
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hola mi querido familia!

Hello my dear family,

It has been so great to hear from you all this week, I have definitely felt your prayers and love all the way here in provo. I kept thinking all week long about how lucky I am to have such amazing support back at home and how much love i feel from each and everyone of you. I have realized being away how much family is important, I want you all to know how much I truly love you from the bottom of my heart, you mean the world to me, and I wouldn't be here without a single one of you.

Mom - Man, it was so great to find those little surprises for me in my scriptures, everytime I'm struggling or something I stumble upon them and feel so grateful to have a loving mom at home who is pushing me along and making sure I know I can do it. Thanks for being on my shoulder! I couldn't do it if it weren't for you there, people probably think I'm crazy always looking at my shoulder but I just keep checking to see if you're there, and you always are, I love you so much! Thanks a ton for the package, it was well wanted, some other elders in my district got packages and I kept thinking, "All i want is candy" And you answered my prayers! Thanks for writing me on DearElder, don't worry you're not embarrassing me, I love getting a letter, even if it's just a Hi. It is so great! Tell Dad I love him a lot and I think about him everyday and the amazing example he is to me. Tell all my siblings and everyone how much I love them! I'm so grateful to everyone!

Maddy - Oh my goodness, thanks so much for the quotes, I don't know how I could go through my day without a little piece of you in it. We are best friends forever, and you mean the world to me. I can feel your support and strength each and everyday. I really appreciate the DearElder letters, they mean so much, I can't even express my gratitude. Poppy, thanks for your letter, it was so great to hear from you, thank you for your prayers and all the support I feel from you, I love you all!

Well this week has been crazy, I know everyone says this but I truly understand the statement that here at the MTC the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. The first week was long, but full of learning, laughing, getting to know people, getting to know more about myself, and my Savior Jesus Christ. The spirit at the MTC is PALPABLE! It's so strong and so uplifting to see thousands of people just like me, embarking on the service of our God. We all have one thing in common and that is to Invite others to come unto Christ. How important is that message and I'm so grateful that I am able to carry it. I love the elders in my district as well as in my branch they are all so great and so nice. My companions name is Elder Bagley from Star Valley, Wyoming, and the other elders in my district are Elder Kemp, Larsen, Hall, Thorum, Shelley, Ricks and Brown, they are all so awesome and I have 8 new friends now. Me and my comp have a room to ourselves so we are really lucky it's not too crazy. 4 Elders in my district are going to my mission, 4 are going to Nicaragua and 1 is going to Spain, they are awesome. My zone leaders, Elder Sewell and Phelps have been awesome! I feel like i've known them for years they help me out so much. So this week was a lot of class, a lot of studying, a lot of eating (the food here makes legacy house food taste like a delicacy), we had a fireside on sunday after church and that was so inspiring, and yesterday we had an Apostle of Jesus Christ come to the MTC for the 2nd week in a row, Elder Richard G. Scott came and gave a marvelous speech on seeking to bring the spirit. The cool thing was that he gave each and everyone of us an Apostolic blessing, which is equivalent to him laying his hands right on my head, he said that we will have the gift of tongues, confidence and constant guidance of the spirit. Which is a huge blessing, I need each and everyone of those blessings, my Heavenly Father was definitely aware of me last night, because i'm nothing without the spirit. Today we went to the Provo Temple and just got back IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I love the temple, and even though I don't understand it all I know the meaning is divine and that it is perfect. They keep us spiritually well fed here at the MTC and it is so great. Spanish is coming a long, it's more difficult than I thought but I know I will get it down. We sing all our hymns in spanish and all our prayers are said in spanish as well as all our meetings on sunday are in spanish. Today is my p-day and will be for the next 8 weeks until I leave the MTC. I'll admit i've been a little homesick this week but it always helps to think about the people back at home constantly supporting and loving me each step of the way, and as soon as I remember my purpose as a representative of Jesus Christ, my soul settles and all is well again.

Before I go I want each and every one reading this letter to know that I love you more than life itself, you are all so crucial to me, and i'd surely be lost without you. Each of you hold a spot dear to me in my heart as well as you Mom on my shoulder. I love you all, and I love this gospel, I know without a doubt this is where I am supposed to be, this is the place I'm meant to be and Costa Rica is where I'm meant to serve. I love my savior, Jesus Christ and I know He lives because I can feel it in my heart, I know God knows me and each of you and He is aware of all that is going on in our lives, I know this gospel can bless us beyond measure as long as we come unto Christ and allow Him and His atonement to heal us.

I love you soooooooooo much!

Good luck,
Con amor, your son, grandson, brother, adopted son, and forever friend,

Elder Falor

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