
Friday, December 16, 2011

Week 60

Hello My amazing family and friends, Its so great to be able to write to you and I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Christmas season. I know I am happy to see christmas approaching and happy to see lots of lights and fireworks here in Costa Rica. Costa Rica had its anual Festival of Lights on Saturday, could hear it from our area cause it was super close, all the members said it was amazing and a spectacular show. I heard that the Kolbi float won first place, no surprise, haha. This week was excellent, I did my first 5 interviews as District Leader, I was a little overwhelmed at first and wished I would have asked for help, but at the end I was glad I did them all, that family was a chosen family prepared for this time and this place to be baptized. At the end of the interviews, I was the one who got taught a very amazing lesson. I love that family, even though its a family of the Sister missionaries, I love that family, they have amazingly strong faith and I was glad to meet them. We are working super hard here in Pavas trying to help the families we have and trying to find more. We want to start 2012 off with a bang and keep it going that way all year long. I love being a missionary, I sound like a broken record, but I love sharing the gospel, its the best thing ever. I love seeing the change people are willing to make to put their lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I especially love sharing the gospel during this time of year, when we have the blessing of remembering the birth of our Savior. He is what Christmas is all about. Well family, I wont have much time to write this week because the computer keeps shutting off on me, so I want to write to make sure that everyone gets this letter. Just remember I love you lots! I miss you lots and I cant wait to talk to you on Christmas! Have a great week! Love, Elder Falor

Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 59

Hello Family, Wow, I cant believe another week has gone by, I didnt even feel this week pass by. We stay so busy as missionaries that the time just flies. I had so many wonderful experiences here in Pavas, many of which have humbled me beyond belief. On tuesday night the Zone Leaders asked me to prepare a lesson for the following day in Zone Conference. I felt more than humbled by the invitation but prepared my lesson and gave it on Wednesday. The Lord answers prayers and He heard mine, I was worried about my spanish, worried about teaching because some people have so much more time than me, some people know so much more spanish and have had so much more sucess in their missions, but the Lord really blessed me to get his point across. I did divisions with the Elders in Escazu and learned once again that the Lord with his mercy listens and answers prayers, my district is doing great and we are looking forward to some sucess here in District Pavas. In Pavas things are going great and we are looking forward to success as well. Today President Galvez invited the missionaries who baptized 2 families in the month on November to his house to eat and congratulate us on our work. I felt the spirit so strong and felt the Lord telling me that this man was inspired of God and he was fullfilling his calling. President Galvez is a man to be honored and deserves all of our respect as missionaries, he does all he can to fulfil his calling as Mission Presidente. I felt good to be there among those people and felt good to know that I was making a difference in the work of the Lord. Family, I read in a lot of my letters about all of your efforts to perform service this holiday season, and I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you and your example. Thanks for reminding us that this is what this time of year is about. Its about being on the Lord´s Errand and doing what he would have us do. This time of year is so amazing and what a blessing it is to be here serving lthe Lord on my mission during the most special time of year. He is what it is all about, He makes this time of year so special, and we can feel the joy of tihs season as we serve those around us and making their burdens light. Thanks for your amazing example. I am sorry my letter will be so short this week, the clock beat me this time, but I hope everyone has a great week! I will let you all know about the details of when and what time I will be able to talk to you on the 25. I love you all with all my heart! Dont forget that! Stay strong and remember how much you mean to me! I love you with all my heart. Elder Falor

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 58

Hello my amazing friends and family, Wherever you are, I hope this letter finds you well! I am doing exceptionally well here in Pavas. I made it through as my first week as District Leader and all went well, I wont lie it was a bit stressful, only because I dont want to let the Lord or Presidente Galvez down, they both have put their trust in me to be the best I can. But I know if I put my trust in the Lord, and pray with all my heart, He will make great things happen in my mission. After I wrote you all on Monday, the following Tuesday I had my first district meeting, I was nervous but the spirit guided that meeting and I feel we all left uplited and ready to work. My district is absolutely amazing! They inspire me. My district is 3 areas and 6 missionaries, 2 of those are Sisters. I was happy to get sisters in the district because they really make such a difference in the work, they really help and inspire us. Including this sunday the sisters in the district brought 8 people to sacrament meeting! I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by such great missionaries, and truly humbled to be called as their leaders when they are teaching and guiding me. Pavas is amazing, its also amazingly LARGE! Its big enough for 6 missionaries and here there is only 2 but we will see what happens there. We are working a lot with the families we already have and finding more for december. The mission has put the goal of 100 families baptized in the month of December, we will need all the prayers we can get to accomplish our goal and end 2011 on a high note. My companion is really cool, we get along really well and we work together really well. I have had some amazing experiences here in Pavas that its crazy, the ward is absolutely amazing! I have never seen members like this in all of Costa Rica, we had a really high attendance and it was awesome, the members made me fit right in as part of the family. I have already made good friends here in Pavas and memories that I will never forget. I hope everyone had a thanksgiving that they will remember, I reflected a lot on thanksgiving this week and many people say its just a dumb holiday where we just shove food in our faces, but I disagree, Its an amazing day to really reflect on what we are grateful for. I thought of all of you on Thanksgiving, and I gave thanks to my Heavenly Father, I dont know what I did to deserve the things I have, to meet and know the people I know and to have such great support. You are amazing! I am forever in debt with you all and especially with my Heavenly Father. I will never be able to repay you. Thank you all for your amazing examples and your support! I hope this week is a special one for all of you! Dont forget I love you all so very much. Elder Falor

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 57 and a lot of changes

Hello Family, I am writing you all from another area this week, I have been transfered to Pavas near San Jose Central and about 20 minutes from San Fran. I have to be honest I was happy to stay in the city but sad to say goodbye to San Francisco. That area and the comps I had there absolutely changed my life and my mission. I felt as though I was saying goodbye to my family again, I felt the true spirit of the mission, where the people go straight to your heart and it even becomes hard to say goodbye to them. But I left content because I feel I had accomplished what the Lord had for me to do there. The baptism of Everth went splendid, it was a big rough at first, we were all at the church waiting for 6 to arrive and 6 arrives and all of Everth´s family arrives except him...my heart sank and went into panic mode, I talked to his mom and asked him where he was and she told me he just didnt want to come, we me and Elder Garcia went to his house and tlaked for about an hour and arrived at the church at 7 and proceeded with the baptism. It was a beautiful service and I was thankful to take part in it and to perform another baptism in San Fran. After we had an amazing activity where the ward all got together and we felt like part of a family, we gave the lesson on being Christlike and what we can do to be able, one day, to be like Christ. On Saturday morning we received the changes, it was funny, after leaving the baptism I thought to myself there is no way I can be changed, I was sure that I would stay, then on Saturday in the morning, without thinking I was writing in my journal and I wrote that I felt as though I had comleted my goal there in San Fran and done what the Lord wanted. I remember when I arrived, I said to Everth, before I leave I will baptize you, how crazy, because after baptizing him I got changed out, it made me feel good to know I did what I had to do and now I get to do it all over again. I cried like a baby in Church on Sunday and in the house of our cook in San Fran, but I know that if they stay faithful one day we will all be able to arrive in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and there we will rejoice just like we did these past 4 months, thats our hope, thats what helps us to keep going, to have the promise of seeing our loved ones again. The Gospel is amazing. Changes meeting was crazy, I feel a bit overwhelmed and really blessed. I have been called as Senior Companion and District Leader. There is 6 missionaries in my district, 4 Elders and 2 Sisters, I dont know exactly how I am going to do all this, but that is why we have prayer and revelation, the Lord will help me to bring to pass his work and do his will. I will have to rely on him more than ever, and I know I will be able to accomplish great things. Tomorrow is my first district meeting and my first baptismal interview, so I will be praying EXTRA hard for that, but I know the Lord will bless me, he always does. My companions name is Elder Aguilar, he seems pretty cool, he is from Mexico, we will get along really well. I am excited as always to go forth in the work of the Lord, and to see some success here in Pavas. It was hard to leave my comfort zone but like I said earlier the mission has become my comfort zone and I know that if I rely on the Lord I will see miracles. I trust him enough to know he has a purpose for me here and I will follow him wherever he leads me. I hope you all know how unbelievably grateful I am to all of you for your support and your love, this thanksgiving I wont be with you but I will be thinking of you and how grateful I am for amazing souls like yourselves, you are all amazing, I wish you only the best this week. I love you lots, Elder Falor

