
Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 59

Hello Family, Wow, I cant believe another week has gone by, I didnt even feel this week pass by. We stay so busy as missionaries that the time just flies. I had so many wonderful experiences here in Pavas, many of which have humbled me beyond belief. On tuesday night the Zone Leaders asked me to prepare a lesson for the following day in Zone Conference. I felt more than humbled by the invitation but prepared my lesson and gave it on Wednesday. The Lord answers prayers and He heard mine, I was worried about my spanish, worried about teaching because some people have so much more time than me, some people know so much more spanish and have had so much more sucess in their missions, but the Lord really blessed me to get his point across. I did divisions with the Elders in Escazu and learned once again that the Lord with his mercy listens and answers prayers, my district is doing great and we are looking forward to some sucess here in District Pavas. In Pavas things are going great and we are looking forward to success as well. Today President Galvez invited the missionaries who baptized 2 families in the month on November to his house to eat and congratulate us on our work. I felt the spirit so strong and felt the Lord telling me that this man was inspired of God and he was fullfilling his calling. President Galvez is a man to be honored and deserves all of our respect as missionaries, he does all he can to fulfil his calling as Mission Presidente. I felt good to be there among those people and felt good to know that I was making a difference in the work of the Lord. Family, I read in a lot of my letters about all of your efforts to perform service this holiday season, and I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you and your example. Thanks for reminding us that this is what this time of year is about. Its about being on the Lord´s Errand and doing what he would have us do. This time of year is so amazing and what a blessing it is to be here serving lthe Lord on my mission during the most special time of year. He is what it is all about, He makes this time of year so special, and we can feel the joy of tihs season as we serve those around us and making their burdens light. Thanks for your amazing example. I am sorry my letter will be so short this week, the clock beat me this time, but I hope everyone has a great week! I will let you all know about the details of when and what time I will be able to talk to you on the 25. I love you all with all my heart! Dont forget that! Stay strong and remember how much you mean to me! I love you with all my heart. Elder Falor

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