
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Semana 49 y el bautismo de Mercedes

Hello My amazing family,

I can't begin to thank you enough for all your birthday wishes and for all the love I feel. Even though today wasnt my birthday, it was pday so I decided to take advantage of it, since tomorrow we have zone meeting and have to work all day, I opened the presents you sent me! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I loved every single thing I received! I will never be able to repay you all for your love and support, I hope you know how much you mean to me!

This week in San Francisco was a great week, we finally got to witness the baptism of Mercedes. It was such a spiritual experience, as every baptism is. It started off worrisome, because the baptism was scheduled for 430, but people arrived not only on mormon standard time, but tico standard time, so the baptism didn't start until 545, but it was great. Mercedes felt happy to have finally made this commitment and covenant with her Heavenly Father. After it all Mercedes had a chance to bear her testimony, and as she sat there and cried and shared her story with us all I felt the spirit so strong and remembered my baptism over 2 years ago. I had the opportunity to talk about baptism at the service and was so privileged to be able to share my feelings of this sacred life changing ordinance. The next day in Sunday the family that we are teaching came to church and got to witness the confirmation of Mercedes. They loved it and felt the spirit super strong. The wife came up to me after the meeting and told me "me hacia falta, mucha falta", she got baptized when she was fourteen years old but the world took a grip on her life and turned it upside down, and after the meeting she came up to me almost in tears and told me about how much she had missed this feeling, and desired that her husband could be baptized into this church as well. We visited them at night and invited him to be baptized on the 22 of October. We are looking forward to this date and hoping he can make the necessary steps to change his life and be baptized on this date, if all works out well we will be marrying them and baptizing them the same day. I am hoping and praying that I will still be here in San Francisco to see this all turn out!

Today marks one year ago since I talked in sacrament meeting, I absolutely cannot believe how fast time is going, my mission is flying by, its the craziest experience. But its one I will never take back. I may be in the middle of the hardest two years of my life, but 2 of the most rewarding and life changing. I would never change this for anything. I cant believe I have almost hit the half way mark, befor I know it this will be over with, but what I have left, I will enjoy and use to the best of my abilities.

This change has been an excellent one and I cannot believe its almost over. Its been one of the most spiritual changes of my mission. i have learned and grown so much thanks to my companion. We have so much fun together, and together we are doing all we can to fulfill our purposes as missionaries. We are always searching for new people to teach and baptize, we are always on the lookout testifying to every person we meet and see of the truthfulness of this gospel! I love this gospel with all my heart. It is meant to bless the lives of all of God's children and to make it possible to return to his presence again. I know that its true because I feel the spirit testify to me every time I open my mouth to speak about it.

I love you all very much! I hope you never forget how much you mean to me!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Falor


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