Week 56

Hola mi querida familia, How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds everyone happy and healthy and feeling the Christmas spirit! I bet the snow makes it a little more like Christmas here. Here the Ticos have began putting up Christmas decorations, my comp always says that the ticos are trunky because they are thinking about Christmas in October and November, haha. Its a cool think to walk around and see all the lights and decorations, I dont remember them as much from last year, maybe because I was so new and so scared, haha. This week here for us in San Fran was all right. We were a bit frustrated to find out that not even one investigator came to church and the attendance was really low. We are doing all we can and sometimes we have days like that, but we know that if we do all we can the Lord will make us effective in His hands. We are planning a fun activity to do with the ward to get them active and to get them thinking, studying and praying. Here in the Mission, President Galvez has made a focus on enduring to the end and 3 basic things we can do to Endure to the End, its called "El Plan Noe" Noe is Noah in Spanish and each letter has a meaning, the N is Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) O is oracion familiar (family prayer) and E is estudio de las escrituras (study of the scriptures), we have been able to focus on those things and the general authorities of Central America have testitfied that if we do these three things we are enduring and receiving more guidance from the spirit and able to improve every single day. That is our plan this week and we feel it will help a lot. We are looking forward to another baptism this Friday the 18th. His name is Eberth, I dont know if you all remember Brenda, my first baptism here, well he is her husband and has decided to get baptized and asked me to perform the ordinance, we are happy to see the progress here, and happy to see that all the recent converts are really strong in the church! We are satisfied with our work, but recognize that there is ALWAYS more to do. Hermana Galvez said one time that sometimes her and Presidente ask a lot from us, but she promised us she was never going to stop asking for more, because we are missionaries and capable of giving more, and always going forward. We are excited for this last week to give all our efforts and to see a family enter the waters of baptism. Next week is changes and we will see what they bring. I hope this week brings many blessings, health and happiness, remember I love you all with all my heart. Hasta pronto, con mucho amor, Elder Falor

Monday, November 14, 2011

pics! CRSJM! the best

This is the only cellphone company in all of Costa Rica and its my name. I am famous. Kolbi means frog in a native language.
Jairo and Damaris signing the deal! Nervewracking.
Mario, Genisis, and Silvia! I love this family with all my heart
Elder Centeno, Jairo, Damaris, and I just before the baptism.

Week 55 Words fastest Wedding Ever

Hello everyone back at home, I dont know how to put this week into words, it was absolutely crazy, but I will try my best. So as I mentioned last week we were looking forward to a baptism of Carlos. We actually found out his real name is Jairo, but everyone calls him Carlos. So on Monday everything was pura vida and Tuesday he had his interview, what we thought at first was only a baptism turned into a wedding and a baptism. He had a girlfriend who lived in Paso Ancho (neighboring town) and they seperated because she got baptized and didnt want to break the law of chastity, so he moved here to San Francisco, but it turned out that when we got to the church after his interview, him and Elder Garcia were outside talking on a public telephone. Garcia told us that he wanted to get married and we were going to be planning a wedding for this Saturday (the 5th). We were super excited to plan another wedding, we have become specialists in weddings and baptisms now. So on Wednesday Elder Centeno and Elder Bagley went to the Nicaraguan Embassy to request for a Provisional Passport and I went to the office to help with the Retencion of Recent Converts in our zone. They arrived from the Nicaraguan Embassy with the passport and still everything was pura vida. Then on thursday we had interviews with President Galvez. We are in the middle of training meeting and President comes in and asks to talk to Elder Centeno and I. We go out and he tells us that the elders from Paso Ancho are calling and complaining that their recent convert doesnt want to get married and we were pressuring her. So we made a phone call with President to talk to the elders and explained the whole thing, President and the missionaries decided to call off the wedding. We went and talked to Jairo and told him the news, he said he had been in Paso Ancho that same day and Damaris (his girlfriend) was all excited and happy to be married. So we were confused, but decided to follow President's counsel and called off the wedding. We began to console Jairo and in come the other two Elders from Zapote and they told us that Damaris had called the house and was still hoping to be married. We ended up settling all the confusion and had a meeting Friday in the morning with Jairo and Damaris to settle all the final details. Saturday we had the wedding as planned and it went really great. Despite the fact that it was all SUPER fast everything turned out well, the members brought a cake and made food and brought drinks, it was a wonderful service and I was glad to see it all work out. It was super funny too, everyone said it was like a Soap Opera. When Jairo arrived at the church he was super nervous, we gave him a blessing and a glass of water to calm him down and proceeded with the wedding, when the time came the Lawyer asked them to stand up and say they accepted the other person as their spouse (basically the I do moment) and it went completely silent when he asked Jairo if he wanted Damaris as a wife. Everyone stopped breathing for almost a minute as Jairo sat and thought about it. Us, the missionaries, were FREAKING OUT, and finally "Si" broke the silence and everyone cheered, it was super dramatic but super awesome! So what started out as a baptism turned into a baptism and a wedding to complete a family. 2 families and 2 weddings in 2 weeks, we are on a roll. When we bore our testimonies in church we didnt hestitate to offer our resources for being Specialists in Weddings, Baptisms and managing the Nicaraguan Embassy, it was quite a rollercoaster ride. But that is what I love about the mission, everything can change in an instant, but we always have to be on our toes and expect the best. It was proof to me the thing I have heard lots on my mission "there is a solution to EVERY problem" and thats so true, if we work hard and put in our faith, there is always a solution to be found. It was a wonderful surprise to arrive to the chapel on Sunday and see Mario behind the sacrament table ready to bless it (oh by the way I conferred upon him the Aaronic Priesthood in the office of a Priest last sunday) I was so amazed at his courage and strength to go forth and do something he wasnt exactly comfortable with, but he did it because he understood the importance of the Priesthood. He inspires me. And then at the end of Priesthood, Jairo said the closing prayer, even though they may just be minor details like blessing the sacrament and saying a prayer, I remember at the beginning of my gospel process it took me so long to get comfortable to doing things like that, and here are my recent converts teaching me and showing me what the gospel is really about. It was an unexplainable experience. Mario, Silvia, Jairo and Damaris, have came to be lifelong friends, and I hope that one day we will all be able to find joy in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Thats the goal. I dont know what will happen at the end of my mission, if I will be able to enter the temple with Mario and Silvia, maybe I'll have to stay in the country for 10 days extra, haha who knows, but whatever happens, I know that if they stay faithful, the Lord will bless them to achieve their goals. I love this work. Its so amazing. It's changing my life and I love it. I am in the middle of the hardest thing of my life, but I couldnt be happier. The Gospel has to be true, it only makes perfect sense to see how the Lord truly puts the little details together to make the puzzle work out in favor of the Gospel. Its been a great week and a great 12 months, I can't wait to see what the Lord will have in store for me. I hope this week is a great one for you all, I hope you know I love you all with all my heart! Stay strong! Love, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


1. My companion, Silvia and Genisis, Mario and I
2. Silvia, Jimena, Genisis, and Mario
3. My companion, Mario and I
4. Mario and Silvia at their wedding!

Week 54 TRUE CHURCH!!!

Hello Family and Friends, This week has been splendid. We had the wedding and baptism on Saturday the 29th, it was such a spiritual experience, and I was surprised how well it went for us. We got a lot of support from our members and they even got together to buy a cake and our cook and her family made Arroz con Pollo (rice with chicken, its what they eat here). I was blessed to get the opportunity to baptize Mario, in my entire mission it was the 2nd person I personally baptized, I was a little worried about it all, because the last time was the 15th of January, but all went super well! I was so happy to see another family find their way onto the true path back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. I felt even more happy to know that I had played somewhat of a part in it all. I was truly amazed at the spirit that was present with us, I knew that what they were doing was right, I knew that they were on the right path, enduring to the end to reach the goal we are all trying to reach. I have waited the entire first year of my mission for that day, it was exactly as I had hoped, and I thank the Lord for blessing us so much to let everything go so well. We sacrificed alot to see this happen, but the sacrifices dont look like sacrifices, I was just happy to see it happen and to know that the future of this beautiful family will be so different. The Lord has blessed us in amazing ways, we are looking forward to another baptism of Carlos (20 years old) on the 5th of November. We are happy to see a difference here in the ward, and we truly feel effective in the Lord's hands. Its been a great experience and I have learned a lot. I have learned that the Lord really blesses us in our trials and He tests our patience to see if we will hold strong in our faith in Him. I have seen so many miracles and I just have one statement from that. The Church HAS to be true. I can't even begin to mention the things that have given me that testimony. But I have seen and felt enough things to say it with absolute surety. Its true. Everything we teach everything we do, to the world may seem strange, but its true. I have such a strong testimony in the power of the Gospel in our lives, if we let it in and go with it 100 percent we will see many miracles. Many people ask me if as a convert this whole process was hard. I cant lie and I have to say it was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I honestly wouldnt trade it for ANYTHING! It has to be hard, we have to have problems and trials of our faith to be worthy of living in our Heavenly Father's presence. I wish all of you could experience what I am experiencing on my mission, its life changing. I hope this week treats you all well and you can all find the happiness you deserve. Remember how much I love you. Each and every person reading this letter means the world to me. Keep the faith and lose the fear. Con amor, Elder Falor

Friday, October 28, 2011

foots de la mejor mision del mundo

Hello All, here are some pics from the worlds best mission! We made over 45 empanadas today and here is just a little glimpse of that
My companion, Elder Centeno and I at the temple
Elder Bagley (mtc comp) celebrating one year together with a cake!
half of Zona la Paz today for Pday! yes I know everyone will love that tie, I do!

