
Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 43

Hello Family and friends,

I hope you are all doing well, all your letters found me happy and well here in Costa Rica. I want to tell thanks to everyone who sent me a letter, and I will do my best to promptly send a response as soon as I can! I am doing excellent here in San Francisco! We had a difficult week, a family we have been focusing on denied the invitation to get married and baptized this month, we are doing everything we can and understand that at the end the work is in the Lord's hands. We are working super hard to find families, the mission has turned family hungry, if there is a couple walking down the street with a child, I am always positive the missionaries have contacted them. President Galvez says that we must repent if we let one family pass us by without sharing with them the possibilities of going into the eternities as a family unit. To say the least we are doing everything possible so that more people arrive in the doors of the Holy Temple. Our convert, Brenda, moved to Nicaragua this week, we are hoping for a prompt return so we can help her and her husband unite themselves to become an eternal family as well. Church went well this week, unfortunately we had no investigators in church, we will repent for that error and keep going forward, looking ahead for next week. We have an investigator whose name is Javier, he was an old investigator of some other elders back in April, the elders dropped him because of his lack of progression, but we have recently decided to teach him again and the Lord has done His work and helped Javier find the importance in the message we bring. He seems ready for change and willing to make it by baptism.

My companion and I are working super hard here to help bring the Lords work to pass, also because he has about 15 days left of his mission! Crazy! But we are doing all possible so that we can both be effective in the Lords hands here in San Francisco. We always have our downs, often times more than the ups, but every down is meant to lift us up, and every up is worth a thousand downs. Tomorrow we have interviews with Presidente Galvez, I am so excited to be able to talk to him and share with him some of the experiences that have happened in my mission, he is a wonderful inspired man, and I am so grateful to know him and to be able to work under his guidance.

This week was a good one, even though it had its difficulties we learned a lot and we found a lot of ways to improve, my companion is awesome, he is helping me so much and teaching me so much, he is the type of missionary I want to be when I have 23 and a half months. I am teaching him english and he is doing pretty good with that! We are working really good together and I will be sad to see him go, but this is a part of his life that has to end and he has to continue. I learned this week how we are truly not alone, the Lord never leaves our side, if we feel lonely its because we have distanced ourselves, we are the ones who give into temptation, hatred, pride, anger and all the bad and we take ourselves away from His guidance, but I found He is always standing with His arms outstretched to receive us.

I hope all is well at home, I hope you all know how much I enjoy reading your letters, you all inspire me! Thanks for everything you do! Sorry this letter is so short, but I will definitely write more next week! I love each and everyone of you, you are always in my thoughts and occupy my prayers, stay strong, keep the faith and LOSE the fear!
les amo con todo mi corazon,
Elder Falor

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