
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 2

Mom, Dad and Family,

Thanks so much for all your love and support you've given me this past week and both weeks I've been here. Honestly it would be so tough to not here from you all the time, but it's such a blessing to be able to get a letter each night from you. I read it and I don't get distracted, I get more focused and am reminded each time as to why I am here. Being away from you guys has really made me appreciate the importance of a family. It's such a blessing to carry the message of the restored gospel and to be able to have my Savior's name attached to my heart. Mom, your letter after I told you about my confidence was JUST what I needed to go on that day. That day I got your letter I was really having a hard time, I was struggling with just about everything and really considered just giving up. But the Lord has other plans becaue he had you send me that amazing letter that reminded me to just keep pressing on, to keep going even though it was tough. After I read your letter I did exactly as you told me in your poem, I called upon my Heavenly Father and received the reassurance to keep going. And FYI I haven't had a single headache since I've been here, I've been feeling fine, I run about 3 miles a day at gym and I'm keeping myself as healthy as possible. I'm also sleeping really well. I'm one of the few elders in my district who loves the beds and thinks their comfy, I don't know why but I sleep like a baby in it. Dad - thanks for your letter! Your letters are good medicine to me and I love to hear from you, thanks for taking the time about of your day to let me know that you love me. I think about you a lot out here and how happy I am to have a Dad like you. You bring so much joy and happiness in to my life and I apologize for the times i failed to tell you that.

Oh, about my extra stuff you sent, don't worry I will probably just mail those home befor i leave like my suit, my sweats and other things that will be unnecessary for Costa Rica, but i can also take my carry on as well as my backpack so that should take up less space. Thanks so much for all you do, you are the reason I'm out here, you are the reason I am the way I am.

So this week was great, it was rough in some parts but that is part of the Sacrifice. I can feel satan pressuring me to think negatively about myself and about why I'm out here, but without fail the spirit of the Lord steps in and reminds me of my purpose, to Invite others to come unto Christ and to experience the love that this gospel brings to us. We had yet ANOTHER apostle come and talk to us last night at our Devotional, Elder M. Russel Ballard came and spoke to us and gave us some great advice about missionary work. On Monday night some of the elders in our zone were leaving so we got the entire zone together in one dorm room and sang God Be With You Till We Meet again in spanish. It was so powerful! The spirit is so strong and it comes through music a lot of the time. The rest of the week was just lots of studying and practicing teaching. I've never studied so hard in my entire life but it will be worth it.

Well I love you all so very much and I am so thankful for you. I want you to know that I know the work and reason to why I'm out here is so important to me and all of you. I know it's true and it's right, it's what I'm meant to do at this point in my life. I know that OUR Savior Jesus Christ lives and he is our redeemer and he is welcoming us all with open arms if only we will come to him. I love you all never forget that!

Love, Elder Falor

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