
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 52, todo en las manos del Señor

Hello my amazing family, This week has been all right. Its been a lot like a rollercoaster. We went early in the morning to the Nicaraguan Embassy to see what we can do with Mario's papers so that he can get married. Unfortunately, Nicaragua is a country unbelievably unorganized so there is lots of people who are here illegally and who do not have any sort of ID or birth certificate or anything, we got super lucky that Mario has a passport, but that expired last november. We went to find that the embassy was closed because of a holiday for central america. We have plans to talk to the consult as representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and basically demand a provisional passport for his marriage and baptism, supposively it works with other missionaries, Elder Centeno and I dont look too tough but we will see if everything works out. But as for now the baptism is postponed. We are hoping and praying for the 29, but as for now everything is in the Lord's hands, and if we have sufficient faith, and it is all according to His will, it will all work out. Today we went to the temple, and as always its breathtaking, I am amazed at the temple, even though I dont fully understand it, I obey and follow the counsel I receive and know the Lord will bless me. Well tomorrow marks my one year mark, and I have some mixed feelings about it, as I am sure every missionary would understand the feeling of missing home, but loving the mission so much it makes you sick to think about leaving. I really do love this country, I love the people and everything about it. This year has been one I will defninitely never forget, it is full with some of my most cherished moments. I am so glad this entire year was spent in the service of my Heavenly Father. We're trying eveyr day to open our mouths and to share the gospel with every single person we meet on the street, we did that and had quite the sucess. I love sharing the gospel, I love the way my testimony just flows out of my mouth. I love the gospel because its so easy and makes so much sense. If anyone just opened their mind and heart they would all understand the truthfullness of it. There has never been higher necesity than now for the gospel in our lives, I need it every day, its my feet and my legs. I helps me walk, think, talk, eat and do everything I have to do. I love it. Well family, I am sorry this letter will be kinda short, I hope to have a longer letter next week. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and keep you safe, I hope you never forget how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart. Hasta pronto, Elder Falor KEEP THE FAITH AND LOSE THE FEAR!

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