
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hello Family and friends, I hope everyone back at home is doing fine. I am doing great on the mission. It never ceases to be an uphill climb and it never stops being hard, but I enjoy every minute of it. This week I completed 2 years of having received my mission call. I remember that day so clearly and I cannot believe that 2 years have snuck up on me. Time is flying by and its going at an incredible rate. This week we have been working hard to find new families to teach and we have had some success. We always find the families but the big test is always on Sunday. There is nothing worse than being in church without investigators, we were planning on every family attending with us on when we verified on Friday we were planning on over 12 people in church. Sunday was approaching and one by one they started falling. We were lucky to have Luis and Maria in church, this was their 8th or 9th time in church, but with family problems in the house they dont want to get married, but have a firm testimony that this is true and that they need to get baptized. My companion and I are focused on finding their question of the soul to help them choose to go forth with faith admidst the many problems they have and will have in the future. Keep them in your prayers! We had 2 great activities that were a success here in Neily, one on thursday the 12 and saturday the 14, we had a tipical foods activity and lots of people brought foods and we the missionaries made some fun activities. On saturday we had an activity for the youth in the district (a district is like a stake but its smaller and belongs to the mission) we had the youth come from Neily, San Vito, Golfito, Rio Claro and Puerto Jimenez, we played volleyball and played soccer. Me and my companion were in charge of the food, after a long hard thought process I thought about "moms sandwiches", the sandwich isnt somethign really popular here but it was a great hit. We made tipical Cyndi Falor sandwiches with potato chips and fresco, it was a hit, I thought it was funny and thought you would like to hear about how I had made the family sandwich. The only thing missing was the chipdip :)...Well I will write more next week. Love you lots... Elder Falor

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