
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ejerza la fe y provoque milagros...

Hello my dear family and friends, This week was amazing in the mission. I am the 2nd counselor in the Branch Presidency and I am also the teacher for the Temple Preparation Class so I am super busy on Sundays but I love being busy and more than anything I love teaching this gospel. FINALLY we had a family come to church on Sunday and despite a bit of the disorder in church they enjoyed their time and made a commitment to come back next week. They are an amazing family, with amazing challenges in their lives, but they have nothing too big or too strong that the gospel cannot solve. We have had amazing experiences getting them to church. They live in a far away town called Darizara, its about 1/2 hour in bus and we dont have time to get on the earliest bus in the morning on Sunday to go and get them and be back in time to prepare the sacrament and do all our Sunday duties, so we had faith that they would make the bus in time to get to church. Turns out they didnt make the bus, as they all crossed the street to go back home out of no where their neighbor (who they had never talked to before) offered them his car. He said "I dont know where you are going or what you are going to do but I felt the need to let you borrow my car, take it and bring it back in 2 hours"...they were shocked as they got to the chapel and they told me "Elder Falor, God wants us to be here"...God answers prayers in a MAGNIFICENT way, the prayers of that family and my prayers were answered that day, just because one person decided to act upon the promptings of the spirit. Yesterday we came back at about 11:30 pm from a long and hopefuly last 6 hour bus ride from San Jose. But every trip to San Jose is worth it, especially this one. We went to Zone Counsel for the last time with President Galvez. WOW! Seriously, I need everyone to meet this man, he is incredible. He bore STRONG witness of the power of the Book of Mormon, and as he gave testimony of the Savior, I saw the Saviors face. I know that in these past 3 years President Galvez has given his LIFE to this work, he has truly understood the law of consecration and he has followed through 100%,what a blessing it was to know him and to have this last zone counsel with him. We had the opportunity to ask him any question we wanted! That was incredible, he is an amazing man who has done so much for the work here. He taught us about how he wants to see us again in 20 years. He testified that 2 important things in life are obedience and ability. He said that one cannot exist without the other. With only obedience, we would starve to death he said, but with them both, we will receive life´s richest blessings. The subject line in my email (ejerza la fe y provoque milagros) means "exercise the faith and provoke miracles"...that was something that caught my attention that President Galvez said. If we only have faith, we can literally provoke miracles and I have seen these tiny miracles being brought to pass every day of my mission. What a blessing it is to be on the Lord´s service. I am forever and ever humbled by this great experience that has taught me so much. These past 20 months have been a time of trial and learning. Its been falling and rising again. Its been happy and its been sad. But these have been the best 20 months for my life...I know that what I am doing is true. Of that there is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT...I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I love living it and participating in the blessings my Heavenly Father has in store for me. I love you all, hasta pronto, Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Todo valdrà la pena... (June 19, 2012)

