
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 50

Hola mi querida familia y todos mis amigos! Estoy pura vida aqui en San Francisco! I hope everyone enjoyed their week, I sure did! I loved having the opportunity to watch conference this weekend. We watched all 5 sessions in the chapel stake center in Gravilias. Unfortunately our family that we are teaching didng show up on Sunday, and too bad, because this conference was one that cannot be missed! I have only seen about 4 conferences in my time as a member, but this one takes the cake! I loved every second of it! There is so much room for us to improve, but luckily we have living Prophets and Aspostles to light the way. We are so lucky to live in a time when the church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, we are so absolutely lucky to receive inspiration from Heaven from the mouth of our living prophet. I love President Thomas S. Monson, he is such an example for us and such a great prophet. I loved every talk but especially the talk by Tad R. Callister about the book of mormon, he bore a powerful testimony and it strengthened mine of this amazing book, and that we must be more educated on it and gain more than a testimony but a conviction. We must feast instead of study! The book of mormon is true. I know it. I also have read every single page of that book, front and back, up and down, and IT COMES FROM GOD. There is so much power in it to all those who prayerfully feast from its words. God loves us, and thats why he has given us this amazing book, and restored his amazing church through his servant Joseph Smith. I love my Savior and am growing closer to him with each passing day. I know him, I really feel I walked with him before, and he continues to walk with me now especially through this sometimes perilous journey. I know this church is true. I havent a single doubt in my mind. Well, I figured it wouldnt hurt to start a letter with my testimony, I just dont want a second to pass by without claiming all I know and professing all I can of the truth and divinity of this work. We had an awesome conference with President and Hermana Galvez this week on Wednesday, it was a great experience. As I watched conference this week I received revelation that President Galvez was chosen by God to be mission president. Sometimes the missionaries complain at the things President asks us to do, but everything he has said to us was given a second testimony by the Apostles and Prophets this weekend, he is an inspired man, I love him and look up to him a lot. I will be sad to see him go, but know that he has served well his Heavenly Father. On Monday for my birthday was quite an experience! I would like to thank EVERYONE who has mentioned my birthday and hope you all know I love you. Our cocinera bought me a cake, we ate Repochetas which was super good! THen after they sang to me and I blew out my candles they smashed about 10 eggs on my head and threw flour on me. Unfortunately the only thing that was damaged was a pair of pants. But dont worry, I got them all back especially when I grabbed Elder Centeno to give him a hug covered in egg and flour, it was a fun day! Then we ate amazing chocolate cake, it was a good day! I am so grateful for all the amazing people in my life. I dont know what I did to be so blessed in this life! I hope the Lord continues to bless and guide you in your lives! Never forget how individually important you are to me. You all are in my prayers, thoughts, and heart. Les amo, con todo mi corazon! Hasta pronto, Elder Falor

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