Week 53 un milagro

Hello everyone! I am so happy to be writing you this week and tell you about the miracle that we saw. On friday we headed to the Nicaraguan Embassy with Mario and determined to get a passport. When we arrived we had almost everything against us. It was downpouring and cold and we were walking from San Jose central to the Embassy. Our orignal plan was to talk to the Consulate and demand a passport, and as we arrived we realized that she was just driving off and had finished her time for the day. Apparently you need to arrive before noon to talk to her. The next thing we had against us was the fact that Mario, in order to take out a Provisional Passport (lasts for only 9 months), needed a birth certificate which we didnt have. We reluctantly arrived at the first counter and explained our situation. I saw the face of the lady who the last time I went to the embassy with Elder Gibbs in San Ramon turned us down and told us to go home, my heart dropped and I began saying a prayer and asking the Lord to help us. He passed through the first counter and headed to the second, I couldnt hear what the man was saying, I just saw him shaking his head and my heart sank even more, but then I heard him speak as a smile came across his face as he said, ¨Normally, we cant do this, but I am going to do you a favor¨ We almost jumped up and down right then and there when we heard that. THe same day they gave him his passport and we only lasted about 25 minutes in the Nicaraguan embassy. We left and realized that what had just happened doesnt happen everyday or every once in awhile, it was a blessing from the Lord. I told him that it was a testimony builder, that if he was getting baptized in the wrong church, the Lord would not have blessed us with such a miracle. We are excited to see the baptism this Saturday, and I am excited because he has asked me to perfom the baptism. We were excited as well on Sunday when all the members jumped at the chance to help. It was strange, the Relief Society went nuts when they heard wedding and ALL wanted to help, they gave us rings, offered to bring food, soda, and make a cake. It was just what we needed. It will be a special experience for all of us. We are now on the lookout for families for November, we found a family who had grown up in the catholic church, honestly, only because their parents had said thats what they should do. They had lots of doubts and lots of questions, that with the Lord´s help we were able to answer. We are hoping and praying and being obedient so the Lord will be willing to bless us with some more of his miracles and lead us to his choice sons and daughters. I´m pretty sure we saw the sun for the first time in a long time this morning, I freaked out to the point I wrote it in my journal and judged it important enough to tell you all about it. We are getting lots of rain, especially here in San Fra, but the work goes on, and I love it. Even though I am sick, I find it easy to leave the house and get to work. I love being a missionary with each passing day. Even though its the biggest trial I will ever have to pass I am glad for trials we have and for the specific tests the Lord has given me, I am amazed to know that He loves me enough to help me learn and grow in my trials. I am learning bit by bit and day by day and it just keeps getting better. This baptism and thing with Mario was a trial of our faith, but we held strong and trusted in Him and He made it happen. THats really what happens when we leave it all in the Lord´s hands. I hope you all know how much I love you, I pray for you always. Keep the faith and lose the fear. con mucho amor, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 52, todo en las manos del Señor

Hello my amazing family, This week has been all right. Its been a lot like a rollercoaster. We went early in the morning to the Nicaraguan Embassy to see what we can do with Mario's papers so that he can get married. Unfortunately, Nicaragua is a country unbelievably unorganized so there is lots of people who are here illegally and who do not have any sort of ID or birth certificate or anything, we got super lucky that Mario has a passport, but that expired last november. We went to find that the embassy was closed because of a holiday for central america. We have plans to talk to the consult as representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and basically demand a provisional passport for his marriage and baptism, supposively it works with other missionaries, Elder Centeno and I dont look too tough but we will see if everything works out. But as for now the baptism is postponed. We are hoping and praying for the 29, but as for now everything is in the Lord's hands, and if we have sufficient faith, and it is all according to His will, it will all work out. Today we went to the temple, and as always its breathtaking, I am amazed at the temple, even though I dont fully understand it, I obey and follow the counsel I receive and know the Lord will bless me. Well tomorrow marks my one year mark, and I have some mixed feelings about it, as I am sure every missionary would understand the feeling of missing home, but loving the mission so much it makes you sick to think about leaving. I really do love this country, I love the people and everything about it. This year has been one I will defninitely never forget, it is full with some of my most cherished moments. I am so glad this entire year was spent in the service of my Heavenly Father. We're trying eveyr day to open our mouths and to share the gospel with every single person we meet on the street, we did that and had quite the sucess. I love sharing the gospel, I love the way my testimony just flows out of my mouth. I love the gospel because its so easy and makes so much sense. If anyone just opened their mind and heart they would all understand the truthfullness of it. There has never been higher necesity than now for the gospel in our lives, I need it every day, its my feet and my legs. I helps me walk, think, talk, eat and do everything I have to do. I love it. Well family, I am sorry this letter will be kinda short, I hope to have a longer letter next week. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and keep you safe, I hope you never forget how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart. Hasta pronto, Elder Falor KEEP THE FAITH AND LOSE THE FEAR!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 51, siempre estoy en San Fra

Hola mi querida familia, How is everything going? I am doing great here in Costa Rica, and still in San Francisco with my same companion, Elder Centeno. It is a strange experience for me, I have never been in an area for more than 3 months or with a companion for more than 1 and a half. I am going to enjoy this change and enjoy every minute I get in this great area and beautiful country. I am most happy about the fact I didnt have changes because its here I wanted to complete a year, especially with Elder Bagley, its fun to think about 12 months ago we started this journey together and we are celebrating the half way mark together. I am also happy because if all goes well we will be baptizing a family this 22 of October. We will be needing a LOT of prayers to help us get this all worked out. Like everyone in Costa Rica, this family is not married, so we are planning a wedding for them and hoping to get them married and baptized the same day. Mario and Silvia (Silvia is a member of the church, baptized about 2 years ago in another area) are an amazingly humble family that we found about a month ago and have progressed really fast. Silvia came to church with us and found a resparked light and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and her boyfriend Mario has found a love for it as well. We have been teaching them in their super humble and super small house, but they always lovingly accept us and offer us orange fanta (a typical thing that EVERYONE drinks here in Costa Rica, next to Coke, but the missionaries are not allowed to drink coke) We are trying to find a way to pay the Lawyer to perform this marriage so that Mario can get baptized. We are planning on making Arroz con Pollo to eat and using the HLJ rings as wedding rings for now. Its an amazing thing that we have seen here in San Francisco. I have personally received a testimony of prayer. This past week my mind has been racked with the feeling of having to leave another area and another family behind that I was going to baptized. I can say I prayed so hard this week to be able to say here and baptize this family. The Lord answers and hears my prayers. I am hoping and continuing to pray that he will bless me to see this baptism through, it will be the first family baptism that I will see in my mission. It means more to me because it will be 2 days after completing a year so that if they stay faithful for 1 year at the last moment of my mission I will be able to attend their sealing in the San Jose Temple, so as you can see, I, they and we as a companionship need your prayers for all to work out! That is our biggest focus here in San Fra, we have been on a crazy search to find those that the Lord is preparing. Its an amazing thing to see that after fininshing a prayer asking the Lord to direct us to those who are searching and we find those the Lord puts on our path. We found another family who is struggling with financial things and the husband just lost their job and the wife just had a baby. Luckily they got married so they could be baptized in another church, but with somethings that happened they fell away from the church and are "buscando a Jesus" we were thrilled to tell her about the good news and good blessings that come from obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. The work is amazing. I have no other words for it. I love being able to tell people about our older brother and best friend, Jesus Christ. I love to see their faces light up when they hear "there is a way out and a way up." I love seeing tears enter their eyes and feel the spirit enter the room when we explain their families dont have to be "until death do us part". Its something I cant explain, but its something I've become addicted to. I dont know how, but have always been constantly blessed with the Lords blessings in the mission, I am eternally grateful to Him, as well as all of you! Thanks for all your support and all your love! I can feel it all the way here. My testimony of families has grown immensely in my time on the mission, I never realized how great we have it to be born into families. I have realized that happenstances dont exist. Its not happenstance we are here in families, because our families are meant to be eternal. God is eternal, and the family is ordained of God. It only makes sense. I love this gospel. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the fact that His church has been restored once again to bless every human soul. I am so grateful for the Priesthood and for the saving ordinances that are available to all of us. I am so grateful for my covenants and for my amazing family. I know its true. And I cannot deny it. I hope you know how much I love you. With all of my heart. Con todo mi corazon, les amo, hasta pronto, Elder Falor

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


1. Elder Bagley, Garcia, Centeno and I on mine and Bagley's 11 month anniversary in the mission!
2. Me, Mercedes, Bishop Urena, Elder Centeno
3. Me and all my presents, dont laugh at my butch haircut, thats what I get for asking Elder Garcia to cut it for me, haha.
4. September 15, 2011, Typical food of Costa Rica, the rice and beans with black beans is called Gallo Pinto! Its my favorite thing to eat in the world!