Hello Family and friends, From your letters it sounds like quite the week back hom in Utah, I also had quite the week in Costa Rica. It was filled with 2 trips to San Jose, 1 trip to Perez Zeledon, 1 farewell of President and Sister Galvez, 1 General Authority, 1 New companion, and 2 GIANT rainstorms in Neily. Ha it was quite the week here but it was a great one. After I wrote you all last week we had a conference with Elder Maynes of the 70 of the Area Central America, it was a great meeting, it was short but sweet and jam packed with things we need to learn and know as missionaries, I really admire them and their determination to communicate with us in Spanish, I know and relate well with them and know how they feel haha. This week we were hardly in Ciudad Neily, after San Jose we went straight to Perez and stayed the night to do a baptismal interview. I did the interview and I love doing them, the investigators sometimes teach us more as missionaries, and thats what this investigator did in Perez. Then we made the LOOOONG trip back to Neily only to get up and do it all over again. We basically only had Saturday to get things ready for our area on Sunday, unfortunately no one came to church despite our hardest efforts. We both talked in Sacrament meeting and the members said they felt the spirit, which is something hard to feel in Neily but I think we touched their hearts and it inspired a change in them, I guess we will see this week. On Sunday night we headed to San Jose for changes meeting. It was sad to see Elder Montoya go, but he was happy knowing he had served faithfully for 24 months, he had completed what the Lord had asked and now he was to go forth. We had the most amazing changes meeting ever! It was a changes meeting but also a sort of farewell for President and Hermana Galvez. It was really emotional, the leaving missionaries formed a group with 3 of my companions, bore their testimonies. It was one of the strongest groups in the mission but it was good to see them after all this time knowing they had done their part. On top of their testimonies we got to hear from the Galvez family, their son, working at the Provo MTC bore his testimony through skype, how powerful! And then we got to hear from President and Sister Galvez, who bore some of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard! I can´t believe how much these people inspire me. President and SIster Galvez are GREAT examples of the Law of Consecration! They have given up so much to serve the Lord, trusting in the fact that He will make up the difference and that "todo valdrà la pena" (all will be worth it) I feel that that was the theme of the changes meeting, despite all we go through as missionaries we must be willing to consecrate our lives to the Lord and His gospel, trusting only in Him and his infinite power to make everything worth it in the end. Despite some of life´s hardest challenges, we can have the surety that one day we will receive our reward and that one day, everything will be worth it. We watched a video that we as missionaries put together, everyone showing their creativity in saying goodbye to President and Sister Galvez. We got the chance to personally say goodbye and thank them for their efforts. My words do not express enough of the gratitude that I have for them and their service. I know the Lord is pleased with them and the AMAZING difference they have made in the church here in Costa Rica. I also received a new companion with the same name as my last one. His name is Elder Montoya, he is from Honduras, we have the same time in the mission and so we are leaving together. We are excited to work and to get going here in Neily. Oh yeah, and the 2 giant rainstorms, that was normal, it was just fun to see the streets turn into rivers in less than 10 minutes. haha. Family and friends, I hope you know how much I love you. I hope you know that if you find yourself amongst problems and challenges that one day, if we hold out strong, it will all be worth it. Thats what the gospel of Jesus Christ is for, its for giving us something to hold on to. Many times we just hear, hold on a little longer, what do we hold on to? The gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the life jacket, the safe boat and the helicoper that brings us safely to shore...I know that is true with 100% of my heart. I love you all with all that I am. Con amor, Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hello my beloved family and friends, I am writting you from San Jose today, we woke up at 230 after a nice "nap" to get on the bus at 4, we arrived here about 30 minutes ago. We have a conference with Elder Amado from the area 70 and then a meeting and conference with the Vice President of Costa Rica. He is interested in the church and has found a desire to get to know the missionaries and understand why we do what we do. The Gospel will touch EVERY ear and EVERY heart until it has spread the world! The gospel can even touch some of the highest people in Society. The gospel is great and can make the change in any who let it. This week I saw, once again, real opposition against the church. I felt the same way I did when they did witchcraft of us in Pavas, but thats a story for another day. This week I went with an Assistant to San Vito, a BEAUTIFUL area in our zone, the only area that is not only chilly, but COLD! Its so beautiful, if you have ever seen Twilight you will feel at home in Forks, because San Vito is just like it. We visited a family that we were hoping would progress. At first everything went perfectly, they accepted the invitation to hear the gospel and we began sharing the message of the restoration. We passed Jesus Christ establishing His church and got to Prophets. I began to share my testimony that God, after having stopped the flow of revelation during the apostasty, lovingly opened his arms out to his children by calling a prophet today. The wife´s expression TOTALLY changed. She said "you mean to tell me that today there is a prophet" "yes I said, if God is the same yesterday, today and forever, he would have to call a Prophet." I said, "And WHO is this "prophet"?" She asked me. I pulled out my insert from the Liahona and proudly showed her the picture of our beloved Prophet. I felt strong in my testimony as I bore witness that he is a living breathing witness of God in our day, when I saw her expression change again. She bowed her head....and began to laugh at me. She was laughing so hard. At first I thought, did I say something wrong in Spanish? Or is it the whole prophet thing? She raised her head and basically told me how stupid we were for believing in Prophets. She said she knew President Monson personally and knew that his "fruits" were nothing short of diabolic. I sat with my jaw to the floor. I felt a rage inside of me and thought "how does she have the nerve to say this about a man who has only lived his entire life in the service of God and others? how can she judge him when she doesnt even know him." At that moment, the spirit totally left. And for the first time I felt out of words....I quietly bowed my head and looked at the other 3 missionaries, we didnt know what to do. I started to bear testimony again and saw her smile grow bigger and bigger. I honestly felt the nerve to throw my backpack in her face, but I controlled myself. Haha. We all took turns bearing the strongest testimony we could muster, but it just wasnt enough. I left the lesson feeling sad. I wanted to bury my head in my hands and cry, but instead I heard the scipture "Alza tu cabeza y sè de buen animo" (lift up your head and be of good cheer) I felt comforted and strong in my testimony that God has called a prophet. And just because I KNOW that, doesnt change that people can deny it. Satan can stray other people off the path, but he cannot stray me. I know that there is opposition as a part of Gods plan, but there is so much opposition against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because why would Satan want the true church to prosper when he too knows its true. His only goal is to destroy the kingdom of God, but he cannot do that as long as there are missionaries willing to bear their testimonies in the midst of so much opposition, laughter, spitting, yelling, and things being hauled at you. Its all part of the experience. Its helped me to grow so much in my testimony. The church is true. IT HAS TO BE. I love you all with all my heart. Thanks for being with me on this journey. Stay strong and remember I love you. Elder Falor Pura Vida!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week of miracles... (May 29, 2012)

