
Monday, March 5, 2012

Nuevo Presidente

Hello Family, We have received the news of our new mission President, here is what they sent to us, Chad Read Wilkinson, 47, and Allison Marie Wilkinson, four children, Saratoga Springs 4th Ward, Saratoga Springs Utah Stake. Brother Wilkinson is a stake president and is a former high councilor, bishop, Young Men president and missionary in the Dominican Republic Mission. Assistant administrator, Seminaries and Institutes. Born in Murray, Utah, to Joseph William and Clytie Wilkinson. Sister Wilkinson serves as a Primary teacher and is a former counselor in a Young Women presidency, enrichment leader, Primary music leader, counselor in a special needs Mutual, Sunday School teacher and Relief Society teacher. Born in Provo, Utah, to Gary Douglas and Carolyn Marie Ford. That should be exciting to meet a new mission President but sad to see Presidente Gálvez go, he has been such a great President and he has been such a great example to me in all things, I hope one day to be the type of man he is. Well Thanks family for your letters and support like always, I am doing great here in Pavas and this week was a spectacular one, we had lots of amazing experiences. The one thing I would like to share with you from this week is what happened in church yesterday. I love the Pavas ward, it is so amazing and full of wonderful people who have such strong desires to follow the Lord. As we all know yesterday was fast and testimony meeting, it was such a spiritual experience and one of the strongest I have felt while being here in Pavas. One testimony in particular had the entire chapel crying within the first 45 seconds. A little girl from the Primary stood up and hesitantly stood at the door, the bishop waved her in and she said to the bishop, I dont know why I am here. The spirit had obviously touched her and told her to go to the front. This girl comes from a family unbelievably poor. Her father is a single father and is trying to raise 3 kids, all under the ages of 12 and the youngest has a disease in her back and neck that makes it hard for her to even sit up straight and has hindered her learning process. The little girl got up to bear her testimony about how the ward and the members had worked together to help her sister live comfortably, she began to sob and everyone in the chapel did as well. It was the most heartfelt testimony and I remembered the Savior´s commandment for us to be like little children, in the sense of having such a pure and sweet testimony and sharing it as directed by the spirit. The next lesson we all learned in the chapel was when at the beginning of Sunday School a girl in the primary has said that someone stole her cell phone, she was a bit distraught looking for her cell phone so so was everyong else in the chapel. At the end of the 3 hour block, the Primary President said to all the kids that they were going to have to have the parents search their backpacks to find the cell phone. At that moment, a little boy named Moisés came in from the crowd and said ¨Mimi, here it is¨ and handed her the cell phone. He confessed that he really liked the cell phone and only wanted to keep it for a little bit. He only has 5 years and was so willing to give up the cell phone that he had taken. Even as a 5 year old he could comprehend the consequences of sin and he knew the consequences very well of what he had done. He so willilngly and so freely gave it up to someone who could handle it. It made me think, as well as all the other members, how often do we give everything up to someone bigger than us who can handle it all? How often do we weigh the consequences of our sins and decide to choose righteousness over sin? I really truly understood the commandment the Savior gave to us many years ago. We must become innocent, humble and willing to submit everything to those who are in charge, those who can handle it all. We were meant to prosper and meant to be better. If we could all follow the example of the little children around us, we can prosper and be better. It was such a wonderful experience in the chapel yesterday, and everyone left thinking and desiring to be better. I love serving the Lord. There is no greater satisfaction than this. This is the work of the Lord, and I want nothing more than to be lost in it. I love you with all my heart, until next week, Pierdan el temor, y guarden la fe, sean fuertes. Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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