Week 50

Hola mi querida familia y todos mis amigos! Estoy pura vida aqui en San Francisco! I hope everyone enjoyed their week, I sure did! I loved having the opportunity to watch conference this weekend. We watched all 5 sessions in the chapel stake center in Gravilias. Unfortunately our family that we are teaching didng show up on Sunday, and too bad, because this conference was one that cannot be missed! I have only seen about 4 conferences in my time as a member, but this one takes the cake! I loved every second of it! There is so much room for us to improve, but luckily we have living Prophets and Aspostles to light the way. We are so lucky to live in a time when the church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, we are so absolutely lucky to receive inspiration from Heaven from the mouth of our living prophet. I love President Thomas S. Monson, he is such an example for us and such a great prophet. I loved every talk but especially the talk by Tad R. Callister about the book of mormon, he bore a powerful testimony and it strengthened mine of this amazing book, and that we must be more educated on it and gain more than a testimony but a conviction. We must feast instead of study! The book of mormon is true. I know it. I also have read every single page of that book, front and back, up and down, and IT COMES FROM GOD. There is so much power in it to all those who prayerfully feast from its words. God loves us, and thats why he has given us this amazing book, and restored his amazing church through his servant Joseph Smith. I love my Savior and am growing closer to him with each passing day. I know him, I really feel I walked with him before, and he continues to walk with me now especially through this sometimes perilous journey. I know this church is true. I havent a single doubt in my mind. Well, I figured it wouldnt hurt to start a letter with my testimony, I just dont want a second to pass by without claiming all I know and professing all I can of the truth and divinity of this work. We had an awesome conference with President and Hermana Galvez this week on Wednesday, it was a great experience. As I watched conference this week I received revelation that President Galvez was chosen by God to be mission president. Sometimes the missionaries complain at the things President asks us to do, but everything he has said to us was given a second testimony by the Apostles and Prophets this weekend, he is an inspired man, I love him and look up to him a lot. I will be sad to see him go, but know that he has served well his Heavenly Father. On Monday for my birthday was quite an experience! I would like to thank EVERYONE who has mentioned my birthday and hope you all know I love you. Our cocinera bought me a cake, we ate Repochetas which was super good! THen after they sang to me and I blew out my candles they smashed about 10 eggs on my head and threw flour on me. Unfortunately the only thing that was damaged was a pair of pants. But dont worry, I got them all back especially when I grabbed Elder Centeno to give him a hug covered in egg and flour, it was a fun day! Then we ate amazing chocolate cake, it was a good day! I am so grateful for all the amazing people in my life. I dont know what I did to be so blessed in this life! I hope the Lord continues to bless and guide you in your lives! Never forget how individually important you are to me. You all are in my prayers, thoughts, and heart. Les amo, con todo mi corazon! Hasta pronto, Elder Falor

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Semana 49 y el bautismo de Mercedes

Hello My amazing family,

I can't begin to thank you enough for all your birthday wishes and for all the love I feel. Even though today wasnt my birthday, it was pday so I decided to take advantage of it, since tomorrow we have zone meeting and have to work all day, I opened the presents you sent me! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I loved every single thing I received! I will never be able to repay you all for your love and support, I hope you know how much you mean to me!

This week in San Francisco was a great week, we finally got to witness the baptism of Mercedes. It was such a spiritual experience, as every baptism is. It started off worrisome, because the baptism was scheduled for 430, but people arrived not only on mormon standard time, but tico standard time, so the baptism didn't start until 545, but it was great. Mercedes felt happy to have finally made this commitment and covenant with her Heavenly Father. After it all Mercedes had a chance to bear her testimony, and as she sat there and cried and shared her story with us all I felt the spirit so strong and remembered my baptism over 2 years ago. I had the opportunity to talk about baptism at the service and was so privileged to be able to share my feelings of this sacred life changing ordinance. The next day in Sunday the family that we are teaching came to church and got to witness the confirmation of Mercedes. They loved it and felt the spirit super strong. The wife came up to me after the meeting and told me "me hacia falta, mucha falta", she got baptized when she was fourteen years old but the world took a grip on her life and turned it upside down, and after the meeting she came up to me almost in tears and told me about how much she had missed this feeling, and desired that her husband could be baptized into this church as well. We visited them at night and invited him to be baptized on the 22 of October. We are looking forward to this date and hoping he can make the necessary steps to change his life and be baptized on this date, if all works out well we will be marrying them and baptizing them the same day. I am hoping and praying that I will still be here in San Francisco to see this all turn out!

Today marks one year ago since I talked in sacrament meeting, I absolutely cannot believe how fast time is going, my mission is flying by, its the craziest experience. But its one I will never take back. I may be in the middle of the hardest two years of my life, but 2 of the most rewarding and life changing. I would never change this for anything. I cant believe I have almost hit the half way mark, befor I know it this will be over with, but what I have left, I will enjoy and use to the best of my abilities.

This change has been an excellent one and I cannot believe its almost over. Its been one of the most spiritual changes of my mission. i have learned and grown so much thanks to my companion. We have so much fun together, and together we are doing all we can to fulfill our purposes as missionaries. We are always searching for new people to teach and baptize, we are always on the lookout testifying to every person we meet and see of the truthfulness of this gospel! I love this gospel with all my heart. It is meant to bless the lives of all of God's children and to make it possible to return to his presence again. I know that its true because I feel the spirit testify to me every time I open my mouth to speak about it.

I love you all very much! I hope you never forget how much you mean to me!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Falor


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 47

Hola mi querida familia!

I hope this letter finds you all well! Another week has passed here on the mission and I didnt even feel it. It went by so fast I cant believe it, this change with Elder Centeno is half way done, we only have 3 more weeks. We are really kicking everything in to gear to perpare for October, we are praying and hoping that we stay together for one more change to do all we can here in San Francisco and "echar fuego" in the work here. We have made some progress with getting the investigators involved in the missionary work, yesterday at ward council they actually started fighting about who was going to go with the missionaries. Once they tried missionary work they were addicted and everyone wanted to help. We are working hard with retencion here as well (because I am the new Retention Specialist in district Zapote at your service ;) ) we have a lot of new programs to get people baptized into the church and staying there. Its a lot of work, but I love staying busy and having lots of things to do. This sunday we will be training the members of how to teach from Preach my Gospel so they can feel what we feel when we get to go out and testify of this amazing work.

This week also was independence day for Costa Rica! I loved it! They have a truly great spirit when it comes to their independence day, just like us! It made me feel at home. We had a fun activity with lots of typical food from Costa Rica! I love this country! Its so special and so beautiful! I kept walking around on Wednesday saying "Noble Patria!" they have a cool parade that they do at night on the 14 where all the children make little lanterns that have something to do with the country and its traditions and habits and they all walk down the street during the night. We happened to be at the church when they passed and we were so excited to see it, and it turns out the parade that walked past the church happened to be a parade of gringos! And not only gringos, but gringo missionaries for the Baptist Church...haha it was kinda a funny experience. At 6 o clock that night every one in the country sang their national anthem, and then on thursday we had the activity it was lots of fun.

We have a baptism this Saturday and we are preparing for that, we are again on the lookout for new investigators, and constantly hoping and praying that the people here will open their hearts and allow us to teach them. Mercedes is preparing for her baptism and has been preparing for many years, we are excited to see this and happy to see her make this amazing decision in herlife. She was a cool experiene for us, to see firsthand the change a person makes in order to bring their lives in harmony with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has made a 360 degree change, its been cool to see. The Lord knows us and helps us change to better serve for His mighty purposes. She has a different light about her, the Light of Christ, and you can tell she knows she found the right path, the only right path that there is, back to the presence of our Heavenly Father.

Yesterday was a special day for me, it was my 2 year anniversary since my baptism. I kept saying all day long that I couldnt believe 2 years had passed. I know that it doesnt matter how many years will pass, that day will forever be engraven in my mind, and will be the day that changed my life 100 percent. I am so happy for the decision I made 2 years ago to follow the path my Heavenly Father prepared for me. I know I am where I am supposed to be. I have no doubts, no regrets about the decision I made 2 years ago. I am so thankful for all the people who have supported me on this journey, it hasn't been easy but its been worth it. I thank all of those people who were constantly being great examples to me and helped me find my way. I look forward to all the many years I have ahead as a member of the only true church of Jesus Christ.

I love you all with all my heart. I love this gospel with all my heart. I love my mission with all my heart.

