
Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 62...and a VERY Merry Christmas‏

Hello My amazing and wonderful family, How great it was to hear your wonderful voices and how hard to say goodbye, but I know before we know it we will see each other again. I love phone calls in the mission (especially from my 2 amazing families) they always give me the strength I need to continue working and giving my all to the work of the Lord. Thanks for all your support and all your advice, you are all here at my side doing this with me, I couldnt do it without you. Thanks for being my strength and giving me a big reason to keep pushing forward! These past 2 days I have absolutely loved, I love walking the streets as a representative of Jesus Christ telling the world that he lives! This amazing time of year is even better to do the work of the Lord. The Lord really blessed us this week with a baptism of a truly amazing family, in only 5 short weeks I have come to love them as my own and I was so happy to see them married and baptized along with their kids! It was such a truly spiritual experience! Its been such a journey with them, even in 5 short weeks, but that goes to show how the Lord works, he can make mighty miracles in short periods of time! I love the work of the Lord, I love being lost in it and I love LOVE LOVE spreading the news of the Gospel. There is no place on earth where I would rather be. Its such a blessing. I attached some pictures of this amazing service, of the marriage and of the baptism! I am doing truly spectacular here family. I love it so much! I love being able to speak spanish. Last year about this time Spencer Wixom sent me a letter and told me about how one day I would grow to love the people, the language and the food and everything about my mission, honestly, at first I doubted his advice when he told me the sacrifice and suffering was worth it. But now I believe every word. I love the spanish language, I love the ticos and the nicas, I love everything about this beautiful country. I love the Lord and will serve him for the rest of my life. I will fight for the truth because the truth will ALWAYS stand! Keep the faith and lose the fear. Remember I love you with all my heart. I wish you the HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS! les amo, con todo mi corazon! Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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