
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zone Leader

Hola Familia!

How is everyone doing? Once again, it's so great to hear from you all each day, I love your letters and all the support I feel from you. I just got back from another session at the Provo Temple and it's FREEZING outside! Which makes the walk even longer. It snowed only a little here, members of the MTC presidency have warned us to be careful because of the big storm coming and so far its been a wimpy storm here, I hope and pray you are all safe and well. Well this week has been super interesting, so many amazing things have happened I don't quite know where to start. First off I guess I can start off with sunday, My companion (Elder Bagley) and i have been called as Zone Leaders for our branch, It's a big responsibility but I'm happy and willing to serve as a leader of the Zone. Our first night as zone leaders we were having some problems with the Russian missionaries on the floor upstairs, and we went up there with the other zone leaders (Bourgeous y Wixom) and the whole floor of russian and other european missionaries wanted to start a fight with us, I was so scared and worried, but luckily Elder Bourgeous is a big man and he is super tough, luckily nothing happened and all is well, that was just my first scary experience being a zone leader. The Lord definitely wants to make a change inside of me, and It's time for me to step up and make that change for him.

Also, on Sunday my distrito sang MY FAVORITE hymn, in spanish in front of the zone. Come Thou Found in Espanol, it was a great experience, also, I blessed the sacrament in spanish! Crazy because I had only blessed it once in english and now I'm doing it in spanish, the Lord truly blesses my life and I can feel it every single day.

With Thanksgiving I have SO MUCH to be thankful for, I think about you all everyday and I'm so glad to have that support system back home, thanks for the package! And all the letters, everything arrived safe and I can say I am truly spoiled! I loved your turkey letters! They almost made me cry, It was great to hear from all my grandparents, my parents, siblings, cousin and my beautiful little niece! I also got a package from the allens on the same day, man, am I one lucky missionary to have all this support back home. I love you all! And I am so thankful for you! Have a great thanksgiving! Remember I love you, never forget it.

So mom, to answer your questions my days at the MTC are all pretty much the same, my companion and I go to bed at 1030 and wake up super early at 6 to get a shower before everyone else wakes up at 630 and then depending on the day we might do service, go to gym, go to class or go to the temple. It's so fun here, and I'm really enjoying all my amazing experiences. And yes, I see zayn and jana ALL the time, we always greet each other in spanish it's so good to see some familiar faces from home. Also, my district and I have lots of time to talk, we are always getting to know each other, and they are seriously my good friends now, I enjoy their company and their strong testimonies. Thanks for the quote book mom, an Elder in my distrito and I love quotes and we are always sharing them with each other, so that is good that I have that.

So yesterday, we had our usual tuesday Devo and Elder Per G. Malm from the Seventy came and it was so spiritual as always. What was special about this meeting was It was my first time singing in the choir, I sang come thou fount (if you couldn't tell its my absolute favorite song :)) And it was so special, I love that song so much, it has such a great meaning, and it made me realize that I need to give my heart to the Lord, so he can seal it for me, and make me a stronger person, missionary, friend, and disciple of Jesus Christ.

My spanish is coming, I struggle often with it because I want to express myself the same way I do in English, I love talking and bearing testimony in spanish, and I do it as often as I can. We've been teaching in Spanish all week in preparation for today where we teach an investigator in Spanish. I don't feel as ready as i want but I know the Lord and the Spirit will fill in the gaps. I love being a tool in the hands of my Father in Heaven and I cannot wait to get out of this cold and go to the warm tropics to serve the people of Costa Rica!

Dad! I love you a lot, thanks for your letter it was so good to hear from you, It's alright that you get emotional, I talk about you often here and I get really emotional, I miss you, stay strong and give mom a hug for me!

Mom! I am so grateful for you, you mean the WORLD to me. The other night I walked out of class and looked at the sky and the song that says "When I look to the sky, something tells me you're here with me, and I can ALWAYS find my way where you are here" And I immediately thought of you, how you're with me now, we're having this journey together, and no matter the circumstances with you by my side I can ALWAYS find my way, and now every night after class walking back to the dorms, I sing that song and think of you, not only as my amazing mother, but as a daugher of our Heavenly Father, I have so much love for you, I can't imagine the love our Father in Heaven has for you. It's truly amazing. Thanks for all your support in writing me, It really makes it easier to carry on with you there.

Grandma and Grandpa Long! Thanks so much for your letter! Take it easy on thanksgiving and remember I love you and am so thankful for you both! Stay safe and strong! Love you Lots!

Grandma and Grandpa Falor! You have no idea how grateful I am to hear from you, It is so special to have those little turkey hands with me, I've read them several times since I got them. Grandpa, stay safe and in good health and remember I love you a lot! Grandma, I know you're doing a great job taking care of grandpa, you're an amazing woman and I love you as well.

Chelsey and Mason! I love you both! I can't wait to get your pictures, thanks for being so awesome, keep writing me I love to hear from you. P.s Chels! your spanish sounds great :)

Holli and Andrew! You two are so awesome! Thanks tons for all you do! It's great to hear from you, please keep me updated on the baby and all thats going on, good luck! Have a great thanksgiving! i'm so thankful for you and I love you a lot!

Kory, Amy, and Parkie! You are all so amazing! Thanks for setting such a great example to me and being great siblings, thanks for having parker, haah, she is so cute, i brag to everyone about her, because she is probably the cutest child anyone will ever meet. Haha, but really, I love you all, stay safe!

And all others who are supporting me, remember I love you, remember you're Father in Heaven Loves you, remember that, and don't ever forget it. It's what keeps me going each and everyday.

I love you all, beyond my capability to express, and I pray for you (in spanish :)) And I am constantly thinking of you, you are the reason I'm here, you're the reason I am who I am, and I'm so thankful for that.

Love you all,

Your favorite Elder (jk)

Elder Falor

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