I pray that all is well with you.
Love, Elder Falor

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 47

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you all well back home! I am so thankful for the letters of love and support you all sent me. Thanks forever for all you do! You dont know how much it means to me to feel so loved here on the mission. I am headed for 11 months in the mission! I can't believe it. Time is going by absolutely way too fast, I am happy to see what will happen in the other half of the mission. This week was a good week here in San Francisco, we are trying our hardest to find more people to teach and share the gospel. We challenged one of our investigators to baptism but he decided it wasnt for him, it hurt to hear that, but as the Lord says, "And ye are called to bring forth the recollection of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts", we know that the Lord is preparing people who will not harden their hearts and will accept the call to be baptized. We realized we have lots of families we are teaching that are not progressing, we felt bad but realized again we had to go and seek for those who will progress. We are being super blessed with finding people on the streets and contacting them. In the mission we say "lo que busca, hallará" or what you seek you will find. Its so true, if we have the mind set that we want to find families, the Lord places them on our paths.

We are preparing Mercedes, another investigator for baptism on the 24, she is a great investigator and has waited since 2007 to be baptized and has finally decided to change her life and enter into the waters of baptism. We are excited and looking forward to that day. We have many people at different stages of the gospel again, we are trying so hard to help them become closer to their savior Jesus Christ. We are working hard and doing our best to find the chosen, or escogidos of the Lord. This week the Elders from Zapote baptized and completed a family and we had the opportunity to sing at the service. We sang Come thou Fount in spanish and Elder Bagley played the violin, it went really well. While watching the service I realized how important it is that we search and find families. Its not some random task our president has asked us to do but it is a task from the Lord, that He asks us to do. We left the baptismal service ready and excited to help families find the gospel. I also thought about the wife of the man who got baptized, she had remained faithful and strong in the church, all those years in the hopes that one day her husband would come to find the truth, now they are both on the journey to the temple.

I know and feel as I testify to families that they can be forever. I now see with the eyes of our Heavenly Father, I see every family in the street as if they were dressed in white, I imagined them all back in the presence of their Heavenly Father with their families at their side. I know that its only possible through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that only in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the true authority of God is found and it was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I dont have one single doubt about it. I know that one day, if we hold out faithful, we can all have the opportunity and the privelege to arrive and kiss the feet of our beloved Savior.

Well family, I am sorry this letter will be so short, but I will try to write more next week! I love you all very much, you are always in my hearts and in my thoughts.
Elder Falor

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 46

Hello Family and friends,

This has been a good week, well 4 days that have passed since we last talked. The first four days with my new companion were great, he is a recent convert so we have a lot in common, we have a lot of the same struggles, and we both have really strong testimonies of this gospel. But he has had to fight a fight a lot harder than mine, and I think that is whyHeavenly Father sent him to me, because I need to realize how lucky and blessed I am. His family disowned him once he got baptized, and he doesnt receive a single letter from his family, but he continues strong. I receive numerous letters, packages, and I know I have so many people cheering me on and some times I lose confidence and faith, but he is an example that never loses faith, even though he goes to internet and opens his inbox without a single letter. He knows and has a testimony of this work, and despite the lack of letters he continues strong and does what the Lord wants done. Thats a lot of what I have learned this week, that sometimes we're fighting a fight that we think and wonder why me, but there are other people in the world with worse problems, then we realize its just a grain of sand that mountain that we are trying to climb.

This week was spent searching for new people to hear the gospel, we had struggled everyday to find new people to teach, when fast sunday came around, the Lord continued to bless us with miracles and we found a family who was super interested in our message. We are looking forward to the baptism of Mercedes, (the mother in law of Brenda, my last convert) who has been preparing for her baptism for over 7 years and has finally made the decision to change her life. We are working also with Javier and challenged him to a date this month on the 17th, he knows he needs to pray and accepted the invitation to do so. We are super lucky, and super blessed. The Lord always has His hands in this work, and He does what He needs to to have his work come to pass.

We are now in September, and this month has brought on a lot of reflections, this month two years ago my entire life was changed. I bore my testimony in church on Sunday and shared my experience of my baptism, it was so spiritual that it almost brought tears to my eyes, there were many people in the congregation waiting to take this amazing life changing step, I hope my testimony helped and reassured them that baptism is never the wrong path, especially if its baptism in the only true and living church on the face of the earth. I am so grateful for my baptism, the day that I was born again and the day that changed me. I thank the Lord for placing certain people on my path that brought me the gospel. I am grateful for the thousands of missionaries, those full time and those who are just great and amazing people, who helped me on this path. I know I am where I need to be, I am on the path back to my Heavenly Father, I wont stop until I arrive at His presence once again. I know the Gosple is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The same church that He Himself organized nearly 2000 years ago. I know my Heavenly Father knows me, among my billions and billions of other brothers and sisters, He knows me and He knows you all, personally, and is willing to bless you if we choose His path. I know that the gospel is a gospel of sacrifice and sometimes suffering, but at the end it is all worth it. At the end of it all its more than worth it. I know and with forever testify of these things.

Thanks for all you do for me, never forget how much you mean to me.
With all the love I can give,
Elder Falor

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 45 more changes.‏

Hello Family and Friends,

This week has been a good week here in Costa Rica. It was spent saying goodbye to all the people my companion wanted to visit. He was and is a great missionary, I learned so much from him and honestly it was hard to see him go. He became another brother to me and he is a huge example to me. Today we went to changes meeting and heard the final testimonies of a lot of missionaries who have changed my mission, my old companion Elder Hernandez, my old District Leader Elder Ampuero and my companion Elder Silva, all have marked my life and my mission. The mission continues here in San Francisco, me with a new companion Elder Centeno from El Salvador, he is a super nice person and a great missionary, we are looking forward to having success and help here in the work of the Lord. WHatever happens I am determined to keep my head up and my attitude positive. The changes meeting was great, all the elders who were having a birthday in September recieved a bag of candy and the entire mission sang Happy Birthday to us. It was super cool.

This week in church Javier came back to church, this time with a shirt and tie, he is progressing fast towards baptism, we are going to try and put a baptismal date with him this week, we will see how that goes. We are on the lookout for more families, and hoping for a family of 4 who are a super amazing family they have many challenges and many desires to follow the savior. THey have a religion that they have only followed because of tradition but feel confused about it and are beginning to question it, we have told them to pray and ask the Lord about our message, every meeting we get one tiny baby step toward baptism, we are putting in all our strength and efforts to help them receive this amazing blessing.

I have been thinking a lot lately and one thing I have learned in the mission is this, that the Lord knows us. I have grown such a stronger love for my Heavenly Father, I know how much he knows me, and he blesses me. I realized how hard at work he is in our lives and how much of our daily lives arent only happenstance, every part of our lives is a part in the plan of God. I have learned the Lords tests and have tried my best to overcome them, I know with his help I can accomplish great things. I know the Lord places specific obstacles in our way here on our life journey, its all on the path to perfection. If we support it well, we will receive the greatest blessing God has for us, living in His presence forever with our families. I know this is true and I have not one doubt in my mind. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, I know that the work here on the mission is divine and it goes far beyond our time on earth. I know God lives, I know He loves us, and blesses us. If we remember every challenge and trial comes from him, we may have more faith and more determination to endure to the end and recieve the blessings he has for us.

Family and friends, I love you all with all my heart, you are always in my thoughts and my prayers, I hope this week brings some of the worlds greatest blessings to you. I love you with all my heart. Love,
Elder Falor


Week 44, ¡¿10 meses ya!?‏

Hello Family and friends,

This week in Costa Rica was excellent. Each day I feel the love of my Heavenly Father grow stronger and stronger and I feel Him closer and closer, this week was filled with a lot of tender mercies. It started off with interviews with President Galvez, we had some training meetings with the Zone Leaders and la Hermana Galvez, its crazy how I went into the meeting feeling a little unsure about things and a little nervous and all that jazz, but the Lord blessed me with a tender mercy, and every lesson, every training session I felt was directed towards me personally, I felt it came exactly from the Heavens. I entered the interview being the second to last person in the room and president asked me how I felt, I told him I felt at peace because I felttruly blessed and ready to get to work! The Lord knows His children.

We´re working as hard as we can with all of our resources to continue the work of the Lord here in San Francisco, we have found a few new families and September is looking like a promising month for us here, even though my companion wont be here, he is doing all he can to make sure that the area continues to progress. This week we had an investigator in church, his name is Javier, he has had quite the life story and has come to a decision to change his life, he is taking it one step at a time, we have gone to his house every sunday since my time here to get him to go to church and he never came, so this sunday with determination me and my companion stayed and offered to help him. We made him breakfast and ironed his clothes for him, just in time to get to the chapel by nine, he seemed to enjoy his time there and he truly felt the spirit. We know that he is ready to get baptized and that baptism in this church is what he is looking for and its what will change his life.

