
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dear Allen Family,

It is so great to hear from you all and to receive such great strength from you. I can feel your prayers and love for me each and everyday. The MTC is hard, the schedule is hard, the spanish is hard, but, I know that with the Lord's help I can accomplish great things. I have grown such a deep love for the Savior in my short time here, I can really sense his presence in all I do here at the MTC. This week was great, we watched all the new missionaries come in and it felt great to not be the newbie's anymore. I love my district, they are all great Elders, and they have a sincere and deep desire to serve the Lord. Today we went to the temple and I didn't want to leave, the spirit in the Lord's house is PALPABLE! I felt so at peace, and I feel safe from everything when I am in there. I heard about all your new renovations and remodeling, congrats, I'm sure the house looks beautiful! How are the puppies, haha, this sounds dumb but I started missing them the other day, (you all as well) but I hope everything is going good and I'm sure you all haven't changed. I miss your sense of humor and your love in my life, but each day I am reminded of the great experiences I;ve had with you and i wouldnt trade them for the world. Jeff - thanks for the quotes you wrote, when I open up yours it always leads to an intense scripture study and I learn so much, thank you! Also, thanks for your dearelder letter, those things are gold each night when i get them, I get butterflies, so thanks.

Jeff, Anneli, and Family,

thanks so much for the dear elder letters, they mean more than you know. I saw Ben and he looks like he's doing great, he has helped me a lot when i see him around he always makes sure that i am doing okay. He is really a great Elder and I can tell he will do a lot of good in Puebla. The MTC is difficult and thus far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it will all be worth it. I'm so thankful to have you all in my life, you bring such a joy and happiness into my day when I think of all the fun memories we've had together. Keep staying strong and active in the Gospel, it is the greatest thing we have in our lives and it's so important that we treasure it everyday.

i miss you guys a ton! you are all in my prayers specifically everynight (lets just hope heavenly father understands really broken spanglish prayers :))

I love you all, I love this gospel, and I love my savior.

Love, Elder Falor

PS. Give Alicia a non-missionary hug for me and stay safe in guatemala!

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