
Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 38

Hello family and friends,
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to hear from you each and every week, I too look forward to Mondays to hear about all thats going on at home and to be able to share my amazing experiences with you. This week was great, still no baptisms, I have come to accept the fact that maybe I am not a baptizing missionary, that I wasnt meant to be an Alma missionary, I am an Abinidi missionary, but I am still working nonetheless. Sometimes the fact that I cant send my family amazing pictures of all these people dressed in white, and I dont have amazing stories of someone being converted and touched by the Holy Ghost, but my mission still means the same to me as a missionary who has 1,000 baptisms. My mission is my sacred experience, and maybe what I want right now, isnt what the Lord wants me to be, He knows what He wants me to be, I have to humbly submit to His will and do the best I can.

This week at church was great, we did a lot of focusing on less active members and strenghtening the branch, we figure if we strengthen the branch it will strengthen the missionary work here. I think often about how I could of done it without the help of members in my ward, it would of been impossible. But I sat reflecting yesterday in church as I saw tons of people arriving to the chapel from all walks of life, some rich some poor, some had to walk 7 kilometers just to get to the chapel, some dont have money to get home, some have arrived with 13 people in one car just so all could arrive and partake of the Sacrament and be taught from on High. It was such a blessing to stand in the doorway of the chapel and see all these faithful saints do all they could just to arrive at church on sunday. I am sure lots of them could of made a list of better things they would rather be doing, but they all arrived any way, and that was an amazing experience.

This week and this change has been a difficult one, but have seen the blessings that come to those who dont lose their faith, and who endure to the end. Sometimes we have to endure to the end of a day, a week, month or changes meeting in the mission. But if we endure it well, the Lord sends down His blessings and lifts and strenghtens us up. I learn more each and everyday about our Heavenly Father, and I am little by little, beginning to understand His love for us, I feel it with each passing day. I know that if I hold out faithful I can be effective in His hands to bring the people to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dont worry family, one day you will receive a bunch of pictures of people dressed in white, I will hold on and work hard until that day arrives. Know i love you a lot, and I miss you with each day. I pray for you and I hope you can recognize the Lords hand in your lives, He knows you and loves you. Dont doubt that. Look for miracles, look for his love, and you will find it. I know this church is true. I know it with all that I am. I know that God lives and I know that Jesus is the Christ. That knowledge makes one foot go after the other in the mission. THats what keeps me going. I love you all with all my heart.

Elder Falor

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