
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hello from....

PUNTARENAS! Hello Family, As you all know I had changes today and a lot has changed. Like normal they took me out of my area and put me in a new one that is on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica! YAY! Finally the ocean! I am really close to the ocean and to the beach. Its SO hot, but different than Guacimo. Its such a beach town and I know the Martins would be all over it, haha. My new companion is Elder Cacseres from Honduras. He has 19 months in the mission...the reason we have such close time in the mission is because I was called as Zone Leader for the Puntarenas zone...Its another big responsibility but the Lord has proven to me that whatever is thrown at me I can conquer and I will succeed if I put my trust in him. I know there is lots to learn and lots to do, I just have to be humble and teachable and the Lord will teach me and make me what he wants me to be. This week in Pavas before leaving was excellent. I left some pretty sad members there but know that they will be all right. Its hard to say goodbye and I feel like I am leaving home every time. But every good thing has a beginning and an ending. I know that I fulfilled my purpose in Pavas and am very pleased with everyone there. I know my companion will take good care of everyone and do a lot of great work. On Sunday we had a Family Home Evening with a bunch of members where they sang to me and asked me to bear my testimony. I was happy to know that in someway the Lord had used me to bless the lives of the people gathered around me. I am happy to have been an influence in some way to help people come closer to Christ. That is the ultimate present. There is nothing of more worth on the mission than that, knowing that becasue of you, one person is one step closer to the Savior. Thats all I want. I realized its not about the baptisms or the numbers, its not about the callings or recognitions. Its about serving the people, and doing it in a way that they turn around on the path they are on and begin to follow Christ. It may sound cheesy but its something only a missionary could explain. Its beyond words and beyond my comprehension. I love it. So here I am in Puntarenas (by the way, the same place where I went in September to translate for the US navy) and ready to do my best, I know Presidente has put trust in me and I hope I dont let him down. I know I can do it if I put my trust in the Lord. The first thing I thought of when I saw my picture is that I would be spending a lot of time on my knees praying for the strength to make it through and be successful. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I absolutely love teaching it. I love you all with all my heart. Please take care and I will see you soon. con amor, Elder Falor PS, Bishop Durrant, the Costa Rican postal system is somewhat of a joke seeing that today I recieved a letter from March of 2011 when I was in San Ramon, you asked me to figure out what Area 51 was and because I never got the letter I never checked it out...I dont remember anything too sketchy in San Ramón, haha, but I just thought you should know so you didnt think I was ignoring you or something. Thanks for all your letters and support!

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