Hello my beloved family, It is such a pleasure to read your letters and feel of your love and support. I am so thankful for people like you in my life who inspire me and bless me. This letter may be a surprise to you because I didnt write yesterday, you will have to accept an apology I was in San Jose for a Zone Coucil meeting with President Galvez and we had no time to do internet because we took the bus at 630 and got home at 1230 am, it was a great training meeting and I cant believe that after all this time President Galvez continues to inspire me beyond belief. He is an excelent man and an excelent example of someone who lives the gospel, someone who has sacrificed much but received much as well. He taught us the importance of obedience, and it is so true. We have no promise of blessings unlsess we are obedient. Its often times something people dont realize. They stop living the gospel and expect their lives to improve. Its something I have seen first hand here in the mission, that the SECOND that we stop living the gospel, honestly, our lives suck. We find ourselves on dead end roads and with questions without answers. The gospel is the ONLY way to eternal happiness, and an understanding of some of life´s most asked questions. We must be obedient with exactness, or the Lord has no promise of blessings for us. Especially as missionaries. This week was a week of miracles, it was a lot of running around, one day I was in Rio Claro, the next I was in Golfito, but we learned of the Lords power in the conversion of his children. We visited a family in Golfito with the sisters to try and help them realize the power of the atonement and the blessings of the gospel. When we got there we lost a little bit of our hope to find they werent showing any interest. We found that if we follow the spirit he will do all the work and he will make himself manifest through us. He did. The family in Golfito got baptized in Friday the 25. While we were seeing miracles unfold in Golfito we also saw one in Neily. Our investigator Victor has had a hard time accepting the word of wisdom with coffee. When he finally gave up coffee for corn coffee, he still didnt have any desire to take the necessary steps to follow the savior. He had doubts and was worried about the future. We felt at the end of our rope but decided to teach once again the pure doctrine of Christ. The pure doctrine touched his heart and made a change in him that was incredible, something that everyone could see. He was also baptized on the 25 and confirmed on the 27. The gospel TRULY is TRUE. Ha. It has to be true to make these changes in people. To make them give up their nets like the apostles in Christ´s day and make the effort to follow the savior. As missionaries we are here to find those who are willing to leave their nets behind, to leave the things that hold them back from following the savior. I am so grateful to be a part of this work. A missionary on the DVDs that we watch as missionaries said this:"There´s a point in everyones life where you have to have God because you have nothing else, and our job as missionaries is to make sure that when that point comes, that they know that God is right there. There was no one who could go with (us) to where (we) went, and there is no one who fully knows what (we) went through, but God. Life is not easy, but if you have God it´s possible. And its not just possible, its fulfilling." I love being a part of this great work. I love sharing the gospel and seeing it work miracles in the lives of all those I meet. I am so thankful for amazing people like yourselves. Remember I love you with all my heart... Elder Falor Pura Vida! Here is a photo of Victors baptism!

Las familias pueden ser eternas...(May 21, 2012)

Hello My amazing family, Thanks, as always, for your letters of support and strength. I am so grateful for all you do. It sounds like this week back home was great just like my week here in Costa Rica. It has been a crazy week, but one that will FOREVER be engraven on my mind. It started off with my last interview with President Galvez before he heads back to his normal life in Guatemala. It was a sad interview, knowing that never again would I get to share moments like this with such a wonderful person. I made sure I took the time to thank him for his service and for giving all of us missionaries hope for our lives. Then, almost 2 years ago my companion baptized a family in Cartago and they had fought for a long time to be able to be sealed this saturday in the temple in Heredia. And I, being his companion, got to attend the sealing ceremony with my companion and the family. Our trip to San Jose started on Friday the 18, we headed on a bus at 10:30 am and sat for 5 and a half hours to go to an area in our Zone, Pèrez Zeledòn, we worked with the missionaries there to get to know their families and help in the missionary work where we could. We then woke up the next day at 3 am to get on the bus at 5 and headed for 3 hours up a hill called "Cerro de la muerte" or in english "Hill of Death" I am not even kidding that is a hill of death...it is more twists and turns than necessary, which made it difficult to sleep but our destination was worth every single turn and feeling of nausea on the bus. We finally made it to San Jose and then finally to Heredia and were outside the temple, arriving just too late to go to the endowment session. When 11 o clock rolled around we were dressed in white and sitting in the sealing room. I can´t quite put into words the feeling that is found in the temple, those who have entered know exactly how it is, its a power that helps you leave everything behind. You forget about the worries of the world, and you get lost in the amazing spirit that is found there. I felt overwhelmed and felt a sense of love that our Heavenly Father has for us, enough to construct temples. Before we knew it the family entered in and I cant quite explain either the feeling I felt when my companions converts saw the person that helped them change their lives. I felt so humbled being a part of this experience to help bring to pass God´s mighty purposes. As the session started I felt even more overwhelmed, it was a simple session but with powerful words and powerful promises. It put our entire purpose as missionaries in perspective, our goal is to invite families to come unto Christ with a goal of bringing them to the temple. That makes everything worth it. That we as missionaries have a chance to take part in the bringing to pass the INMORTALITY and ETERNAL LIFE of man is a truly humbling experience with big responsibilities. As I saw this family kneeled around the altar I thought of God´s purposes for us, why would he send us here in families, if it all ended at death? His purpose is for us to WORK for eternal life in his presence as families. But that is why he has given us the Gospel. The gospel must reach EVERY ear, it must be heard and felt in EVERY heart and it must CHANGE EVERY life so that we can fulfill God´s purposes for us. I left the temple on Saturday with my eyes opened even wider. What a blessing it was to go to the temple. I love the gospel and I love the temple. I love you all, I hope this week brings many blessings. guarden la fe, y pierdan el temor Elder Falor