On Saturday it was national day of service, (I dont know if it was worldwide or only in CR) but all the stakes and wards and branches and districs in the church in the country went and did some specific service. Our service project made a huge impact on me. Barrio San Francisco met at nursing home to offer their help, unfortunately we arrived late, but just in time to see the members dancing with the elderly people and making them smile. Some were painting their fingernails and others were just there to talk and give comfort. It reminded me of my good old days at Legacy House and I though of how priveleged we are to have places like Legacy House for our loved ones. Nursing homes are a lot different in CR, the old people are just dumped off, and they are considered lucky if they recieve a phone call from their children, they truly enjoyed the presence of those who gave their time and efffort to help comfort them. I saw the true love of Christ, true charity in the eyes of all those members that day, I felt at peace knowing the Lord was happy with our service, the Lord was pleased with His children, to see them giving a good example and good name to His Beloved Son. It was a truly emotional day, it almost brought tears to my eyes, I felt truly grateful to be a part of this church, of a program that is changing the world, that is changing it for the better.

Well Family, 10 whole months have passed since I´ve seen your beautiful faces in person, I cant believe how fast time goes, but the saying is true, time flies when you are having fun. The mission is the funnest thing I have ever done. I am so glad that I have 14 more months to enjoy doing what I am doing. The clock just keeps ticking and to be honest that scares me, I dont want it to end too soon, but I know that all has its time and purpose, and I have 14 more months to give my life to this work. I hope you all know how truly deeply grateful I am for all your love and support during this time in my life, you are such strength for me! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and plead to my Heavenly Father that He will continue to bless you all! Ihope you can all see His presence in your lives and recognize the blessings He constantly gives us.

Today was a good pday, since it was my companions last pday in the mission as well as 2 other missionaries in the zone, we went and played paintball! It was my first time playing in my life and it was a lot of fun! It was a good experience, but I know I will pay for it tomorrow and I will be super sore!

Well Family, I love you all so much! Thanks for all you do! You rock! Stay strong, keep the faith and lose the fear! You are forever in my prayers.
Elder Falor

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 43

Hello Family and friends,

I hope you are all doing well, all your letters found me happy and well here in Costa Rica. I want to tell thanks to everyone who sent me a letter, and I will do my best to promptly send a response as soon as I can! I am doing excellent here in San Francisco! We had a difficult week, a family we have been focusing on denied the invitation to get married and baptized this month, we are doing everything we can and understand that at the end the work is in the Lord's hands. We are working super hard to find families, the mission has turned family hungry, if there is a couple walking down the street with a child, I am always positive the missionaries have contacted them. President Galvez says that we must repent if we let one family pass us by without sharing with them the possibilities of going into the eternities as a family unit. To say the least we are doing everything possible so that more people arrive in the doors of the Holy Temple. Our convert, Brenda, moved to Nicaragua this week, we are hoping for a prompt return so we can help her and her husband unite themselves to become an eternal family as well. Church went well this week, unfortunately we had no investigators in church, we will repent for that error and keep going forward, looking ahead for next week. We have an investigator whose name is Javier, he was an old investigator of some other elders back in April, the elders dropped him because of his lack of progression, but we have recently decided to teach him again and the Lord has done His work and helped Javier find the importance in the message we bring. He seems ready for change and willing to make it by baptism.

My companion and I are working super hard here to help bring the Lords work to pass, also because he has about 15 days left of his mission! Crazy! But we are doing all possible so that we can both be effective in the Lords hands here in San Francisco. We always have our downs, often times more than the ups, but every down is meant to lift us up, and every up is worth a thousand downs. Tomorrow we have interviews with Presidente Galvez, I am so excited to be able to talk to him and share with him some of the experiences that have happened in my mission, he is a wonderful inspired man, and I am so grateful to know him and to be able to work under his guidance.

This week was a good one, even though it had its difficulties we learned a lot and we found a lot of ways to improve, my companion is awesome, he is helping me so much and teaching me so much, he is the type of missionary I want to be when I have 23 and a half months. I am teaching him english and he is doing pretty good with that! We are working really good together and I will be sad to see him go, but this is a part of his life that has to end and he has to continue. I learned this week how we are truly not alone, the Lord never leaves our side, if we feel lonely its because we have distanced ourselves, we are the ones who give into temptation, hatred, pride, anger and all the bad and we take ourselves away from His guidance, but I found He is always standing with His arms outstretched to receive us.

I hope all is well at home, I hope you all know how much I enjoy reading your letters, you all inspire me! Thanks for everything you do! Sorry this letter is so short, but I will definitely write more next week! I love each and everyone of you, you are always in my thoughts and occupy my prayers, stay strong, keep the faith and LOSE the fear!
les amo con todo mi corazon,
Elder Falor

Monday, August 8, 2011

Semana 42 y un gran cambio‏

Hello Family and friends,

I hope this letter finds you all well wherever you may be. Thanks as always for your support, I really feel your love and support, faith and prayers all the way here in Costa Rica. I love you all with all of my heart. This week was absolutely amazing, just like the rest. I participated in something that forever changed my mission and my life. The week started off with divisions where I went to an area called PorVenir while my companion went to a leadership training meeting. I was with Elder Constantino from Idaho, he only had 1 and a half weeks in the mission, I knew and sympathized for him and what he was going through. We had a great divisions, even though I was the missionary with a lot of time, he taught me a bunch of things that I had forgotten along the way. We worked so hard, and were doing everything we can to help the work of the Lord increase in Costa Rica. I truly felt influenced by His spirit, led by His hands, and effective as a missionary, it was a truly great experience. After I arrived home after the divisions and recieved a call and a special assignment. I was to head down on more divisions with Elder Hoyt my zone leader from Texas, we were to go to Puntarenas and all that was told to us is that we were going to help translate for a bunch of gringos on a boat. We met with more missionaries in the mission office in San Jose, there was about 12 gringos.

The US navy, united with a charity group from the Church and a charity health group called Project Hope, they were making a mission to central and south america offering free health services from dental to optometry to physical therapy they had everything, the only thing was they didnt speak any spanish, so who better than the missionaries to do the job, haha. Costa Rica was the 8th country on this mission. So we headed to Barranca, Puntarenas about an hour out of San Jose, I saw the ocean for the first time in 9 months, but that wasnt what took my breath away. As I stood there seeing all these people working so hard and not receiving a dime for their efforts, I realized that everyone was running on pure love. I witnessed pure love in action. It was absolutely beautiful, there is no other words to describe it. I loved being an instrument in the hands of my God, even though we were not allowed to preach, people saw our examples and knew and recognized us as representatives of Jesus Christ.

I spent the first day in General Medicine, translating to find out more about the pacients cheif complaint. It was seriously life changing and mission changing, I felt like I was seeing life through the eyes of our Heavenly Father, I experienced an immensely deep love for all of the people who came, those from Puntarenas, those from San Jose, from the United States, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Ecuador, Peru from all over the world. It was truly a humbling experience. I cant quite put it into words how I felt, but I know that I felt good and I felt the influence of the spirit. My second day was spent outside filling out forms and admitting pacients, that was different than the first day but it was just as amazing. I loved everything about my experience in Puntarenas, I was supposed to go today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, but I didnt go today and we will see about the rest of the week.

My spanish shot through the roof, and I recieved an even stronger testimony of the gift of tongues!! I know that this was a blessing from the Lord, everyone from every different walk of life came together for one purpose and the driving influence was love, and that was the biggest lesson learned. Love is the meaning, love is the ending and the beginning, love is the left and the right and its what keeps us going, we nothing without love and charity, the pure love of Christ.

Another one of the great experiences was the change to eat a real MRE, meal ready to eat, that was such a great experience as well, and didnt taste as bad as I thought it would! It was an awesome experience, one that I will take with me for the rest of my life, I will never forget the faces of those who are sick thank me as I helped in this Gods work. I know that Love is what the world needs, and I know it starts with our desire to serve God. I know that the work that I am doing is true, I know its from God and I know its the most important thing I could be doing at this point in time. I learned so mcuh in just a few short days, I forever thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve a mission. This experience is one that I would never trade or take back for the rest of my life. I hope you all know that I love you with all my heart and I think of you often, you are all in my prayers and I love you very much!

con mucho amor, Elder Falor

Week 41 y el bautismo de Brenda Rodriguez‏

Hello Family,

Another week has past and here we are again, thanks again for all your letters, I look so forward to things that are going on back home. This week in San Fran was spectacular. On Saturday we had a baptism. Brenda Rodriguez was baptized by the Bishop at 3 pm in San Francisco. I was so happy to see another baptism, because it was another one of Heavenly Fathers children who found their way back to the path. I knew and felt Heavenly Father´s smile at the baptismal service. Its an amazing thing that baptism can do to a person, it changes them emotionally, spiritually and even physically they look different. I loved seeing Brenda enter into her first set of amazing sacred covenants with her Heavenly Father, I sat content and happy knowing of the blessings that lie ahead for her. Each journey to baptism is different, Brenda had her share of rollercoaster moments, but made it into the waters of baptism on Saturday. Watching her get baptized gave me the necessary strength I need to move forward. We set high goals for the month of August and are always doing everything in our power to accomplish them. I hope that I can be more effective in the Lords hands and see more of His children enter into these covenants. Brenda is an amazing person and an example that the Lord is really preparing people to hear the gospel, she was one of the chosen people that we as missionaries are searching for.

