
Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello Family, I hope this letter finds you all very well! I am doing great here in Puntarenas. This week was Holy Week in Costa Rica, its a tradition throughout central america where they celebrate the death of Jesus Christ. It was a great experience going around and sharing about how Christ lives. He died and that is something we cant, deny, but maybe the most joyful part of the Atonement of Christ is His glorious resurrection. We know that because of this great act, we will all be resurrected beings one day too. It was a great experience and for us to remember the atonement of Christ all week long. This week the Asistants came to Puntarenas to get to know the family we are teaching, their names are Mario and Yirlany, they had plans to get married on the 8th, but werent able to but we put the date for the 14 and are looking forward to that. I really like them, they are really nice and you can see the change they have made in their lives, they were big changes but thats what the gospel is for. Its to take our rough edges and smooth them down and make us better. I can see now that Puntarenas will require a lot of work, I am ready to work and to make a difference in the branch here. The Branch President is going to call us 3 as the young mens presidency (My comp, President and I) to help the young men prepare for missions and to be more serious in the Gospel. This area requires a lot of work, but I know that nothing great was achieved without hard work, I know we can do it and I know the Lord has a purpose for sending me here, I hope I dont let Him down. So last year, I got a taste of Costa Rica rain, in San Jose...I never imagined it would be different in Puntarenas, yep it is. The rain here is INSANE! Every time it rains its an absolute torrential downpour! The roads literally turn in to LAKES and it makes it so difficult to work but the work always must continue. The rainy season is starting up, it will be a good chance to get back into the hang of swimming, hah. I am learning a lot in my short time here in Puntarenas. I know that the Lord wants me to learn something to become better and more refined in His service. He has a purpose for me and expects me to complete it, but like the Prophet Thomas S. Monson says "Who the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies"...I know that is true, I know the Lord wants me to learn patience and humility, something like I told dad, that I really need to improve on. Well fam, I was planning on sending pictures of all the amazing experiences I have had here so far, mostly with the food (for those of you who know me, I was never big into eating fish, well now was the time to get over that......) but with many other amazing things, but I left the camera at home. I hope you know I love you and I will be sending pictures home soon! Have a great week and I am always praying for you and your safety. I love you with all that I am. Elder Falor--Pura Vida!

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