
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hola de Guanacaste! (Aug. 6, 2012)

Hello family and friends, Another week has passed and here we are again! I can´t believe it but here we are again. This first week in Guanacaste has been quite the adventure. We are lucky to have bikes because the area is REALLY REALLY big. Its hot, haha, its not hotter than Zona Sur, but its a different heat that makes me feel like I am melting. We have been able to meet the members and they have taken us around and really given us a great warm welcome. I am so blessed to be called to this area to finish my mission, because there is a lot of work. There is no time to slow down even though I am on the "final stretch" as President Wilkinson said. There is so much work and so much things to repair. So on Tuesday I received my companion, his name is Elder Jones from Springville Utah. He is a great kid. I say kid because now that I am going to complete 22 years, someone with 19 makes me feel old, haha. He is really nice and has a lot of animo to serve the Lord. We are really excited to work together and I am really excited to help him on these first three months of his mission. I am his first comp and he is my last, haha. But we get along really well, there still is a language barrier because my english is not as good as it used to be. But either way we are always working hard and trying to find things to improve on daily. I have really seen the Lords hand with us here in San Roque. It can be a bit intimidating to be thrown into a new area and you have no idea where you are, left looks like right and down looks like up, but I have seen the Lord open up my mind and my eyes to really help me learn this area. Its a big area, and if I would have been with another missionary who knew the area I would have taken 2 or 3 weeks to really feel comfortable in the area, and the Lord has done that with me in only 2 or 3 days, what a blessing. I have seen many tender mercies from the Lord as well and I feel that is an answer to my prayers and for those of you who are praying for us daily, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a great week this week, we have been able to find some of the families the other elders left us. Some not so good and some are super chosen. If there was something better than gold a family here would be that. There names are Jimmy and Rina. In the first lesson with them they began to bear their testimonies to us. They told us they had no doubt that this church was true and they are so excited to be baptized. There are a few legal issues with them that we still have to work out but their marriage and baptism should be planned for the 24 of August. They are truly and inspiration to all of us here. We have another sister who is excited for her baptism this week on the 11. She has had a rough life and spilled the beans to us the fisrt day we passed by, we felt the impression to invite her to be baptized and she was so happy and she smiled and told us "thats all i want to do, is get baptized." I said it once and I will say it again, its such a blessing to be here in Guanacaste, I can feel that the Lord really has people here prepared to hear the gospel and that gives us the extra push we need to continue doing his work. I love my mission. These past 21 months have changed me into a better man. They have made me a better person and a better disciple of Jesus Christ. I feel so priveleged to represent my Savior, and at times find that the calling seems too great. But the Lord takes my sacrifice and my humble offering and magnifies it. I am so happy to have served this mission thus far in this amazing country that has become my second home. I am so happy to teach the gospel, that which I have no doubt is true. Its more than just the word of God, its the very life-changing doctrine that God has for the eternal salvation of his children. What a wonderful work this is. :) I love you all with all my heart. Until next week! Con amor, Elder Falor

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