
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Otra semana.. July 9,2012

Hello Family, This week was a great one here on the mission. I am loving the Zona Sur and Neily every single day. I dont know why but there is something so special about it here, I am dreading the day that I will have to leave this area and go to another. It was such a great week because we had the opportunity to go out with our Branch President. In all of my mission I have never done visits with a Bishop or Branch President, so that is kind of a miracle. Also because our President, Presidente Vela, has 70 years. He is such an inspiration to us all, he is going through so many problems in his house, yet he takes time out of his day to go out with us. I love the spirit he brings with him because he is one of the few members here that truly understands the missionary work. He has no fear in sharing the gospel. The only thing he knows is that every person needs to hear the gospel. I loved going with him and knocking doors of his friends, or acquantances, he doesnt have fear of getting shut down, he just understands the concept of giving people the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel. Thanks to him we were able to find a bunch of new families and new people who are willing to listen to the gospel. In Neily we are working with 2 really great families, they have both gone to church and we think they have both received a witness that the church is true. They both have the same challenge, they live together and do not want to get married. My companion and I have thought so hard as to what it is that they need and we both felt the impression to read with them "The Family a Proclamation to the World"...I love, love, love that proclamation. We read it with them and made the necessary stops where we felt the need to testify and to help them understand. It is such a powerful document that lets us know what God has in store for us as families. I am so grateful for a family, to be born of goodly parents and to be able to learn and grown together as families and have experience that can only be experienced in family life. If these people only knew what they were missing only by making the decision to get married they would do it in a heartbeat. Its such great news to know that God speaks to Prophets in our days and they are there to guide us and help us "go to the sun" as one of our investigators says, "so we can live with God"... Things are going all right in the Zona Sur, we are a bit worried about how we are going to complete the goal we have put with the Lord, but we know that if we are obedient and willing to sacrifice and consecrate our lives to the Lord he will do all he can to help us bring to pass this his great work. Today we are in Golfito as a district, we are gonna go and sit on the beach and eat lunch, haha thats the only thing we can basically do at the beach even though you all know me I would rather be swimming haha. But I am sorry this letter is so short we dont have much time, remember I love you and miss you lots! Have a great week and I am always praying for you! Elder Falor

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