
Thursday, October 7, 2010

"It's like walking in sunlight, when the whole world is covered in rain clouds"

Well, I've got just under two weeks before I say goodbye to ol' CV for 2 years...

It's a weird feeling, knowing the place that has been a home to you for twenty long years will be far out of my sight for 24 months, 730 days...

But lately, I have had a question roaming through my mind: "Why do I want to serve a mission?"

I have thought long and hard about this. Why would I, someone who is such a homebody and hates leaving home, is super shy, and hates change, want to leave for 2 years to a foreign land and Preach to people who may not even understand me. why would I submit myself to many hours of walking in torrential downpours of Costa Rica, or face the dangers of many poisonous critters that creep and crawl practically EVERYWHERE?

Because I KNOW...beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I'm about to embark on, IS the Lord's work. This is HIS church, and He needs people like me everywhere to sacrifice their time, their everything to serve Him.

But not only that, it's because I also know that this Gospel, has brought me more happiness, more joy, more courage, more strength and more everything, and I believe everyone should have that same opportunity.

It's because I am shy and scared of change that I want to serve a mission. I want to experience real true service, real true heartache and sadness, so I can grow, and progress.

I want to because I want to be a better husband to my future wife.

It's because I know in God's eyes I am a part of the bigger picture.
"there's so much more to me, he helps me see that I have so much to offer"

Choosing to follow this path was THE best decision I've ever made, and will probably ever make, it will lead to future decisions that will lead me to happiness that I can't quite comprehend.

THAT'S why I want to serve a mission. To bring others BACK to where they know, deep down inside of them, that they should be. So they can live this life here on earth with true happiness and self-worth.


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