
Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello Family, It was great to hear from all of you! I cant believe its already September, the time is going by so fast, I sound like a broken record, but each week I am astounded that I am here sitting on the computer again writting to you all. Yesterday we were at our dinner appointment (which is very rare by the way) and the Sister asked me when I go home, I told her in October, and she said "OH! You go home next month"...Even though its true, it weirded me out to think that next month I will be home. But until then, there is a lot of work to do here in San Roque. I am doing great here in Guanacaste. This week was a crazy one, but it was one of those where our planning really comes in handy. We have to make sure we plan and have a good activity planned for every hour of the day, and even up to plan b and c so that we are never just walking around doing nothing. Its quite funny, in my companions training process, this week was about making specific plans, and this week, all our plans fell on us, and we had to find things to do to stay busy and to be effective. I felt like it was a test and I felt like we learned that we must always be prepared. Thats what I love about the mission, I always tell my companion that nothing is for sure in the mission, each day is new, and each day brings with it different experiences that can change, even 3 minutes before. This week we saw some great progress with Luis. He accepted a date to be baptized and will be baptized on Saturday at 7. He has a strong testimony and we have been able to see some great progress in him. He is an example of God´s prepared sons and daughters. I have such faith that the Lord is really preparing people to receive the Gospel. One day while Luis was living in Santa Cruz, he had the impression that he needed to come to live in Liberia (San Roque) he didnt know why but he faithfully followed that spiritual prompting. Here in Liberia we found him and shared with him the news of the restored gospel. It was love at first sight. He heard the news of God calling a modern'day prophet and he fell in love with the Gospel. He has made amazing progress and has shown great spiritual conversion. Before finding the church he was a devout Jehovahs Witness. For those of you that dont know, the JW´s are THE hardest to convert. They are some of the strongest religious groups here in CR, not for their numbers but for their INCREDIBLE faith. To find a JW who is willing to listen to the gospel is nearly impossible. But when Christ knocks on the door and we answer, that door opens to amazing new experiences and things to find and unfold in life. I am happy to have known him, he reminds me a lot of Grandpa Long because he never can sit down, he is always working, always finding something to do and something to keep himself busy. I will keep you all informed on his baptism next week. Sylvia is doing great, she has shown great improvement as well. We found a new family Derling (23) and Dora (17) they are a really young couple but have a child together and have decided to listen to the gospel. They came to church on sunday and really liked it. I was so happy to see that the new plan we have made with the Branch Presidency has worked. On suday we had 9 investigatores in church, 1 of which WE personally brought, that means the members are sharing the gospel, and they are bringing people to church. With the help of members, the Lords work continues without limits, amazing things can be done, if members awaken their missionary potential. We have been working side by side with the BP and the new Sr. missionary couple (Elder and Hermana Clark from Lehi) to bring up the results for district Liberia. The idea is to have a stake by March 2013. I know it is possible if things continue the way they are going now. I love it, its a new plan of rescue made by us and the BP it keeps us all busy, and busy in the Lord´s work, which leaves us time to recieve many blessings in other areas of our lives. I have learned a true lesson of the law of consecration. When we give our time and talents to the building of the church, the Lord makes up for that in other areas of our lives, we are blessed and we are able to give all we can to the church, and everything else that requires our attention. The gospel really is amazing. It requires everything we have, but mostly a willing heart. I love to see that as we really make the effort and are willing to serve the Lord will do miracles in our lives and in the lives of those around us. I know this gospel is true. I know it with every fiber of my being. I have no doubts. I will never turn my back on Christ after having these amazing experiences and after seeing Gods hand in this work. I know our story is different, but I know its true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that the authority was restored upon his head, and then conferred from him in an unbroken chain until our day with our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is my sword and shield, it is the most important tool I have in my missionary tool box. I love this work and I love the Lord. I love you all as well! I hope this week is a great one for you! Until next time, Elder Falor

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