
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grandpa Dave

t was a complete shock to hear about the death of ¨Grandpa Dave¨, I wont lie and say that it was easy, at first it was really difficult to grasp the fact that he had really passed away. I reflected on the concept of death the day before at the funeral of a member of the church here in Pavas. I spend every single minute of every single day testifying to the people that families can be together forever and that death is not the end. When I received the phone call of this members death, I began to doubt in the great plan of God, I began to feel so small in the scheme of things, and I felt that death had taken the sweetness out of everything that is good in this life. I began to question my testimony of the things I had been teaching for the past 15 months. I questioned it all day long after receiving the phone call. When I walked into the room where his body was, I felt an overwhelming spirit testify to me that death is not the end, it is merely the beginning. Without knowing it, this experience had prepared me for what would come my way only one day away. When I received the phone call, I knew imediately that something was wrong, the first thing I said to my mom was ¨what happened¨ instead of ¨how are you?¨ When I got the news I didnt know how to think, I was upset, unsure, and completely shocked. I didnt know the purpose God had for taking my Grandpa with Him, I didnt fully understand the plan that our Heavenly Father has for us, but I felt comfortable knowing that our Heavenly Father is in control, he has the reins and he knows what he is doing, that was the most comforting thing I could feel. Knowing someone had all the control in the world, and not just anyone, someone who is worth trusting. I may not fully understand, nor comprehend the great plan that God has for us, but I know sufficient. I know that my Grandpa Dave left this world, only to enter into another world, a world of rest where he isnt suffering. I know that if I work my hardest, I will be able to see my Grandpa again and tell him how much I love him, and how many things he taught me and how much his life affected mine. I know without a shadow of a doubt that families can be together forever. Families are meant to be together always, and death may only be a seperation, but its NOT goodbye, its merely see you later... -I thorougly can´t wait until the day when I can see my grandfather again, I know its possible, but now its up to us to work hard here so we can be able to do it. After hanging up the phone on tuesday I opened the Book of Mormon to try and find some relief, I turned exactly to the scripture that had given me comfort almost 3 years ago when I read it for the first time. I opened and read the following words: ¨Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection, behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil are taken home to that God that gave them life¨ My Grandpa Dave knows so much more things that we do, he is learning so much and he is in a better place. I know that as soon as his spirit departed from his mortal body, he was taken home, to our Heavenly Father, the God who gave him life. ¨the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care and sorrow.¨ I know these words are true. I know that Grandpa is resting, and he isnt in pain, he is resting from all sorrow and all troubles, he is in peace. It brings me peace to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Especially at a moment like this. I always asked myself what I would do if I lost a loved one while on the mission, where would I get the strength to carry on, being so far from the people I love. I often wondered where it would come from the strength to keep going after losing someone so dear to you. The strength comes from a surety of knowing that I will see him again, I will see him in a better place and we will both be in a better state. The strength comes from my testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that all of us may be able to understand the plan of Salvation as the Lord intended for it to be understood. When we understand it, death really becomes the beginning, and just a see you later, until we meet again. I know what I am doing is true. I know that in a time like this, there is no better place to be, no better thing to be doing. My heart and prayers are with you during this time. I love you all with all my heart. Sincerely, Elder Falor

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