
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 66

Hello my amazing family and friends, I am glad to hear that this week was a great week for all of you. Thanks as always for your letters of support and love. I am glad to hear that Elder Elbert made it home safe and sound and I hope he knows how proud I am of him for serving and completing a full time mission. Its not easy, but its worth every second of the journey. This week was excellent for us here in Pavas. We had a great week, we were able to receive special instruction from President Clayton (Presidency of the 70) and President Amado (Area Presidency of Central America), It was amazing, and I felt the spirit so much, testifying to me that his words were inspired and true. I know that the Lord chooses his servants and calls them to his work, I could feel the Lord testifying to me of their words that they were what the mission in Costa Rica needs to be successful. On Saturday we had a wedding and baptism for Lanny and Marcos! Man, it was a beautiful service! The wedding was a bit fast becasue the Lawyer had to get to Alajuela real fast afterwards, but because Lanny´s knee was broken we had to rush her into the chapel in a wheel chair with her big wedding dress on. It was quite the experience. I lent my suit to Marcos so they both looked pretty shnazzy! I was so happy to see them reach their goal of a wedding and a baptism. I had the amazing priveledge to baptize Marcos and I loved seeing him change and be so happy after he came out of the water. There is nothing more precious then seeing all your hard work pay off in missionary work. We worked so hard and the Lord blessed us. It may seem simple and of no importance to other people but its the most special thing I can think of right now. I love seeing the power of the gospel take effect in the lives of all my converts and seeing how they can be happy knowing they are on the right track. We made goals with them for this coming year so that at the beginning of 2013 they will make it to the temple. We bought them a picture of the Costa Rica temple and made them write their goals on the back and put it in a place where they will always see it. I love the gospel. :) Today we had our ¨One month check up¨ for the new missionaries and their trainers. We were blessed to hear from Presidente Galvez and hear of his inspired words. That man is a hero to me and he inspires me to do better. We then went to the Galvez home and stuffed our faces with a bunch of carne asada, vegetables, pasta, fruit, cake and ice cream, we sure got spoiled. It was crazy, because almost this exact time last year I was doing the same thing, but I was the one with only 1 month in the mission. It was a great day, we are a bit tired from all the traveling, but know it was worth it to be able to hear from our wonderful President. I am doing so good. I love the mission, I love nothing more than coming home dead tired, knowing I gave my all to the Lord´s work. I may not be the best missionary, but I know if I serve Him with my heart, might, mind and strength, its good enough for Him, and thats all He asks. I love the gospel and know its true. I never tire in saying it. Its true, it just makes sense, and it makes me happy. I hope this week makes you all happy, I hope all goes well for you, remember I love you with all my heart. Love, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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