
Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 70 ¿16...?‏

Hello my family and friends, I am so happy to be able to write to you all and to hear about your experiences during this week. I am glad to hear that all is well. You are always in my prayers and I hope that you can all feel that and know of the love I have for each and everyone of you. This week for us was a rollercoaster ride, we were hardly in Pavas, we spent a lot of the week traveling to other areas, to San Jose and all over the place. But its been a lot of fun and I enjoy every minute I have on the mission to serve the Lord and to preach His gospel. This week we are expecting the arrival of Elder James B. Martino (the 70) to do his mission tour here in the best mission in the world. We are doing alright here in Pavas, thanks to the new training program we are both learning a lot and how to improve. We have an investigator whose name is Josefina, she is one of a kind! We leave her with something to read and she can almost repeat it back to us word by word. She has asisted 2 times in the chapel and she has loved it both times. She gets teary eyed when they pass the sacrament, she has been converted, she just has to make a decision about her baptism. She has taught me a lot about how the gospel is meant to change a person and make them better. It doesnt matter the past that a person had, its what they do with what happened to deterimine their future that counts. All of us have a past, but the gospel is for the future, its to prepare us for life in the presence of our Loving Heavenly Father. What a blessing it is to be a missionary of the church. I love following the Savior, he is the ideal leader and he always leads us to a better place. Like the lesson Bishop Durrant taught me in the MTC, we often forget that this vale of sorrow is temporary, but that if we follow the words of Christ they will lead us to a promised land, we must strive to do his will and as we do he will bless us, and strengthen us. I learned a lot this week about dealing with adversity. I was happy to know that the Lord doesnt take our problems away, he doesnt take them away and make everything perfect, what he does is he makes us strong enough to support them, he promises to walk by our side and give us support, as a real friend does. I cant believe I have 16 months in the mission. Instead of getting home sick, I get mission sick, thinking about leaving this place gives me goosebumps, I cant imagine life as a normal person and not as a missionary. Time is flying by so quick, but its a reminder of all the things I have to change to become the man my Heavenly Father wants me to be. Its been a great week, and we are hoping for another. I hope your week goes great, I love you all with all my heart. Elder Falor con mucho amor -- Pura Vida!

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