
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last week in the MTC!

Hello Family!

I hope this letter finds you all doing well! So I got my travel plans last Thursday! I will be leaving the MTC this coming Monday the 20th. And Mom, don't worry, not only will I be with the 4 elders from my district going to CR but we are traveling in a group of 16 missionaries all going to CR! So I will be plenty safe, guided, and protected. We leave our dorms at 2:45 in the morning so as to get to the travel offices here at 3 and our first flight leaves SLC at 5:30 AM, I don't know how much time I will have to call, but my Branch President said since it's so close to Christmast it will only be about 10 minutes depending on the layover, which mine is really short. So I will call at SLC anywhere from 4:00 to 5:00 AM, I'm sorry, I know it's early but I will be glad to talk to you all for a little while and then again on Saturday. I land in Houston at 9:32 aprox. and we leave there at 10:20 and should land in Costa Rica around 2:00 PM on monday. So should I call 7643170 on monday or the house phone or what? I'm so excited to hear from you!

Mom, I got your package, AH! thanks so much! The krantz were amazing as always, and thanks for sending me the dictionary that will be really helpful. The krantz were really good and reminded me of some good home cooking just before I have to get used to rice and beans for two years, YUM. But I am really excited because I'm growing sicker and sicker of the MTC food as the days pass. Also, I will be sending a package home full of things I will not need in CR (my 2nd suit, sweats, sweatshirt, etc..) So just keep an eye out for that. Also, mom if some money comes out of my account on monday it's because I will need some more money for baggage, i still have some stuff leftover that you gave me when I came in here, but I will be taking out extra just in case. And, I did get your pictures, I thought I mentioned that it was great to see all you, but I'm sorry if I didn't, I did get them and they were so great to have! Also mom, as I head to CR I realize that I wont be receiving dear elders like I have here, and that's okay, but one thing that has helped me this far is a part from that song "You'll be in my heart" that I had you listen to prior to my mission that I sing in my head from time to time: "when destiny calls you, you must be strong, I may not be with you, but you got to hold on"..I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now, and we are both away from each other which has never been the case in the last 20 years, but we've got to hold on, God has many blessings in store for us and he's just waiting for us to receive them. Stay strong, and remember you're always in my heart. :) P.s. Tell Kristie that i really enjoyed her letter and gift, give her a big thank you and a hug!

Holli, I'm sorry I dont have my address book with your e-mail on it, but I want you to know that I appreciate your letter, it was so great to hear from you, I'm glad you're doing better, I pray for you every single time I pray and you are always thought of. I hope that you continue to do well and stay strong! You will make an excellent mommy, I just know it and I can't wait for you to experience that. Stay strong and remember that I love you so much. Good luck!

So family, I made it a whole big 8 weeks here at the MTC, it's been tough to say goodbye to previous elders and it will be hard to say goodbye to half my district who leave tomorrow. We made our last temple trip today, we had our last choir practice, our last devotional last night, and our last TRC is tonight. It's crazy how fast time flies, and before we know it, I'll be going down that escalator and we will see each other again. I'm doing absolutly great, I can't even fathom how much I have learned while being here, It's insane and I have so much to learn. So my comp and I just got finished giving a blessing to one of the HErmanas in our zone, and I gave the blessing. It was so amazing! The spirit worked through me and I felt that she was comforted in her hard time. See, look at that! Look how much different I am now, 15 months ago, I would have never dared do that, not if my life depended on it. The Lord really has power to change us, for the better, I love who I am now as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere than here, learning how to spread the good news of the gospel in SPANISH to the people of Costa Rica. We had a great week here at the MTC last wednesday me and my companion welcomed the new district in and we are doing it again tonight as Zone Leaders. It's a lot of responsibility but I'm glad for the opportunity to serve. I am so thrilled to get to costa rica, even though tengo un poco miedo, but all will be well! I know the Lord knows me, I know I am his son, I know I was called of Him to declare his word to the People of Costa Rica, as if he were there Himself.

So this is my last p-day at the MTC, next time I write you I will be in Costa Rica, thank you all for the blessings you have given me and that I feel DAILY here at the MTC. I love my family. I love my God, and My Savior Jesus Christ. I know they live, I know they love me, and they love you, and all of the people on earth.
God be with you till we meet again, I love you family and friends :) stay strong

Elder Falor

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