
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7 weeks

Hello Family,

Mom to answer your questions, I don't mind getting my package here at the MTC, I was actually going to say that anyway, becasue this is the only SURE place that I will receive it, but the last day to send packages is the 22nd to the MTC so I should be out of here by then but we'll see, so send it and that would be wonderful :) And yes, I did try that licorice, and it was amazing! I knew I would love it, because we have similar tastes, haha. And I will be keeping this e-mail throughout my entire mission so if people want it they can have it, just remind them that I might not respond by e-mail, it will be handwritten if possible, but i willl do all I can to write back.

Well family, I really enjoyed hearing from you all this week as usual. It was a great week here, I can't believe its been 7 already and I'm beginning my LAST WEEK HERE! It's scary to think about beign in Costa Rica soon because my spanish is no where near where I want it to be, but I know the Lord will lift me up and strengthen me. I haven't received my flight plans yet, but some elders in my district have, the Costa Rican elderes and the Spain elder are still waiting for Visas and flight plans. But mostly likely I should get them today and I will write you if I do. I can only call home in one airport, so if I have a layover in somewhere other than Salt Lake do you want me to call there or at Salt Lake? This question is directed more at mom, but I would just want to know which one you would prefer. Just let me know and I will give you the details of what will be happening and where you should be when I call. Well now I am beginning my 8th week here, and the work doesn't stop, we keep pushing harder and harder, our entire days are filled with spanish and gospel study, our teachers don't even speak english to us anymore it's really amazing the things I can understand. Of course our teachers speak slower for us, but we still understand, what an amazing gift!

We had our usual Tues Devo last night and it was spectacular! I learned so much to help me become a better missionary and better serve the Lord. I have a lot of work but I know I can do it. On Fast sunday, I bore my testimony, I was the first one up because after last month I decided to NEVER EVER miss an opportunity to bear my testimony. So from now on if the spirit directs me I WILL bear my testimony. My testimony went surprisingly well, my spanish just flowed from my mouth and I felt the spirit working through me.

We're saying goodbye to 4 elders tomorrow who are going to the Dominican Republic, then 5 more next tuesday going to Boise and then 4 from my distrito going to Nicaragua. But good news! We are getting a new district today and me and elder Bagley have to introduce them and take them on a tour of MTC as their Zone Leaders. It's hard being a zone leader and having so much responsibility, people don't like to listen to us sometimes when we have to get them in their rooms for bed, but all is going well.

I'm so grateful to be on a mission, honestly I don't want to be anywhere else than where I am now. The rest of my life depends on how I use these next two years, everything will stem off of these moments at the MTC and the rest in Costa Rica, how I choose to obey and how I choose to learn and teach determines EVERYTHING and it's so crucial to be a missionary at this time where the Gospel is needed even more. I'm doing excellent, I almost got sick but drank almost 2 gallons of water a day and washed it all away, so I'm doing better now.

I love you all very much and I want you to know how much I truly appreciate each and every one of you. I printed some pictures of the day I entered the MTC and I look back at that day and see you all and how special you are to me. I also see myself and can't believe how much I've changed, I'm a completely different person. And I hope that you are all doing well, I pray for you everynight as much as I can in my broken spanish and I hope you can feel the Lord's hand in your lives, he's waiting for you to grab hold and he will take you to a height that is unattainable alone. I couldn't do this journey without him, not only my mission, but this life is incredibly hard without him. I encourage each of you to grab a hold, and don't let go. I know its corny but it's something I've definitely come to realize since coming here, I'm nothing without him, I'm nothing without my family, and it's truly a humbling experience.

Never foget how much your loved, and how much influence you are making on me each and everyday, I'm truly inspired because of all of you, you life me up by your love and support, I am who I am thanks to you. I owe everything I could possibly give to the amazing people in my life.

I love you all more than life itself, I pray you will find his hand, and that he can help you as he's helped me.
Stay strong! Don't forget who you are, children of God, that's the greatest lineage we could ask for :)
Love, Elder Falor

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