
Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 69, siempre en Pavas‏

Hey Family and Friends, Sorry that last weeks letter was a bit small, but dont worry this week I will make up for it. All is well, as you could see by the picture we went to the temple, I am in love with the Costa Rica temple, I am in love with Costa Rica. I dont want to go home, I love the US of A but Costa Rica has stolen my heart, and so have the people. I have made so many friends and so many great people here that have changed my life. This week was all right, we didnt have a Pday on monday, just time to write the family and back to work, so it was a bit tiring, but always going forward. Today we had a CRAZY changes meeting! More than 3/4 of the mission is training! Crazy, we have recieved so many new missionaries and almost everyone is training, its crazy! I learned so much from the meeting today, and through the transcourse of this week. This week has been a trying week for me, but I have realized that if we follow what it says in our calling packet to put all of our personal affair behind us and focus on the work we will be better off, and we will receive strength to keep going forward. I am doing just great and loving every minute I have to be a missionary. Today a missionary said something that I really loved. He said ¨when the time to leave comes, the time for preparation has ended¨ It made me realize about how important and sacred this time is, it must be used to the maximum. Its a time to prepare us for eternity and life in the presence of our Heavenly Father. My mission has been such a sacred life changing experience. Its the best adventure I have ever embarked on. I have seen my way of reacting to things and think of how I used to react to things and I am amazed at the change the Lord has made in me through my mission. This time is preparing me for whats to come afterwards. And if I dont use it right it will come to an end and I wont be prepared for the things and challenges that life throws at me. Either way, I am determined to use every day to its fullest and to not let my Heavenly Father down. I know this church is true. But I dont feel like that is enough at times, I know its the ONLY true and LIVING church on the face of the earth. I have no doubt of that. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, there is no other book on the face of the earth that contains as much truth. I know that by reading it we can gain a better relationship with our Older Brother, Jesus Christ. I have had to search for my answers a lot this week through that amazing book, and it has yet to let me down. I know that we have a prophet, I know that what I am doing is true, I know it with all my heart and I will never deny it. I hope this week is a great one for all of you, don´t forget how much I love you all with all my heart, I hope the very best for you! les amo, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida!

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