
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 44, ¡¿10 meses ya!?‏

Hello Family and friends,

This week in Costa Rica was excellent. Each day I feel the love of my Heavenly Father grow stronger and stronger and I feel Him closer and closer, this week was filled with a lot of tender mercies. It started off with interviews with President Galvez, we had some training meetings with the Zone Leaders and la Hermana Galvez, its crazy how I went into the meeting feeling a little unsure about things and a little nervous and all that jazz, but the Lord blessed me with a tender mercy, and every lesson, every training session I felt was directed towards me personally, I felt it came exactly from the Heavens. I entered the interview being the second to last person in the room and president asked me how I felt, I told him I felt at peace because I felttruly blessed and ready to get to work! The Lord knows His children.

We´re working as hard as we can with all of our resources to continue the work of the Lord here in San Francisco, we have found a few new families and September is looking like a promising month for us here, even though my companion wont be here, he is doing all he can to make sure that the area continues to progress. This week we had an investigator in church, his name is Javier, he has had quite the life story and has come to a decision to change his life, he is taking it one step at a time, we have gone to his house every sunday since my time here to get him to go to church and he never came, so this sunday with determination me and my companion stayed and offered to help him. We made him breakfast and ironed his clothes for him, just in time to get to the chapel by nine, he seemed to enjoy his time there and he truly felt the spirit. We know that he is ready to get baptized and that baptism in this church is what he is looking for and its what will change his life.

On Saturday it was national day of service, (I dont know if it was worldwide or only in CR) but all the stakes and wards and branches and districs in the church in the country went and did some specific service. Our service project made a huge impact on me. Barrio San Francisco met at nursing home to offer their help, unfortunately we arrived late, but just in time to see the members dancing with the elderly people and making them smile. Some were painting their fingernails and others were just there to talk and give comfort. It reminded me of my good old days at Legacy House and I though of how priveleged we are to have places like Legacy House for our loved ones. Nursing homes are a lot different in CR, the old people are just dumped off, and they are considered lucky if they recieve a phone call from their children, they truly enjoyed the presence of those who gave their time and efffort to help comfort them. I saw the true love of Christ, true charity in the eyes of all those members that day, I felt at peace knowing the Lord was happy with our service, the Lord was pleased with His children, to see them giving a good example and good name to His Beloved Son. It was a truly emotional day, it almost brought tears to my eyes, I felt truly grateful to be a part of this church, of a program that is changing the world, that is changing it for the better.

Well Family, 10 whole months have passed since I´ve seen your beautiful faces in person, I cant believe how fast time goes, but the saying is true, time flies when you are having fun. The mission is the funnest thing I have ever done. I am so glad that I have 14 more months to enjoy doing what I am doing. The clock just keeps ticking and to be honest that scares me, I dont want it to end too soon, but I know that all has its time and purpose, and I have 14 more months to give my life to this work. I hope you all know how truly deeply grateful I am for all your love and support during this time in my life, you are such strength for me! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and plead to my Heavenly Father that He will continue to bless you all! Ihope you can all see His presence in your lives and recognize the blessings He constantly gives us.

Today was a good pday, since it was my companions last pday in the mission as well as 2 other missionaries in the zone, we went and played paintball! It was my first time playing in my life and it was a lot of fun! It was a good experience, but I know I will pay for it tomorrow and I will be super sore!

Well Family, I love you all so much! Thanks for all you do! You rock! Stay strong, keep the faith and lose the fear! You are forever in my prayers.
Elder Falor

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