
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 57 and a lot of changes

Hello Family, I am writing you all from another area this week, I have been transfered to Pavas near San Jose Central and about 20 minutes from San Fran. I have to be honest I was happy to stay in the city but sad to say goodbye to San Francisco. That area and the comps I had there absolutely changed my life and my mission. I felt as though I was saying goodbye to my family again, I felt the true spirit of the mission, where the people go straight to your heart and it even becomes hard to say goodbye to them. But I left content because I feel I had accomplished what the Lord had for me to do there. The baptism of Everth went splendid, it was a big rough at first, we were all at the church waiting for 6 to arrive and 6 arrives and all of Everth´s family arrives except him...my heart sank and went into panic mode, I talked to his mom and asked him where he was and she told me he just didnt want to come, we me and Elder Garcia went to his house and tlaked for about an hour and arrived at the church at 7 and proceeded with the baptism. It was a beautiful service and I was thankful to take part in it and to perform another baptism in San Fran. After we had an amazing activity where the ward all got together and we felt like part of a family, we gave the lesson on being Christlike and what we can do to be able, one day, to be like Christ. On Saturday morning we received the changes, it was funny, after leaving the baptism I thought to myself there is no way I can be changed, I was sure that I would stay, then on Saturday in the morning, without thinking I was writing in my journal and I wrote that I felt as though I had comleted my goal there in San Fran and done what the Lord wanted. I remember when I arrived, I said to Everth, before I leave I will baptize you, how crazy, because after baptizing him I got changed out, it made me feel good to know I did what I had to do and now I get to do it all over again. I cried like a baby in Church on Sunday and in the house of our cook in San Fran, but I know that if they stay faithful one day we will all be able to arrive in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and there we will rejoice just like we did these past 4 months, thats our hope, thats what helps us to keep going, to have the promise of seeing our loved ones again. The Gospel is amazing. Changes meeting was crazy, I feel a bit overwhelmed and really blessed. I have been called as Senior Companion and District Leader. There is 6 missionaries in my district, 4 Elders and 2 Sisters, I dont know exactly how I am going to do all this, but that is why we have prayer and revelation, the Lord will help me to bring to pass his work and do his will. I will have to rely on him more than ever, and I know I will be able to accomplish great things. Tomorrow is my first district meeting and my first baptismal interview, so I will be praying EXTRA hard for that, but I know the Lord will bless me, he always does. My companions name is Elder Aguilar, he seems pretty cool, he is from Mexico, we will get along really well. I am excited as always to go forth in the work of the Lord, and to see some success here in Pavas. It was hard to leave my comfort zone but like I said earlier the mission has become my comfort zone and I know that if I rely on the Lord I will see miracles. I trust him enough to know he has a purpose for me here and I will follow him wherever he leads me. I hope you all know how unbelievably grateful I am to all of you for your support and your love, this thanksgiving I wont be with you but I will be thinking of you and how grateful I am for amazing souls like yourselves, you are all amazing, I wish you only the best this week. I love you lots, Elder Falor

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