As the Lord helps me to help and refine the lives of the people I am teaching, I find that He is refining my life. I realized that the people I am teaching also teach me. I learn something new from every person I come in contact with and each day is filled with remarkable growth and change. I love being on the service of the Lord. Its the most difficult and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I know that what I am doing is more than knocking doors and teaching lessons, this work is meant to last longer than our time here on earth. If people chose to accept our message there is millions of blessings available to the faithful followers of Christ. I know this church is true. I dont have a single doubt about it. I know that I have been called of God, I know that my calling came from Him through a prophet to be here in this specific place at this specific time speaking this specific language. The Lord knows and blesses each and every one of us. I am so grateful for this opportunity and so grateful for all the people backing me up back at home. Sorry this letter is a little shorter, I will try to write more next week. Remember I love you all very much, stay strong, keep the faith and LOSE the fear.

Con amor,
Elder Falor

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 40

Hola mi querida familia,

Well here we are again another week has gone by and it was my first week here in San Francisco. Back in the city, I am still getting used to the area and used to being back in a house with four missionaries. The other missionaries names are Elder Garcia, El Salvador and Elder Johnson, from Pleasant Grove Utah. I really like the house, the area, my companion, the investigators and members here in San Francisco. I am hoping and praying that I will stay here for a little longer, to get more adjusted to one area and have more sucess. We are teaching a lot of families and the people here seem to be more humble than those in Guacimo, even though they have a lot more money. We are teaching a family, a young couple, super young, the wife has 15 years and the husband 23, the wife, Brenda seems super chosen and ready to follow and submit everything to the Lord, she has a baptism scheduled for this Saturday at 6 o clock. The husband, Eberth is having a harder time accepting the Gospel, he fears that after his baptism he will only fall again. Thats something we had to teach him a lot, that baptism doesnt make us perfect, we are no where near perfect after baptism, but through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through our covenants we make with him we can become perfect step by step. He has yet to accept our invitation to be baptized, but we are hoping as he sees the example of his wife he will choose to follow through.

We are teaching a lot of families, that has become the focus of the mission. All baptisms are important but President Galvez recognizes that the family is the most important basic unit of this society, and it is only through families, a mother and a father, that we can become eternal, and one day enter into the presence of our Heavenly Father, hand in hand with our most cherished loved ones. We are always on the lookout for families, this narrowing down to only families makes it a lot more difficult, but we know and recognize that this is what the Lord wants, every soul is important to God, and we will never deny anyone who wants to be baptized, but our focus is and always will be the family.. As always there is so much work to do here in San Francisco, I am so excited to see it all come through. I know and believe that we can have sucess here, all we have to do is put out trust in the Lord and always go forward. He makes miracles happen in our lives.

This week was also spent in doing a lot of service, there are some members from the neighbor ward who are building a house and we are helping them do it. I got a big blister on my hand and thought of Grandpa Long, he always wanted me to help him rake leaves and get some blisters on my hands, haha after all this hard work, the raking leaves seems a lot better, haha.

The work always continues on the mission, I intend to work every single second of every single day until the Lord tells me I am done. I know I have been called to serve here in this exact moment in time in this area with this companion. The Lord knows me on a very specific basis. I know that the church is true. After all that happens in life, when the world seems like it will cave in, the truth will always stand. And the truth continues to be found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I know that He is the way, the light and the life, I know Him and thank Him for His infinite atoning sacrifice. His sacrifice touches every living thing, and one day every single person will need to rely on the atoning sacrifice of our Savior. I can´t live without it. I am so thankful for amazing people like you in my life, I hope you know how much each of you means to me. I love you all very much.

Con mucho amor, Elder Falor

Thursday, July 21, 2011

39 Hola desde San Francisco Costa Rica‏

Hola mi querida familia!

How is everyone doing? I hope this letter finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying the summer back there in Utah. (or in the US wherever you may be) Thanks once again for all your letters and words of encouragement. As you can tell this letter does not come from Guacimo, I have been transferred from Guacimo to an area that is called San Francisco about 10 minutes out of San Jose, so I am back in the city and not dying of heat, its super hot here as well but not a lot like in Guacimo. My new companions name is Elder Silva and he is from Ecuador, he seems really cool and it looks like we will only be together for 6 weeks because he only has 6 weeks left of his mission, he will end it with me, or as we say in the mission, I will be killing him, haha. The area seems pretty chill, I didnt realize how much I missed the city, its nice to be back and I am excited to get to work here in San Fran.

This week in Guacimo was pretty great, I received the news that I was leaving and at first I was disappointed, I shook my finger and thought how could this happen, I need to stay here in Guacimo, I have so much to do. But then I realized why I had been sent to that area, I had a time and a job to do, I was sent to be in Guacimo for that amount of time and after the Lord needed me in another place. I felt upset becuase I didnt feel as though I completed my task in Guacimo, leaving the area with a big 0 baptisms made me upset, but as we went around visiting members and investigators I realized I had fulfilled my task as a missionary, people told me of the blessings I had brough to their lives, they thanked me for my service and for making a difference in their lives. I felt good knowing that that might have been my purpose in that area and I had completed what I needed to. I know I have many places to stay if I ever go back to Guacimo, those people became like my family.

Now I am here in San Fran and I am so excited to get to work. I love sharing the Gospel, there is nothing else quite like it, its hard and its so easy at the same time. The bad days often come in more abundance than the good but the good ALWAYS outweigh the bad by far. The mission is like that. I love it so much. Each day I grwo more and more love for my Savior Jesus Christ, and He is what makes this sacrifice so easy and so worth it. I love Him and know that He loves me. He blesses me every single day and makes sure that I am aware of that. I know the Lord is constantly at work in our lives and He does everything in His power to bless us, if we are willing to fall at his feel and follow him. I pray that the Lord will always bless you. We know the way to recieve the fullness of the blessings from heaven and its only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know its true as I have said a million times and I will say it 6 million times more, its true. The church continues to be true, God continues to call and talk to His prophets, He continues to know us personally and He continually pours out HIs blessings to His faithful followers. I know that sounds preachy, but I always have to express my love for the Gospel, something that so miraculously changed my life forever, I will never be the same, I owe a zillion thank yous to my Heavnely Father and all the earthly angels who helped me along the way. I love you all with all my heart, I wish you only the best. My prayers and thoghts are occupied by each and everyone of you. You mean so much to me. I hope you know that and never forget it. Well, I think that is about it for this week, as always I will keep you up to date with what is going on down here in good ol Costa Rica. Love you so much!
Elder Falor

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 38

Hello family and friends,
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to hear from you each and every week, I too look forward to Mondays to hear about all thats going on at home and to be able to share my amazing experiences with you. This week was great, still no baptisms, I have come to accept the fact that maybe I am not a baptizing missionary, that I wasnt meant to be an Alma missionary, I am an Abinidi missionary, but I am still working nonetheless. Sometimes the fact that I cant send my family amazing pictures of all these people dressed in white, and I dont have amazing stories of someone being converted and touched by the Holy Ghost, but my mission still means the same to me as a missionary who has 1,000 baptisms. My mission is my sacred experience, and maybe what I want right now, isnt what the Lord wants me to be, He knows what He wants me to be, I have to humbly submit to His will and do the best I can.

This week at church was great, we did a lot of focusing on less active members and strenghtening the branch, we figure if we strengthen the branch it will strengthen the missionary work here. I think often about how I could of done it without the help of members in my ward, it would of been impossible. But I sat reflecting yesterday in church as I saw tons of people arriving to the chapel from all walks of life, some rich some poor, some had to walk 7 kilometers just to get to the chapel, some dont have money to get home, some have arrived with 13 people in one car just so all could arrive and partake of the Sacrament and be taught from on High. It was such a blessing to stand in the doorway of the chapel and see all these faithful saints do all they could just to arrive at church on sunday. I am sure lots of them could of made a list of better things they would rather be doing, but they all arrived any way, and that was an amazing experience.

