
Monday, June 4, 2012

Week of miracles... (May 29, 2012)

Hello my beloved family, It is such a pleasure to read your letters and feel of your love and support. I am so thankful for people like you in my life who inspire me and bless me. This letter may be a surprise to you because I didnt write yesterday, you will have to accept an apology I was in San Jose for a Zone Coucil meeting with President Galvez and we had no time to do internet because we took the bus at 630 and got home at 1230 am, it was a great training meeting and I cant believe that after all this time President Galvez continues to inspire me beyond belief. He is an excelent man and an excelent example of someone who lives the gospel, someone who has sacrificed much but received much as well. He taught us the importance of obedience, and it is so true. We have no promise of blessings unlsess we are obedient. Its often times something people dont realize. They stop living the gospel and expect their lives to improve. Its something I have seen first hand here in the mission, that the SECOND that we stop living the gospel, honestly, our lives suck. We find ourselves on dead end roads and with questions without answers. The gospel is the ONLY way to eternal happiness, and an understanding of some of life´s most asked questions. We must be obedient with exactness, or the Lord has no promise of blessings for us. Especially as missionaries. This week was a week of miracles, it was a lot of running around, one day I was in Rio Claro, the next I was in Golfito, but we learned of the Lords power in the conversion of his children. We visited a family in Golfito with the sisters to try and help them realize the power of the atonement and the blessings of the gospel. When we got there we lost a little bit of our hope to find they werent showing any interest. We found that if we follow the spirit he will do all the work and he will make himself manifest through us. He did. The family in Golfito got baptized in Friday the 25. While we were seeing miracles unfold in Golfito we also saw one in Neily. Our investigator Victor has had a hard time accepting the word of wisdom with coffee. When he finally gave up coffee for corn coffee, he still didnt have any desire to take the necessary steps to follow the savior. He had doubts and was worried about the future. We felt at the end of our rope but decided to teach once again the pure doctrine of Christ. The pure doctrine touched his heart and made a change in him that was incredible, something that everyone could see. He was also baptized on the 25 and confirmed on the 27. The gospel TRULY is TRUE. Ha. It has to be true to make these changes in people. To make them give up their nets like the apostles in Christ´s day and make the effort to follow the savior. As missionaries we are here to find those who are willing to leave their nets behind, to leave the things that hold them back from following the savior. I am so grateful to be a part of this work. A missionary on the DVDs that we watch as missionaries said this:"There´s a point in everyones life where you have to have God because you have nothing else, and our job as missionaries is to make sure that when that point comes, that they know that God is right there. There was no one who could go with (us) to where (we) went, and there is no one who fully knows what (we) went through, but God. Life is not easy, but if you have God it´s possible. And its not just possible, its fulfilling." I love being a part of this great work. I love sharing the gospel and seeing it work miracles in the lives of all those I meet. I am so thankful for amazing people like yourselves. Remember I love you with all my heart... Elder Falor Pura Vida! Here is a photo of Victors baptism!

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