
Friday, December 16, 2011

Week 60

Hello My amazing family and friends, Its so great to be able to write to you and I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Christmas season. I know I am happy to see christmas approaching and happy to see lots of lights and fireworks here in Costa Rica. Costa Rica had its anual Festival of Lights on Saturday, could hear it from our area cause it was super close, all the members said it was amazing and a spectacular show. I heard that the Kolbi float won first place, no surprise, haha. This week was excellent, I did my first 5 interviews as District Leader, I was a little overwhelmed at first and wished I would have asked for help, but at the end I was glad I did them all, that family was a chosen family prepared for this time and this place to be baptized. At the end of the interviews, I was the one who got taught a very amazing lesson. I love that family, even though its a family of the Sister missionaries, I love that family, they have amazingly strong faith and I was glad to meet them. We are working super hard here in Pavas trying to help the families we have and trying to find more. We want to start 2012 off with a bang and keep it going that way all year long. I love being a missionary, I sound like a broken record, but I love sharing the gospel, its the best thing ever. I love seeing the change people are willing to make to put their lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I especially love sharing the gospel during this time of year, when we have the blessing of remembering the birth of our Savior. He is what Christmas is all about. Well family, I wont have much time to write this week because the computer keeps shutting off on me, so I want to write to make sure that everyone gets this letter. Just remember I love you lots! I miss you lots and I cant wait to talk to you on Christmas! Have a great week! Love, Elder Falor

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