Goodbye ¨chepe¨ hello Neily! (May 7, 2012)

Hello Family, To break news I will start off by telling you that I am doing just fine in my new area. I have been changed from Puntarenas to Ciudad Neily in the South Zone (Zona Sur)...My area is the last area or city, you will pass before getting to Panama it is called Cuidad Neily or Neily City. Its 6.5 hours out of San Jose, and unbelievably hot, but UNBELIEVABLY beautiful. I feel like the movie The Other Side of Heaven. It may not be THAT beautiful here, but I feel the same love for the people and the area as Elder Groeburg did in that movie. I also feel that way with the work that there is to be done here. I am the Secretary for the Corredores Branch here in Neily so there is lots to learn and lots to take in to help in the growth of our Heavenly Father´s kingdom. This week has been full of amazing blessings! I can´t believe all the great things I have experienced that I would love to share with you all. Our 2 day zone conference in San Jose was excellent as usual! President Galvez and Sister Galvez are AMAZING people. I know that revelation is true and that the LORD called them to serve in this country and at this time. I am so blessed to be around them. On tuesday morning they woke us all up at 4 in the morning to go running a 4K at the University of Costa Rica in San Pedro, that was a blast! Me and my companion (Elder Montoya from Mexico City) ran together and it was a good chance to get to know each other. At the end President turned it into a spiritual experience and really taught me alot, he taught about using our strengths and using them wisely, about never slowing down, and never giving up, finishing even when it gets hard and even when you feel like turning back. On Tuesday we headed back to Neily on bus and got home at about 10:30. My zone consists of 6 areas (Ciudad Neily, Rio Claro, Golfito, San Vito, Perez Zeledon, and San Isidro) we have 12 missionaries in our zone, I have yet to meet the new ones seeings how today was changes in San Jose. We didnt go to changes because it costs about 13,000 colones just to go there and back, and also 13 hours, haha. So we stayed here and went to Paso Canoas, and I got to be in Panama and Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun and really weird to see the use of Dollars once again. I bought a subway sandwich and paid with it in dollars...weird to not use colones. My companion is super awesome! He is in his last change in the mission and will finish with me. We have high goals and lots of excitement and faith to complete our goals as missionaries. He is an excellent missionary and is already teaching me so many things. One experience we had this week was with our new idea as a mission called ¨Questions of Impact¨ (Preguntas de Impacto) they are questions that take people off their feet, that make them question deep down in their soul and find a need for the restored gospel. We received a reference from a woman this week and decided to try out this new idea. When we showed up to the house and touched the door, my companion immediately made a really strong impact question he asked ¨what happens to the families after death?¨ there was a long silence and tears began to fall down the cheeks of a woman and 2 children who 2 days earlier had lost their mother to a terminal kidney disease. With tears in her eyes the woman looked at us and said ¨I don´t know, but I would like to know...¨ we felt truly humbled and happy to know that the message we were going to share would be one of hope and happiness in the life of this family who felt at a crossroads in life. They felt alone and discouraged, at the end of a long road without answers. I was happy to be the bearer of this good news for these people. As we testified of the power of the restored gospel my heart was full of happiness. How grateful I am to be a part of this church...to know and testify that Jesus is the Christ, that God is our Loving Heavenly Father with a plan to once again reunite all the families that for one time or another were seperated during this mortal journey on earth. The gospel is true. :) Family, how happy and excited I am to be able to hear your voices for the last time until I will hear them in person! I am so thankful for your love and support and pray and hope that all is well with you! With all the love I could possibly give you! Elder Falor PS...I will be expecting the call on the 13 at 6 pm (Costa Rica time...)