
Monday, January 2, 2012


Hello Family! I hope this letter finds you all happy and well, I want to wish you the happiest of new years! I hope you know how much I love you and think of you all always. Thanks for your support for all you do and for all your love and prayers. Thanks especially to the Hyde Park 1st Ward Primary for your letters! I sure had a good time looking at the pictures and hearing about your advice. I especially liked the letter that said ¨you better be reading the Book of Mormon¨ haha, I laughed and just want them to know that I am definitely reading the Book of Mormon. Well today was a crazy day, to go along with a crazy week and crazy month and crazy holiday season that I will NEVER forget. So many things have happened, that I cannot wait to tell you when I get back, they all go in to the story box for when I get home I can share them all with you. Today we had changes meeting and after a short 6 weeks together I said goodbye to Elder Aguilar and he said hello to San Francisco! haha I was happy to know that he will be there to take care of my converts and I will be here taking care of our converts. I have yet to receive my new companion because it was announced that I will be a new trainer for a new missionary. But the deal is this, the new missionaries dont arrive until tomorrow, so I havent met him yet, but for 24 hours I will be with another departing missionary who is going home on thursday, his name is Elder Rivera from Honduras he has been a friend of mine in the mission for awhile so it will be fun to spend some time with him before he goes. I said goodbye to Elder Centeno, he was such a great friend of mine and he will forever be a great friend and always with some of my greatest memories as a missionary. So today I said farewell to my 3 companion as he heads off to his house. I am excited to be training a new missionary and excited to be working here in Pavas, this area has SO much potential we just have to work hard, be obedient and diligent in the Lords work. Hermana Galvez did something cool today in our meeting, she had us put a 5 colones coin in our shoes to remind us of the widow who gave her last little bit of all she had, she said everytime we put our foot down we are going to feel it and ask ourselves ¨have I given everything I had for this day in the Lords amazing work¨ it was spiritual and a cool Idea, its the best when missionaries can say that they have given their all and they come to the house dead tired but satisfied, after knowing they have given all they got for the Lord´s work. I know this work is true and I know that God is with us, I know he loves us and protects us, but we must obey to recieve his protection. I know we are his children, I feel and see his love with each passing day. I know the GOspel is true, its been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, I know it with out a doubt. I am so blessed to be a servant of the Lord and with such great support like you all I have at home. I wish you the very happiest of New Years, and never forget how special you are to me. I love you with all my heart. Stay strong. les amo. Elder Falor PS here is a picture to remind you all of me this new year haha. -- Pura Vida!

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