
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 34 un viaje al Templo

PURA VIDA! Family and friends from good ol San Jose Costa Rica,

What an amazing thing it is to get some letters from you, I cant thank you enough for your love and support, it really helps me keep pushing forward in this work. Its a great time to be a missionary as well. I love being a missionary, I cant imagine my life now outside of the mission, I love the spanish language and the costa rican people, the ticos are like my family now. This week was a great week in Guacimo, I had to take my comp around and show him the ropes, I felt like a true GuacimeƱo, haha. We are working super hard as we always do here on the mission to help everyone learn the message of the restoration. There is no limits and no bounds to our message, our purpose is to share the gospel, to open our mouths so every living breathing creature has the opportunity to accept the Gospel and the only true source of full and eternal happiness on this earth. It doesnt matter what religion they are, our comission is to talk and to preach and to invite others to come to Christ.

We learned a lot about our purpose this week, when on Monday we had a meeting with the zone and President and Hermana Galvez, they are truly inspired people. God called them to this work and they are upholding and extending their callings, they are amazing people. We watched a video from Jeffrey R. Holland when he came to the MTC this January, and he talked a lot about bringing people to Christ, and how as missionaries we cant invite people to stand with Christ if we are not standing with Him. A lot of times we put Christ at the bottom of a whole long list of things to do, we get caught up in the ways of this world and forget what is truly important. That was the course of Elder Hollands message, he is a powerful man of God, who is also holding up his apostolic duties with the best of his abilities. He shared with us that as missionaries, we too are called to the apostleship like Peter, James, and John and the others of Christs apostles, and when Christ told them to Follow Him, he meant forever, not just for a time, not just for 2 years, but to never cease from being His disciple and never cease from testifying of His mercy and His grace, which is sufficient to save every human life that accepts Him. It was a powerful talk and I learned a bunch!

As you all know, the reason why I am writing on Wednesday because those of us from Zona Atlantica had the amazing privelege to go the Costa Rica Temple here in San Antonio de Belen. Can I just say its the most amazing privelege my Heavenly FAther has given me to enter in His holy house and take part in some of the most sacred ordinances on earth. As I sat at the end of the session I pondered my purpose for going on a mission, and it was so that people could arrive eventually where I was sitting, that people could enter into life changing and eternal covenants. I truly got a glimpse of eternity in the Presence of our lovign Heavenly Father. I know that it was only a glimpse, but it was absolutely breath taking. I never felt closer to Him and more protected and reassured and loved. I never felt so firm in my purpose as a missionary as well as my purpose as a human being on this earth. It was an amazing experience, one that I will never forget.

I love being a missionary, I love it I love it I love it! I will do it forever, this isnt a two year thing, CHrist has called me to do His work until He tells me to stop, until He decides I have given all I can give. I know this is His church, and there is no other Church on the face of the earth with what this church has. I know that God lives, I know and have experienced His divine presence in my life, I know that only in and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ can we get more than a glimpse into the eternities, but we can get the full effect. I know Jesus is my Savior, I know He lived and died for my cause and for the cause of all of you. I know that this is the true church, I know it I know it I know it and I will never deny it.

I continually hope and pray that the Lord finds you in whatever circumstance you may be in, I hope you can find it in yourselves to trust that He will take control, and that He knows what is best for us. I know He can drive and lead us in to the course of Eternal Life if we choose to let Him do so. YOu are always in my thoughts, always in my prayers! Stay strong this week! Until next week!
Love you all!
Elder Falor

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