
Monday, June 4, 2012

Las familias pueden ser eternas...(May 21, 2012)

Hello My amazing family, Thanks, as always, for your letters of support and strength. I am so grateful for all you do. It sounds like this week back home was great just like my week here in Costa Rica. It has been a crazy week, but one that will FOREVER be engraven on my mind. It started off with my last interview with President Galvez before he heads back to his normal life in Guatemala. It was a sad interview, knowing that never again would I get to share moments like this with such a wonderful person. I made sure I took the time to thank him for his service and for giving all of us missionaries hope for our lives. Then, almost 2 years ago my companion baptized a family in Cartago and they had fought for a long time to be able to be sealed this saturday in the temple in Heredia. And I, being his companion, got to attend the sealing ceremony with my companion and the family. Our trip to San Jose started on Friday the 18, we headed on a bus at 10:30 am and sat for 5 and a half hours to go to an area in our Zone, Pèrez Zeledòn, we worked with the missionaries there to get to know their families and help in the missionary work where we could. We then woke up the next day at 3 am to get on the bus at 5 and headed for 3 hours up a hill called "Cerro de la muerte" or in english "Hill of Death" I am not even kidding that is a hill of death...it is more twists and turns than necessary, which made it difficult to sleep but our destination was worth every single turn and feeling of nausea on the bus. We finally made it to San Jose and then finally to Heredia and were outside the temple, arriving just too late to go to the endowment session. When 11 o clock rolled around we were dressed in white and sitting in the sealing room. I can´t quite put into words the feeling that is found in the temple, those who have entered know exactly how it is, its a power that helps you leave everything behind. You forget about the worries of the world, and you get lost in the amazing spirit that is found there. I felt overwhelmed and felt a sense of love that our Heavenly Father has for us, enough to construct temples. Before we knew it the family entered in and I cant quite explain either the feeling I felt when my companions converts saw the person that helped them change their lives. I felt so humbled being a part of this experience to help bring to pass God´s mighty purposes. As the session started I felt even more overwhelmed, it was a simple session but with powerful words and powerful promises. It put our entire purpose as missionaries in perspective, our goal is to invite families to come unto Christ with a goal of bringing them to the temple. That makes everything worth it. That we as missionaries have a chance to take part in the bringing to pass the INMORTALITY and ETERNAL LIFE of man is a truly humbling experience with big responsibilities. As I saw this family kneeled around the altar I thought of God´s purposes for us, why would he send us here in families, if it all ended at death? His purpose is for us to WORK for eternal life in his presence as families. But that is why he has given us the Gospel. The gospel must reach EVERY ear, it must be heard and felt in EVERY heart and it must CHANGE EVERY life so that we can fulfill God´s purposes for us. I left the temple on Saturday with my eyes opened even wider. What a blessing it was to go to the temple. I love the gospel and I love the temple. I love you all, I hope this week brings many blessings. guarden la fe, y pierdan el temor Elder Falor

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