
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 46

Hello Family and friends,

This has been a good week, well 4 days that have passed since we last talked. The first four days with my new companion were great, he is a recent convert so we have a lot in common, we have a lot of the same struggles, and we both have really strong testimonies of this gospel. But he has had to fight a fight a lot harder than mine, and I think that is whyHeavenly Father sent him to me, because I need to realize how lucky and blessed I am. His family disowned him once he got baptized, and he doesnt receive a single letter from his family, but he continues strong. I receive numerous letters, packages, and I know I have so many people cheering me on and some times I lose confidence and faith, but he is an example that never loses faith, even though he goes to internet and opens his inbox without a single letter. He knows and has a testimony of this work, and despite the lack of letters he continues strong and does what the Lord wants done. Thats a lot of what I have learned this week, that sometimes we're fighting a fight that we think and wonder why me, but there are other people in the world with worse problems, then we realize its just a grain of sand that mountain that we are trying to climb.

This week was spent searching for new people to hear the gospel, we had struggled everyday to find new people to teach, when fast sunday came around, the Lord continued to bless us with miracles and we found a family who was super interested in our message. We are looking forward to the baptism of Mercedes, (the mother in law of Brenda, my last convert) who has been preparing for her baptism for over 7 years and has finally made the decision to change her life. We are working also with Javier and challenged him to a date this month on the 17th, he knows he needs to pray and accepted the invitation to do so. We are super lucky, and super blessed. The Lord always has His hands in this work, and He does what He needs to to have his work come to pass.

We are now in September, and this month has brought on a lot of reflections, this month two years ago my entire life was changed. I bore my testimony in church on Sunday and shared my experience of my baptism, it was so spiritual that it almost brought tears to my eyes, there were many people in the congregation waiting to take this amazing life changing step, I hope my testimony helped and reassured them that baptism is never the wrong path, especially if its baptism in the only true and living church on the face of the earth. I am so grateful for my baptism, the day that I was born again and the day that changed me. I thank the Lord for placing certain people on my path that brought me the gospel. I am grateful for the thousands of missionaries, those full time and those who are just great and amazing people, who helped me on this path. I know I am where I need to be, I am on the path back to my Heavenly Father, I wont stop until I arrive at His presence once again. I know the Gosple is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The same church that He Himself organized nearly 2000 years ago. I know my Heavenly Father knows me, among my billions and billions of other brothers and sisters, He knows me and He knows you all, personally, and is willing to bless you if we choose His path. I know that the gospel is a gospel of sacrifice and sometimes suffering, but at the end it is all worth it. At the end of it all its more than worth it. I know and with forever testify of these things.

Thanks for all you do for me, never forget how much you mean to me.
With all the love I can give,
Elder Falor

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