This week and this change has been a difficult one, but have seen the blessings that come to those who dont lose their faith, and who endure to the end. Sometimes we have to endure to the end of a day, a week, month or changes meeting in the mission. But if we endure it well, the Lord sends down His blessings and lifts and strenghtens us up. I learn more each and everyday about our Heavenly Father, and I am little by little, beginning to understand His love for us, I feel it with each passing day. I know that if I hold out faithful I can be effective in His hands to bring the people to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dont worry family, one day you will receive a bunch of pictures of people dressed in white, I will hold on and work hard until that day arrives. Know i love you a lot, and I miss you with each day. I pray for you and I hope you can recognize the Lords hand in your lives, He knows you and loves you. Dont doubt that. Look for miracles, look for his love, and you will find it. I know this church is true. I know it with all that I am. I know that God lives and I know that Jesus is the Christ. That knowledge makes one foot go after the other in the mission. THats what keeps me going. I love you all with all my heart.

Elder Falor

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 37 Feliz dia de la independencia!

Hello all my family and friends!

HAPPY 4th of JULY! Oh I have so many memories of this day, and it means a lot more to me now that I am not in my own country. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you all, but I know why I am here, and for now Costa Rica is my country and I couldnt be happier. Thanks to all of those who sent letters, I really and sincerely appreciate your letters and all you do for me. Your words mean the world to me, I always look forward to mondays for the opportunity to read about what is going on at home. Ï miss you all a lot, but I know that the job of a missionary is to help others and bless their lives, I know thats why I am here.

This week was great, nothing too exciting or too special happened, but it was a week on my mission that will never come back, so therefore it was super special. We went to San Jose, Elder Kemp, Elder Barton and I, three gringos wakling the streets of San Jose at night, but we have never felt so safe, the Lord was watching over us and protecting us. We made it there and back safely, but unfortunately without residency, so as for now we are still illegal in the country. Oops. But we will be going back to migration again in August or Late July.

We had a zone conference with Presidente Galvez and the Hermana Galvez, it was super great, they are an amazing couple who do so much to help us as missionaries. We are so blessed to be under such great direction. Pres. Galvez is a great man and a huge example for me. He has helped me beyond words to continue forth on this journey. I learned a lot from him abuot how we can help our investigators here in Guacimo. GUacimo is a bit difficult on the baptism side but we are continually pushing forward, continually doing our best to bring others to the happiness that we were sent here to bring.

I have learned a lot this week and especially this change, I learned patience with myself and others. The Lord blesses those who endure trials patiently and never losing faith. Its super difficult to do so, but the Lord promises that if we do He will bless us and support us to get through our trials. He promised that no trial will be more than we can bear. I love my mission as I always say. Its changing me and my life. I learn more every single day about the people I am serving, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and how to be more effective instrument in the hands of my Heavenly Father. We are continually pushing forward, always going forward and never looking back, thats what its all about. I know this gospel is true. I know there is no other way by which salvation comes, only through Jesus Christ, and His life saving, life changing gospel that we have here restored upon the earth. I love the message that I am so priveledged to carry. I love you all with all my heart, and I pray the Lord will lift you and strengthen you in all you do.
Stay strong. Keep the faith and lose the fear.
Elder Falor

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week 35 bienvenido Krew!‏

Hello Family and Friends,

Thanks for all of your letters as usual, I was so pleased to receive the news of a new member of our family, I know I dont officially know baby Krew, but I feel as though I do and I feel really close to him even though we are really far apart. I cant wait to meet the little guy, I know he will be a stud. Its so amazing to think about how much our Heavenly Father loves us enough to send us his children for us to care for and nurture them in this earth. Its awesome and amazing to think what this baby boy has just seen, who he had just talked to before coming to the earth, if he only had the capabilities to speak, I am sure he would tell us all the amazing stories of the life he lived before this one, how he walked and talked with our Heavenly Father, and was prepared to come to earth in this family under the parents to whom he was born. What an amazing blessing! I cant wait to meet him.

Well, today I am writing at the completion of my 8th month in the mission, I am nearing the halfway mark on the mission, it always scares me how fast time goes, I cant believe its gone so fast, but its such an amazing blessing to be here on the mission and doing what I am doing! You all know how much my mission means to me, its my world right now, and I love it with all my heart. This week was a great week because it was spent knowing I was in the right place doing the right thing serving my Heavenly Father. THings are looking up in Guacimo and we are hoping for some sucess and especially some baptisms, we are teaching a lot of families and sure making ourselves known here in Guacimo. I am beginning to feel as Jeffrey R. Holland about my mission, I think of every day that has passed in these 8 months and I cant think of one day that I wouldnt want to do over, its so amazing! My mission means the world to me.

I am learning and growing more every day, there is so much to learn, so much to be in order to make this service worthwile in the eyes of God, I am trying each day to be better, to better my personality and to better my teaching, my spanish, my charity, my love, my patience, my pride, my everything, so I can be of better use in the hands of my Heavenly Father.

Today I am writting you all from Siquirres, we are going to play some ping pong for our Pday! That should be pretty fun, and then after eat some good ol costa rican pizza! Yummy!

Well this week wasnt very long since I just wrote to you on Wednesday, but every day is filled with new and exciting adventures, and blessings beyond my imagination. I see every day that the Lord knows me and loves me. I try not to let one day pass without feeling and responding to His spirit, so He can do His work with my help. There is no other work on the face of the earth that I would rather assist in. This work is divine and it goes beyond our time here on earth, its something truly special to be able to bless the lives of those we teach through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know its true. I have no doubts.

I love you all, as always you are in my prayers, stay strong! God be with you till we meet again.

Elder Falor

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 34 un viaje al Templo

PURA VIDA! Family and friends from good ol San Jose Costa Rica,

What an amazing thing it is to get some letters from you, I cant thank you enough for your love and support, it really helps me keep pushing forward in this work. Its a great time to be a missionary as well. I love being a missionary, I cant imagine my life now outside of the mission, I love the spanish language and the costa rican people, the ticos are like my family now. This week was a great week in Guacimo, I had to take my comp around and show him the ropes, I felt like a true Guacimeño, haha. We are working super hard as we always do here on the mission to help everyone learn the message of the restoration. There is no limits and no bounds to our message, our purpose is to share the gospel, to open our mouths so every living breathing creature has the opportunity to accept the Gospel and the only true source of full and eternal happiness on this earth. It doesnt matter what religion they are, our comission is to talk and to preach and to invite others to come to Christ.

We learned a lot about our purpose this week, when on Monday we had a meeting with the zone and President and Hermana Galvez, they are truly inspired people. God called them to this work and they are upholding and extending their callings, they are amazing people. We watched a video from Jeffrey R. Holland when he came to the MTC this January, and he talked a lot about bringing people to Christ, and how as missionaries we cant invite people to stand with Christ if we are not standing with Him. A lot of times we put Christ at the bottom of a whole long list of things to do, we get caught up in the ways of this world and forget what is truly important. That was the course of Elder Hollands message, he is a powerful man of God, who is also holding up his apostolic duties with the best of his abilities. He shared with us that as missionaries, we too are called to the apostleship like Peter, James, and John and the others of Christs apostles, and when Christ told them to Follow Him, he meant forever, not just for a time, not just for 2 years, but to never cease from being His disciple and never cease from testifying of His mercy and His grace, which is sufficient to save every human life that accepts Him. It was a powerful talk and I learned a bunch!

As you all know, the reason why I am writing on Wednesday because those of us from Zona Atlantica had the amazing privelege to go the Costa Rica Temple here in San Antonio de Belen. Can I just say its the most amazing privelege my Heavenly FAther has given me to enter in His holy house and take part in some of the most sacred ordinances on earth. As I sat at the end of the session I pondered my purpose for going on a mission, and it was so that people could arrive eventually where I was sitting, that people could enter into life changing and eternal covenants. I truly got a glimpse of eternity in the Presence of our lovign Heavenly Father. I know that it was only a glimpse, but it was absolutely breath taking. I never felt closer to Him and more protected and reassured and loved. I never felt so firm in my purpose as a missionary as well as my purpose as a human being on this earth. It was an amazing experience, one that I will never forget.

I love being a missionary, I love it I love it I love it! I will do it forever, this isnt a two year thing, CHrist has called me to do His work until He tells me to stop, until He decides I have given all I can give. I know this is His church, and there is no other Church on the face of the earth with what this church has. I know that God lives, I know and have experienced His divine presence in my life, I know that only in and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ can we get more than a glimpse into the eternities, but we can get the full effect. I know Jesus is my Savior, I know He lived and died for my cause and for the cause of all of you. I know that this is the true church, I know it I know it I know it and I will never deny it.

I continually hope and pray that the Lord finds you in whatever circumstance you may be in, I hope you can find it in yourselves to trust that He will take control, and that He knows what is best for us. I know He can drive and lead us in to the course of Eternal Life if we choose to let Him do so. YOu are always in my thoughts, always in my prayers! Stay strong this week! Until next week!
Love you all!
Elder Falor