
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Goodbye President Galvez, Hello President Wilkinson

Hello my wonderful family, Because I wont get to say it on Wednesday HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I hope you all enjoy your day back home and I expect all of those who go to grandma and grandpas house to drink lots of root beer for me! I will be thinking of you all that day and wishing you the best. This week in Neily was great, we had the blessing of having another family in church on sunday! We were fasting and I love the power of fast. I have never fasted in the mission without seeing a miracle. The Lord answers even the tiniest prayers. When we started our fast on Saturday after lunch. I remember feeling the heat so strong as I said the prayer that literally I left a ring of sweat on the floor where I was kneeling. We ended the prayer and I remember feeling the strongest sense of trust. I felt completely and 100 percent sure that Heavenly Father was in control. I knew, that whatever happened as a consequence of my work would be the will of the Lord and I knew I would be capable of accepting that. As a result of our work the Lord blessed us with a family in church. Our plan was 3 but hey, we have to be proud with what we were able to accomplish. It was a great sunday. We are teaching a family named Jonathan and Doris, they are so wonderful they have two kids named Milek and Sharilyne. They have won my heart! We went and had an amazing lesson with them yesterday and Jonathan said to us "you two just keep on convincing me that this is Gods church, I have no doubt." Our only problem with them is that they have yet to decide to be married. Jonathan spent so much of his childhood and youth in the street addicted to drugs that he has a strong addiction to tobacco, we are hoping to help him give up his addictions and be ready to be baptized this month. Keep him in your prayers! This week Costa Rica said goodbye to some of the most amazing people I have ever met. The San Jose Costa Rica mission said goodbye to President Galvez and welcomed in President and Sister Wilkinson on Friday. It will be a change but I know it will be great. I have all the faith and confidence that President Wilkinson will make great strides in the missionary work here in Costa Rica. I will miss President and Sister Galvez but know that if I work hard here in this life I will be able to see them again one day. They changed my life and helped me to become a better person. Sister Galvez sent us a letter this week and this is what she said: "Love the Lord above all other things, He is our King, He is our Redeemer and also our Best Friend, Thanks to him we will be able to see each other again and also one day he will bring us back to remember our Father that one day saw us part with the hope of seeing us again" The gospel is what gives us hope. Its what helps us understand the purpose of life and know and have confidence in a loving Heavenly Father who always has the reigns and will never let us go astray. I love the gospel and I love my mission. I love you all and cant wait to see you again. Have a great week. Con Amor, Elder Falor

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