
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I love you family!

Hola mi querido familia!

How are you all doing this week? How was thanksgiving? I'm sure it was great as always. I love you all so much and I think about each of you daily and am reminded of the great love I have from my family back at home. My thanksgiving in the MTC was interesting but very good. We had a bunch of firesides and meetings, our first Devotional was with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve, It is so amazing to see all these apostles at the MTC that was my 4th apostle since I've been here, and that NEVER happens. The Lord is trying to tell his missionaries something, He is preparing us for His work which is no small task as I've came to find out here. After the Devo we did some humanitarian aid where we as missionaries traced, cut out, sewed together and stocked with school supplies 33,788 backpacks for kids in the US who need school supplies. It was such a special feeling to know that the backpack you were working on would soon bless the life of some child who desperately needed it, and they can be reminded how much the Lord loves them, and that we are aware of them and are doing all we can to help. It was a special day, it was different than any other thanksgiving I've ever had, but it was something special that I will never forget. It makes me want to do humanitarian stuff with the Church when I get older and off my mission.

Mom - Thanks so much for your support with my clothes, it's been a long week but after some dry cleaning and many times through the wash a few of my garments made it through, but I lost 4 shirts, which they will be replacing asap, I bought two extra pairs of garments which hopefullly the laundry facility will reimburse me for. So no worries, all is well. I'm doing great here, I'm learning more and more about myself and each and everyday I shed a little more off of my old self and am being made new in this great work. The Lord has blessed me IMMENSELY this week, my spanish has really picked up, my companion and I went from teaching 5 lessons in spanish to 14 in one week, and I know it's because of the Lord that this has come to pass. My first week as zone leader was a success, It's a lot of pressure, a lot of responsibility but I know that the Lord has great things in store for me, andt his is just another one of those layers that will be taken off sooner or later. I love you more than words can describe :)

Dad - I think about you so much while here at the MTC, you are always on my mind I can see this gospel blessing my life and I know it will bless yours, I think of the struggles we've experienced and the hard times, and I wonder how any of us survived without the Gospel, God truly hears His children's prayers, He answers them. I KNOW that if you call on God, He will reply. I know when you place your burdens on the Savior, He will boost you up and make you strong enough to carry it. I want you to know I have a strong testimony of this Gospel and of OUR Heavenly Father, He's aware of you Dad, He knows you better than you know yourself, and He's waiting anxiously for you to ask Him for help, He's waiting to bless you, He has many blessings in store for you and for our family. I know this, and I've seen the amazing different and impact my life has had since bringing my life closer to my Heavenly Father. I care about you a ton, and I love you, I think about you and talk about you everyday, you inspire me and you have blessed my life so much! I love you, don't forget it.

Also, Mom, I don't know whether or not I have my Visa, odds are it's not yet, but usually they give flight plans before you get your visa, so I should get the plans soon. So this week we said goodbye to another District in our Zone and It was sad, I felt like I was saying goodbye to more family, they (Elder Wixom, Bourgeous, Johnston and McClleland) Became my brothers, It was sad, but I know that they are going to the place where the Lord needs them. I'm gaining so many great friendships here and I am having the time of my life, I honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now (Except, maybe Costa Rica :))

I'm safe I'm blessed and the Lord knows me, don't worry about me when I head to Costa Rica, I know it will be tough to not understand exactly where I am or where I am going but know this, The Lord truly blesses His missionaries, Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:88. God is all around me and he is lifting me and boosting me each and everyday. Please don't worry about me, just know that I am doing His work, serving His children and I will be blessed for it.

I love you family! So much, I know this gospel is true and I love it as well. I thank each and everyone of you for your example and for your love. I know that if we come unto Christ and come unto God we will be blessed. I know that after we have done all we absolutely can do, God will pick up the slack and perfect us a little more each day, until we reach the point where we walk back into His presence and His embrace once again. (2 Nephi 25:23 one of my new favorite scriptures) I shouldn't apologize for sounding like a preacher, because that is what I've been called to do, I've been called to spread this glorious message to the people who DESERVE it, you all deserve it, you deserve to witness God's great love for His children, and you deserve to feel the happiness that I am feeling now. Don't forget you are loved, don't ever forget that you are in my prayers and that every little tender mercy, everything that is meant to make you grow and progress is from God, and depending on how we take it and use if for our benefit will depend on our success in life. I know all this are possible with God, I know I can accomplish miracles with his help, I know once again that this work is true.

Keep up the letters! They mean the world!

I love you tons!
Elder Falor

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