
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week 35 bienvenido Krew!‏

Hello Family and Friends,

Thanks for all of your letters as usual, I was so pleased to receive the news of a new member of our family, I know I dont officially know baby Krew, but I feel as though I do and I feel really close to him even though we are really far apart. I cant wait to meet the little guy, I know he will be a stud. Its so amazing to think about how much our Heavenly Father loves us enough to send us his children for us to care for and nurture them in this earth. Its awesome and amazing to think what this baby boy has just seen, who he had just talked to before coming to the earth, if he only had the capabilities to speak, I am sure he would tell us all the amazing stories of the life he lived before this one, how he walked and talked with our Heavenly Father, and was prepared to come to earth in this family under the parents to whom he was born. What an amazing blessing! I cant wait to meet him.

Well, today I am writing at the completion of my 8th month in the mission, I am nearing the halfway mark on the mission, it always scares me how fast time goes, I cant believe its gone so fast, but its such an amazing blessing to be here on the mission and doing what I am doing! You all know how much my mission means to me, its my world right now, and I love it with all my heart. This week was a great week because it was spent knowing I was in the right place doing the right thing serving my Heavenly Father. THings are looking up in Guacimo and we are hoping for some sucess and especially some baptisms, we are teaching a lot of families and sure making ourselves known here in Guacimo. I am beginning to feel as Jeffrey R. Holland about my mission, I think of every day that has passed in these 8 months and I cant think of one day that I wouldnt want to do over, its so amazing! My mission means the world to me.

I am learning and growing more every day, there is so much to learn, so much to be in order to make this service worthwile in the eyes of God, I am trying each day to be better, to better my personality and to better my teaching, my spanish, my charity, my love, my patience, my pride, my everything, so I can be of better use in the hands of my Heavenly Father.

Today I am writting you all from Siquirres, we are going to play some ping pong for our Pday! That should be pretty fun, and then after eat some good ol costa rican pizza! Yummy!

Well this week wasnt very long since I just wrote to you on Wednesday, but every day is filled with new and exciting adventures, and blessings beyond my imagination. I see every day that the Lord knows me and loves me. I try not to let one day pass without feeling and responding to His spirit, so He can do His work with my help. There is no other work on the face of the earth that I would rather assist in. This work is divine and it goes beyond our time here on earth, its something truly special to be able to bless the lives of those we teach through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know its true. I have no doubts.

I love you all, as always you are in my prayers, stay strong! God be with you till we meet again.

Elder Falor

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