
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 65

A big hello to everyone from Costa Rica in ¨la ciudad de los locos en Pavas¨ so um... I cant believe another week has gone by, where is time going! Its all passing too quick.  This week was a wonderful week in Pavas, and as always I have a ginormous book of stories and experiences to tell you.  I will share one with you that is quite funny and quite amazing.  So, I dont know who´s idea it was (ok it was mine) to travel to the temple on Friday the 13th.  Its about an hour bus ride from Pavas and we were excited because we were going to take Heidy and Gabriel (the fam that got baptized on mom´s birthday) and Lanny and Marcos (the family who is getting baptized on the 21) to the temple so they could wait in the waiting room and feel of the spirit.  On the way to the temple we split into two groups, my companion and I went with Heidy and Gabriel in bus and a member went with Lanny and Marcos in car.  Lets just say that the Devil was 100% aware of our trip to the Lord´s house that day.  Anything that could have went wrong, did.  We were alright in the bus but those who went in car had a big problem that almost cost them their lives, but nonetheless, with all the odds against them, we had a super spiritual lesson in the temple and all made it safe and sound.  These two families have made such a big impact on me, that even though Lanny had a broken knee she was willing to travel in car and make a big sacrifice to see the temple.  Once inside Presidente Rivera came and talked to us and shared about the temples importance in the Plan of Salvation.  The spirit was so strong I could have cried.  I felt so unbelievable safe and loved, I truly felt in the presence of God, I felt in his house.  I love to see the temple.  I love to be in the temple, how unbelievably blessed we are to have temples in our day, and temples so accessable to us and our needs.  I know what happens in the temple is eternal.  Its the most important thing the human family can do.  Be sealed for all time and eternity.  Its the only place in all the world where that happens.  I know it.  It was great and the family was really pumped to be there next year.  They already have plans on the 23 of December 2012 and the 21 of January 2013 to be in the temple, kneeling around an altar to be sealed as an eternal family..  They have made amazing changes and have come to love the Lord and his gospel.  I am so happy to have the privelege of knowing these two amazing families, they have forever changed my life.  I hope that one day I can be as amazing as they are and have such great amounds of faith like they have.  I know that even though I wont be in Costa Rica to see them at their sealing, I know that one day we will be able to see each other again in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and how great will be our joy.  Every experience I have had on the mission has only strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel.  I love the Lord and His work.  I love it with all my heart, I dont want it to end.  We also talked to the family that returned my scriptures and had an amazing lesson with them.  I feel they were a family prepared by the Lord in one of the strangest ways, but its all how He works.  He will do what it takes to have His work come to pass.  We are hoping this family progresses and can gain a testimony of this true work.  I love the gospel and I love my mission, its my sacred experience.  It means everything to me.  I am doing great family, dont you worry about me, I am having the time of my life, I only wish I could better explain what the mission has done for me and what its changed in me..its beyond description.  Well fam.  I love you lots. I hope this week goes well for you.  You are all in my prayers. ¡Sean fuertes!, pierdan el temor y guarden la fe, les quiero y les amo con todo mi corazón, hasta pronto, Elder Falor -- Pura Vida! .

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