
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

23 months!

Print all In new window FW: 23 months! Inbox x cyndi falor Sep 24 (2 days ago) to Amy, Courtney, Riley, Lisa, tonia, me Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:45:41 -0600 Subject: 23 months! From: kolby.falor@myldsmail.net To: cyndif@eprivacylink.com; cynlyn59@hotmail.com; chipdude@hotmail.com; cs5long@q.com; mscheny@hotmail.com; tcm856@hotmail.com; eightallens@hotmail.com; maddison.allen@myldsmail.net; smdurrant@cachemeadow.com; buggsy28@comcast.net; kgttns@gmail.com; korygittins@gmail.com; gaussjcr@hotmail.com; pierceallen21@gmail.com Hello Family, This week was a really great week! We have had many little successes that make the work go by a little smoother. We have been preparing Derling and Dora for baptism on the 29 and they agreed, I talked to the Lawyer and planned the wedding for Saturday at 4 pm. Up until yesterday in the morning, everything was "pura vida" but then I got a call from Derling and he told me that Dora´s father didnt want her to get baptized. And because she is 17 years old he had to sign the paper for her. My companion and I were disappointed to say the least, but we knew that it was just satan. He finds any way to attack missionaries, members, investigators and any other person out there. He plays dirty and takes no mercy...but we were determined to not let him win. We found a great investigator this week, his name is Lauriano. He has 24 years and is a great guy. 7 years ago he got in a motorcycle accident that was going to leave him crippled, mentally handicapped, and breathing through a tube. But somehow some way he turned out just fine, he lives a (fairly) normal life this day and has made the decision to change his life. He saw us and said he could recognize something different and that something was something he wanted. We shared with him the restoration and invited him to read the book of Mormon. He agreed to do all of that. On Saturday the Elders in my district in Liberia were going to have a baptism. We invited him to the baptism, he said yes and we placed a return appointment to pass by at 5:15 to go with him. While we left our cita at 4:50 to go and get him, we got caught up in a hurracane like storm. It was absolutely incredible, we were walking in almost knee deep water in the streets. We arrived, soaked at Lauriano´s house, to find him brushing his teeth waiting to go. The Costa Ricans when they normally see rain they head into their houses and hibernate, they dont leave and they dont like to leave either. But he was ready and willing to go with us. Just to be safe we waited out the storm and it stopped. We left, got about 30 meters from the house and it began to pour again. We didnt want to turn back because we saw the faith that Lauriano had in his eyes. He didnt even know where he was going or what he was going to see, he just knew it felt right. I admire him walking with us through the rain, something, that for us was an everyday spectacle, just to see a baptism. The baptism went GREAT, it was a family from our area, but for different circumstances had to get baptized in the other branch. The son, Sebastian, was able to baptize his mom and little sister. As they bore their testimonies, you could feel the spirit in the room. We asked Lauriano how he felt, he didnt even answer and he asked us if he could come to church tomorrow. We said yes and put the time with him to pass by. He went to church and left the building smiling the entire day. We had a really great time with him in the church. The 2nd counselor called me at 11 am on sunday and asked me to give a talk on what recent converts need to stay active in the church. (our church starts at 1 pm now) I was nervous just before but said a prayer and asked the Lord to put in my mouth the words he wanted said. I had no idea what I was going to say beforehand, but my talk came out great. I have developed such a love for talking and sharing the gospel, who would have thought that right? But it was a great day yesterday. They are going to assign Luis as a temporary Ward Mission Leader until he gets the Melquisedec Priesthood. We were excited. They gave Sylvia a calling and a responsibility to be in charge of all the food activities in the chapel, she was excited and ready to work hard. Missionary work is alive in Liberia! And all is well! I hope you all know how much I love you! I hope you all enjoy my travel itinerary and that it doesnt make you all "trunky" either! Have ag reat week! Elder Falor Pura Vida!

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