
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 40

Hola mi querida familia,

Well here we are again another week has gone by and it was my first week here in San Francisco. Back in the city, I am still getting used to the area and used to being back in a house with four missionaries. The other missionaries names are Elder Garcia, El Salvador and Elder Johnson, from Pleasant Grove Utah. I really like the house, the area, my companion, the investigators and members here in San Francisco. I am hoping and praying that I will stay here for a little longer, to get more adjusted to one area and have more sucess. We are teaching a lot of families and the people here seem to be more humble than those in Guacimo, even though they have a lot more money. We are teaching a family, a young couple, super young, the wife has 15 years and the husband 23, the wife, Brenda seems super chosen and ready to follow and submit everything to the Lord, she has a baptism scheduled for this Saturday at 6 o clock. The husband, Eberth is having a harder time accepting the Gospel, he fears that after his baptism he will only fall again. Thats something we had to teach him a lot, that baptism doesnt make us perfect, we are no where near perfect after baptism, but through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through our covenants we make with him we can become perfect step by step. He has yet to accept our invitation to be baptized, but we are hoping as he sees the example of his wife he will choose to follow through.

We are teaching a lot of families, that has become the focus of the mission. All baptisms are important but President Galvez recognizes that the family is the most important basic unit of this society, and it is only through families, a mother and a father, that we can become eternal, and one day enter into the presence of our Heavenly Father, hand in hand with our most cherished loved ones. We are always on the lookout for families, this narrowing down to only families makes it a lot more difficult, but we know and recognize that this is what the Lord wants, every soul is important to God, and we will never deny anyone who wants to be baptized, but our focus is and always will be the family.. As always there is so much work to do here in San Francisco, I am so excited to see it all come through. I know and believe that we can have sucess here, all we have to do is put out trust in the Lord and always go forward. He makes miracles happen in our lives.

This week was also spent in doing a lot of service, there are some members from the neighbor ward who are building a house and we are helping them do it. I got a big blister on my hand and thought of Grandpa Long, he always wanted me to help him rake leaves and get some blisters on my hands, haha after all this hard work, the raking leaves seems a lot better, haha.

The work always continues on the mission, I intend to work every single second of every single day until the Lord tells me I am done. I know I have been called to serve here in this exact moment in time in this area with this companion. The Lord knows me on a very specific basis. I know that the church is true. After all that happens in life, when the world seems like it will cave in, the truth will always stand. And the truth continues to be found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I know that He is the way, the light and the life, I know Him and thank Him for His infinite atoning sacrifice. His sacrifice touches every living thing, and one day every single person will need to rely on the atoning sacrifice of our Savior. I can´t live without it. I am so thankful for amazing people like you in my life, I hope you know how much each of you means to me. I love you all very much.

Con mucho amor, Elder Falor

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