rains here, EVERYTHING floods, we will see how that goes. So far it hasnt rained, but like I said earlier this week its going to go waaaaaay past 100 degrees. This week was a lot of fun, thats what I love so much about missionary work, you can serve the Lord and be diligent but have fun doing it. This week the assistants came to Puntarenas and me and Elder Bertrand worked in our area, it was so great to be together again, but weird to think the last time we were together I had 2 months and he had 6, now I have almost 18 and he has 22. Time flies, and it doesnt stop. We must make every moment count, because the time is flying by every second. This week Mario and Yirlany didnt get baptized in our area because it is a difficult situation there, but we are always going forward and always looking for new families who are willing to drop their nets and follow the Savior. Elder Bertrand and I found an example of that. We found a family and shared with them the Restoration, it was such a strong moment when the mans face lit up as he pondered the idea of a living Prophet. He loved the fact that CHRIST had restored his church and had called Prophets to lead us and guide us. He told us he was willing to drop whatever net that was holding him back and follow the savior. it was a truly humbling and amazing experience. This week I had the chance to be in contact with some of my converts from Pavas, as I heard of their successes and their difficulties, I hung up the phone feeling so different. i questioned myself, how cuold I have grown to love these people so much. Its to the point where I hurt when they hurt. I wish they knew what they have when they have the gospel in their hands. If they only knew that the gospel is the answer to all of lifes questions they would never part from the path. I really got to see the change in my when I felt preocupied about their challenges and happy about their successes. I feel as though I could once again see through Gods eyes, how happy he is when we choose the right, and how much it hurts him when we turn our backs and walk the other way. The mission is so amazing, only the Atonement of Jesus Christ could have made this change in my life, and only through this mission experience could I have grown so much in my testimony and my relationship with my older brother and Savior, Jesus Christ. Its so amazing. Well fam, all is well here, I am constantly learning and growing and changing to become a better person than when I left, and to leave the mission better than when I found it. I appreciate your prayers and your love, thanks for everything you do. Love, Elder Falor

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