
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

...otra semana...

Hello family and friends, This week was another great week! I am so happy to be here in Guanacaste doing what I am doing. We have been so blessed to see many small miracles come our way this week. One thing that surprised me but at the same time it didnt happened on Tuesday. I am never ceased to be amazed at how much our Heavenly Father hears us, and he is generally concerned for our welfare. He blesses us in even the littlest things to let us know he is there an he is aware. On tuesday night we got stuck at about 8:30 at night with nothing to do. It was raining and everyone had locked themselves in their houses, and because of the tin roofs here in costa rica, the rain makes it almost impossible for anyone to hear if we knock their doors. No one was in the street and we didnt want to go home and waste some of the most important minutes of the day. We were walking down the street and my mind went blank, I had no idea where to go or what to do. My companion said to me, "hey, lets pray and ask Heavenly Father what to do..." Happy with the idea we both went off to the side of the deserted road and he began to offer the prayer. It was the simplest spanish prayer, but it made its way to heaven. When we both said amen, we heard no noises until we opened our eyes and we saw a motorcycle pulling up next to us, a member had saw us and asked us if we needed help. We both looked at each other and couldnt stop smiling. I know that that was a tender mercy from the Lord, I know because the Lord put us on that path at that moment and inspired my companion to say a prayer. I was so happy to meet that member and to visit him. He showed us where some less active members lived and where him and his family lived as well. We put a cita to visit them the following day as well. I felt so overwhelmed and so grateful to have a loving heavenly father who is constantly aware of our situations. I was thankful as well for the gift of the holy ghost and my companions willingness to follow the promptings he received. It reminded me of a saying I heard in Conference: "When God speaks and man obeys, that man will always be right." This week we were able to find 3 new families who were willing to hear our message. Unfortunately none of them were commited to come to church on Sunday, nonetheless we had 6 investigators in church this sunday and are hoping for more next sunday. I love the branch here and the willingness of the members. They are so willing to sacrifice for the Lord and thats what the church needs here in Guanacaste and in Costa Rica, it needs more pioneers. People who are willing to leave all, if it were necessary, for the Lord´s cause. I Love the mission and I love the opportunity I have to be here in this country working with these amazing people. These past 21 months have been absolutely amazing, and I wouldnt trade them for anything in the whole world. I am excited for the 3 months that lie ahead as well. I hope you all know that I know that this is the true church. It is the only living church out there. The only organization that with its ordinances can save the human family. Only through the temple ordinances can the families be sealed for all time and eternity. I am so humbled and so excited to be part of this wonderful, life changing work. I love you all and hope you know how thankful i am for each and everyone of you. By the way, this week (the 15) is mothers day in Costa Rica. I hope all you mothers out there (especially my own mother) all know how important you are to me and to those around you. Have a happy Costa Rican Mothers Day! Love, Elder Falor

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