
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 51, siempre estoy en San Fra

Hola mi querida familia, How is everything going? I am doing great here in Costa Rica, and still in San Francisco with my same companion, Elder Centeno. It is a strange experience for me, I have never been in an area for more than 3 months or with a companion for more than 1 and a half. I am going to enjoy this change and enjoy every minute I get in this great area and beautiful country. I am most happy about the fact I didnt have changes because its here I wanted to complete a year, especially with Elder Bagley, its fun to think about 12 months ago we started this journey together and we are celebrating the half way mark together. I am also happy because if all goes well we will be baptizing a family this 22 of October. We will be needing a LOT of prayers to help us get this all worked out. Like everyone in Costa Rica, this family is not married, so we are planning a wedding for them and hoping to get them married and baptized the same day. Mario and Silvia (Silvia is a member of the church, baptized about 2 years ago in another area) are an amazingly humble family that we found about a month ago and have progressed really fast. Silvia came to church with us and found a resparked light and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and her boyfriend Mario has found a love for it as well. We have been teaching them in their super humble and super small house, but they always lovingly accept us and offer us orange fanta (a typical thing that EVERYONE drinks here in Costa Rica, next to Coke, but the missionaries are not allowed to drink coke) We are trying to find a way to pay the Lawyer to perform this marriage so that Mario can get baptized. We are planning on making Arroz con Pollo to eat and using the HLJ rings as wedding rings for now. Its an amazing thing that we have seen here in San Francisco. I have personally received a testimony of prayer. This past week my mind has been racked with the feeling of having to leave another area and another family behind that I was going to baptized. I can say I prayed so hard this week to be able to say here and baptize this family. The Lord answers and hears my prayers. I am hoping and continuing to pray that he will bless me to see this baptism through, it will be the first family baptism that I will see in my mission. It means more to me because it will be 2 days after completing a year so that if they stay faithful for 1 year at the last moment of my mission I will be able to attend their sealing in the San Jose Temple, so as you can see, I, they and we as a companionship need your prayers for all to work out! That is our biggest focus here in San Fra, we have been on a crazy search to find those that the Lord is preparing. Its an amazing thing to see that after fininshing a prayer asking the Lord to direct us to those who are searching and we find those the Lord puts on our path. We found another family who is struggling with financial things and the husband just lost their job and the wife just had a baby. Luckily they got married so they could be baptized in another church, but with somethings that happened they fell away from the church and are "buscando a Jesus" we were thrilled to tell her about the good news and good blessings that come from obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. The work is amazing. I have no other words for it. I love being able to tell people about our older brother and best friend, Jesus Christ. I love to see their faces light up when they hear "there is a way out and a way up." I love seeing tears enter their eyes and feel the spirit enter the room when we explain their families dont have to be "until death do us part". Its something I cant explain, but its something I've become addicted to. I dont know how, but have always been constantly blessed with the Lords blessings in the mission, I am eternally grateful to Him, as well as all of you! Thanks for all your support and all your love! I can feel it all the way here. My testimony of families has grown immensely in my time on the mission, I never realized how great we have it to be born into families. I have realized that happenstances dont exist. Its not happenstance we are here in families, because our families are meant to be eternal. God is eternal, and the family is ordained of God. It only makes sense. I love this gospel. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the fact that His church has been restored once again to bless every human soul. I am so grateful for the Priesthood and for the saving ordinances that are available to all of us. I am so grateful for my covenants and for my amazing family. I know its true. And I cannot deny it. I hope you know how much I love you. With all of my heart. Con todo mi corazon, les amo, hasta pronto, Elder Falor

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